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I’m assuming that this is the section of code in the-events-calendar.php that is causing the problem when you enable tep’s sidebar Events List Widget”
/* Display list of events. */ if( function_exists( 'get_events' ) ) { $old_display = $wp_query->get('eventDisplay'); $wp_query->set('eventDisplay', 'upcoming'); $posts = get_events($limit); //print_r($posts); if ($posts) : echo "<ul class='upcoming'>"; foreach( $posts as $post ) : setup_postdata($post); if (file_exists(TEMPLATEPATH.'/events/events-list-load-widget-display.php') ) { include (TEMPLATEPATH.'/events/events-list-load-widget-display.php'); } else { include( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/views/events-list-load-widget-display.php' ); } endforeach; echo "</ul>"; else: echo "no events"; endif; /* Display link to all events */ echo '<div class="dig-in"><a href="' . $event_url . '">' . __('View All Events', $this->pluginDomain ) . '</a></div>'; $wp_query->set('eventDisplay', $old_display); }
So using your example above, how would you change this code to avoid the loop conflict with the main calendar?
Thank you!
Let me add that it is indeed the sidebar Calendar Event Widget that is causing the problem for me. If I eliminate that, so too goes the problem changing dates on the calendar.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Edit get_calendar() function to allow show posts from specific category—-
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Edit get_calendar() function to allow show posts from specific categoryIt looks like the author of this Pastie may have abandoned it. It is true, there is a mistake in the code (at least for WP 2.9.2) that doesn’t detect future “events” in the target category ID, so you don’t get the future month link.
The programming is beyond me to debug, unfortunately, as this is a very useful modification to the default sidebar calendar widget which could be further customized once working.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: The Events Calendar] calendar widget doesn’t showI am using v 1.5.5 of The Events Calendar, I should have stated that up front.
In that version the-events-calendar.php, the following line should be commented out in order to permit the default Blog calendar Widget to function (until a custom sidebar widget is finished):
Line 2117 should be commented out:
/* Add function to the widgets_ hook. */ // add_action( 'widgets_init', 'events_calendar_load_widgets' );
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: The Events Calendar] calendar widget doesn’t show… because when you activate “The Events Calendar” plugin, you lose the built-in Calendar widget.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: The Events Calendar] calendar widget doesn’t showAnd now that I’m thinking about it (sorry for the stream of consciousness) I’ll bet this is/was an attempt to call upon WordPress’s built in simple post calendar to show, but only for “events” category and not all Post categories as it functions by default….
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: The Events Calendar] calendar widget doesn’t showThe commented out “hook” for what appears to be a gridview sidebar widget calendar is line 2093 in “the-events-calendar.php”
//echo get_calendar_custom();
uncommenting the function doesn’t apppear to work properly (at least not within my theme. It’s quite possible (next thing I will check) that the function simply isn’t defined yet.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: The Events Calendar] calendar widget doesn’t showI think the confusion is (and I have the same problem) that when you activate The Events Calendar you get access to TWO widgets. One called “Events List Widget” (which works properly) amd one called “Events Calendar” which doesn’t work, but does put up the title of the non-existant “calendar”.
It’s confusing to have a non-working widget show up.
Is this is a hook in progress for the future development of a sidebar grid view widget?
I think a sidebar grid-view would make this almost a perfect calendar plug-in.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: The Events Calendar] Suggestions for the widgetThis is a fairly simple thing to do on your own by using the ability to modify the Events List widget in the /Events/ folder within your theme (although I agree that the default should appear that way). For example:
<?php /** * This is the template for the output of the events list widget. * All the items are turned on and off through the widget admin. * There is currently no default styling, which is highly needed. * @return string */ // let's make time $start_time = strtotime(get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_EventStartDate', true )); $EventCity = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_EventCity', true ); $EventCountry = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_EventCountry', true ); $EventState = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_EventState', true ); $EventProvince = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_EventProvince', true ); ?> <li class="<?php echo $alt_text ?>"> <div class="when"><b> <span class="month"><?php echo date('M', $start_time); ?></span> <span class="date"><?php echo date('j', $start_time); ?></span> </b></div> <div class="event"><a class="more-link" href="<?php echo get_permalink($post->ID) ?>"><?php echo $post->post_title ?></a></div> <div class="loc"><?php $space = false; $output = ''; if ($city == true && $EventCity != '') { $space = true; $output = $EventCity . ', '; } if ($state == true || $province == true){ if ( $EventCountry == "United States" && $EventState != '') { $space = true; $output .= $EventState; } elseif ( $EventProvince != '' ) { $space = true; $output .= $EventProvince; } } else { $output = rtrim( $output, ', ' ); } if ( $space ) { $output .= '<br />'; } if ($country == true && $EventCountry != '') { $output .= $EventCountry; } echo $output; ?> </div> </li> <?php $alt_text = ( empty( $alt_text ) ) ? 'alt' : '';
I’m in the same boat here, and I can see too on some of the other people’s site examples that when trying to switch the calendar to a different month or year, it gets stuck in a loop saying its transfering data that eventually dies, but no change to the calendar grid view.
It took me a while to figure out how to trigger a calendar from a Page, and eventually I had to create a separate cloned template in my main directory as the ones in /events? didn’t show up in the Page tempalte drop down.
My example is here: https://develop.posseproject.ca/index.php/get-involved/events/ (temporary)
I have a news loop running in the sidebar which may be the conflict.
I’m confused, is there an events mini-calendar sidebar widget or only a sidebar list?Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: [Plugin: The Events Calendar] How to activate calendarWhat was the other calendar?
I’m, looking for a solution to this too. The effect is great, but sometimes (particularly full screen) the zoom is too much and the image is lost in the detail.
In the e-mortal words of Rosanne Roseanna Dana “Never mind”
The answer, at least for custom music URLS per “page”, is here: https://nextgen-gallery.com/custom-fields/
Still, I think it would be more intuitive to have this as a field in the Gallery Set-up admin panel.
This is something I am looking for too. There are two options in the settings for the plugins that you would think work together:
in Slideshow: Show next image on click:
in Gallery Settings: Page Link to:For me, when “Show next image on click” is disabled then the Slideshow and the Slideshow widget come up with a Flash “Play” button overlay which does nothing.