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  • Thread Starter webziss


    Thank you Aurovrata Venet, those solutions didn’t work for me but I will try to figure it out.

    Really appreciate your help!

    Thread Starter webziss


    Thank you for your reply.
    I now understand that my issue is quite different from what I thought, I am retrieving the products by specific categories array of ids, this is because I have to exclude some categories in my app before I get the products, so at the end the list of products I get are from multiple categories and not only 1. So my query looks something like that:

    const params = {
      per_page: "100",
      status: "publish",
      category: [16,31,25],

    I am wondering how can I find a workaround for that without adding too many API calls…

    Hi Aurovrata!
    I upgraded to 2.12.3 and my products order is not working anymore ??
    I guess that this can be related to this topic.

    Thanks in advance!


    I am not using any custom query on the theme. only standard woocommerce loop.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by webziss.
    Thread Starter webziss


    yes! soory. writing you on email.

    Thread Starter webziss


    Thank you for your reply.
    I downgraded to 2.7.4 but I cannot see all the products in the order page and also on the front website… (maybe the DB tables got messed up?)
    Do you think this is something you can fix soon? I don’t mind paying, this is the only plugin my client really liked working with.
    Thanks in advance!

    Thread Starter webziss


    ok never mind, I found it ??

    Thread Starter webziss


    hi there… is it possible to get the old version back?

    Thread Starter webziss


    I see, so you need to order both the category terms and the posts within the terms!

    Yes! exactly! ??

    So are you displaying posts or sub-categories? It’s diffifult to understand what is the front-end display your are trying to achieve.

    I am displaying the posts but I want them to be in the order of the sub categories and so the posts will be displayed like in the sub category itself.
    For example, if I am entering the parent category (fruits), I want to see the posts in order: Bananas then Grapes then Citrus , Apples , and so the posts will be in the same order like I am seeing them if I would enter the sub category itself.

    Now, how are you trying to order your posts for front-end display?

    The default order of the woocommerce for parent categories are by post title (means that the order is messy, apple would be first and then banana and then citrus and etc , not in the order of my sub categories) , so I tried to use your plugin to order them like I need, but it is a lot of work cause there a lot of posts/products.

    ok, in the latest version, you can reset your order from the previous 1.x custom tables. (see screenshot #4), reset your posts for the terms in which are you missing your posts.

    I have already tried that… didn’t help

    Thread Starter webziss


    So I tried what you said and I removed the products from the parent category and now the system is saying “no products found” when I am entering the parent category…

    Thread Starter webziss


    Hi Aurovrata Venet!

    First of all: thank you for the quick reply, I think you are the only one who’s actually replying the users, so thanks for that.

    what aspect of this other plugin are you using which you are not doing with this plugin?
    It is showing all the categories as a list and if a category has sub categories I can drug them all together, it is very usefull to me because I have lots of sub categories.
    This is the plugin:

    unlikely, although both plugins seem to use the same hooks to re-order posts on public queries,however the order storage in the DB will be different and therefore it is not possble to use this plugin to order your posts and display them using the other plugin.
    I am using this plugin only to reoder the categories/terms, not the posts/products themselves.

    yes, don’t include your child posts in the parent category. THis will solve the order issue. In order to display all child terms posts you will need to build custom queries.
    Really? so you mean that all the products will be displayed in the same order like the sub category?
    I know that I can write a custom query but I am trying to stick to the default query because I have the “load on scroll” functionality that breaks if I am displaying the products by sub categories, so what I am looking for is just the products to appear in the same order like in sub category. I think it was messy when they haven’t been included in the parent cat (I will check it anyway).

    lost? By default the only 20 posts are displayed in a large range, which you can alter using the range bar.
    Yeah I tried to use the bar but in some reason it didn’t display all the products…
    On the bar it was said 0-231 but on the grid there was less

    Thread Starter webziss


    Thank you Aurovrata Venet , I will do it ??

    Thread Starter webziss


    is anybody here ?

    Thread Starter webziss



    Thank you so much! it looks great but I think that the “Enter Countries as Comma Separated Text” is not working.

    I am checking the checkbox and adding the counties via “auto assign countries” and the drop down is set to “override with billing on checkout page only” but nothing happens when I change the billing country on the checkout form, the currency stays the same as I chose on the home page, the IP option works good thought , in Israel at least.. ??

    Thread Starter webziss


    WOOW that would be wonderful!!! thank you! and thanks for the quick reply!

    Thread Starter webziss


    Hi Alexander,

    After I removed the plugin and installed it again, the problem have been solved, It did removed all my settings from before and I had to set them from the beginning but the most important thing is that it is working now ??

    Thank you for the great plugin!

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