Forum Replies Created
I tried replacing this with
<?php comment_form($post->ID); ?>
<?php commment_form(); ?>
But neither of them made any difference.
@tim, my theme has the following code already. What am I missing?
<?php do_action('comment_form', $post->ID); ?>
Any further progress on this feature?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Web Scraper] [Plugin: WP Web Scraper] Some help needed with RegEx please*bump*
I am having the same exact problem with several different themes. In fact I have yet to find a theme where the comments function works. Has anyone got it to work?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-DBManager] [Plugin: WP-DBManager] Multiple backups on same dateI am having the same issue, also sometimes the backups are not Gzipped. Can’t ask about this on Lester Chan’s forum because he’s closed off new user registrations. It would be much better if all the support for this plugin was in the same, accessible place. It’s a great plugin and I get that Lester can’t support it any more, but at least keep the users together where they can support each other?
Turns out it was a corrupted plugin (Headspace) that caused the problem. When I removed that, the WPAUTOP function was restored and the <p> tags re-appeared.
But thanks for replying!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-o-Matic] wp-o-matic broken – invalid argument at Line 748Is anyone still maintaining this plugin?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [404 Notifier] Getting errors that aren'tI also have the same problem. 404 Notifier is reporting 404 errors for URLs that clearly test as 301 redirections to valid pages. Is there any support for this plugin?
OK I figured this one out but maybe there’s a bug here. The image is the number of tweets with a retweet button under it, but if you select “cache images” it does not get displayed because WPOM is trying to pick it from the cache folder.