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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GravityExport Lite for Gravity Forms] Bugs(For others: Old versions in Development: Advanced View Tab)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GravityExport Lite for Gravity Forms] BugsExperiencing same, just so you know you are not alone. (Temporarily reverting.)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Members - Membership & User Role Editor Plugin] Conflict with Gravity FormsSame here. Issues began with V 3 and then just got worse (the last update completely disabled all the Gravity Forms permissions for Administrator!). (And yet other roles can access it. Right now I am seeing if we can re-establish permissions for Administrators, but unlike some similar Capabilities plugins, Members doesn’t appear to allow you to revert to Standard Role Permissions.
Thank you, I understand.
For other’s benefits, of course the Field IDs would need to correspond to apply the same filter to different forms, however there is no need to create form specific add_filter’s since you can simply define custom subset filters for specific Forms within the one general function itself if you wish. Logically you are choosing the specific subset from your own code to apply for the form you are addressing in the URL.
Ultimately though, since multiple Conditional Logic is provided by example contained in Gravity Form’s own Import /Export plugin, one might assume that that is the logical extension into the GUI for this purpose.
THank you again!
Actually, what I didn’t make obvious in regard to not making the filtering Form ID Hook specific was that we clone a lot of our forms and so the Field ID for certain fields that are used over and over are the same.
Plus $filter subsets can be form specific and so the routine will fire, but if there is no subset attached to the URL, then it simply returns the original search anyway.
I’ve tested and there’s no significant lag by leaving off the Form ID hook.
So the efficiency I was referring to IS already there in the code. In my case it would likely not be necessary to have separate add_filer Form Specific hooks, just multiple subsets to be used with specific forms. (If that makes sense.)
I think I understand, obviously you wouldn’t want the filter to run on all forms, but I was assuming that the Custom GF Excel Entries URLs runs its own code ONLY for the addressed Form (and so was hoping the routine and search parameters might only be applied by default there (since the result generated is only the one same form).
However I don’t have trouble using it with the Form ID hook, I was just thinking there might be a built-in efficiency, by default.
(Oddly I think you answered my other thread re Form ID hooks… lol).
It’s too much to debug this unless there’s an obvious reason. I am pretty certain that all of the code in my plugins and custom code is applied the same for both of these Forms (at least they should be, they are very similar).
If you do have time and like a mystery, then maybe I can set up access to the site directly (and donate).
I was just hoping it might be something obvious, but I’ll give it a pluginless try tomorrow.
LOL, Works, but for others benefit, at first I missed that in the code you needed to load the filter with the Form ID.
Can I assume that leaving out the Form ID on the add_filter would apply the routine to all gfexcel URLs….
…. my thinking is that if I am adding URL parameters, I would do so to the Custom gfexcel URL related to the Form I want to filter anyway (so it could be assumed), and therefore it would be possible to apply the same filter group to multiple forms without having to code separate add_filter functions for each form individually??
(The strangest thing… this works just fine with one Form, but then doesn’t work with a different Form. I can’t figure out why that would be.)
Or more accurately:
? Right?I think that will work well. Just to clarify, the example works like this?
?(Sorry, sometimes I need things in simple demonstrations to completely understand without experimentation since my PHP is so minimal.)
Also, apart from having a routine to pass and then break apart an array (so that customized search parameters can be passed without programming them into the code), I am wondering how hard it might be to adapt the code to pass pre-defined parameters like this (even assuming only a single search operator and value):
Thank you once again … I am just testing it now.
That’s fantastic! Thank you for the very quick response, it is much appreciated.
Good Morning Doeke,
I just thought I’d check in on you with this one. I wasn’t certain (sicne I responded late), whether this was something on your short term or longer term radar. (And I appreciate knowing either way, just so I can determine another route if necessary as the Children’s Camp I would use it for to draw out weekly reports begins next week.)
Many thanks as always!
Thank you, I almost missed this one!
Any method of being able to filter the resulting Excel Export based on conditional logic would be absolutely fantastic, and I can work with any version and customizing a URL with parameters, so long as you provide me with a workable example. Although I do understand what you have above, I would need to know how (surrounding code) / where to encode the filter logic array.
Thank you. Another box of expensive diapers would be on its way to you.
You ARE the best! Thank you!
I REALLY should take the time to fully learn PHP and coding one day, but I have been only “hacking” (as we called programming by the seat of your pants many decades ago) my way through object oriented coding since the late 70’s… jack of all trades, master of none.
Thank you again!