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  • Ugg. It’s a paid for theme, so can’t give a download link ??

    I don’t know if it’s obvious but this is the chunk of code that is failing (generating a thumbnail)

    if ( function_exists(‘get_the_image’) ) {
    if ( $udesign_options[‘default_thumb_on’] == ‘yes’ ) { // Default thumbnail option is selected
    $the_thumb_html_as_array = get_the_image( array(
    ‘meta_key’ => array(‘post_thumbnail’,’thumbnail’),
    ‘format’ => ‘array’,
    ‘size’ => ‘full’,
    ‘default_image’ => $default_thumb,
    ‘link_to_post’ => false,
    ‘image_scan’ => true,
    ‘width’ => $post_thumb_width,
    ‘height’ => $post_thumb_height,
    ‘cache’ => false,
    ‘echo’ => false,
    ) );
    } else { // Default thumbnail option is NOT selected
    $the_thumb_html_as_array = get_the_image( array(
    ‘meta_key’ => array(‘post_thumbnail’,’thumbnail’),
    ‘format’ => ‘array’,
    ‘size’ => ‘full’,
    ‘default_image’ => false,
    ‘link_to_post’ => false,
    ‘image_scan’ => true,
    ‘width’ => $post_thumb_width,
    ‘height’ => $post_thumb_height,
    ‘cache’ => false,
    ‘echo’ => false,
    ) );
    echo ( $the_thumb_html_as_array[‘src’] ) ? ‘<div class=”small-custom-frame-wrapper alignleft’.$shadow_class.'”><div class=”custom-frame-inner-wrapper”><div class=”custom-frame-padding”><img src=”‘.udesign_process_image( $the_thumb_html_as_array[‘url’], $post_thumb_width, $post_thumb_height, true, ”, false ).'” width=”‘.$post_thumb_width.'” height=”‘.$post_thumb_height.'” alt=”‘.$the_thumb_html_as_array[‘alt’].'” /></div></div></div>’ : ”;

    any help??? I can grab some sample parameters values that are being passed across if you need to see what it is actually pushing across to you?

    The call to
    returns a good $x[‘src’] value
    but $x[‘url’] is ”
    which then leads u-Design to say image not specified.
    Hope that helps the developer possibly???

    Same here. Interestingly also using u-Design theme.

    U Design Recent posts widget – thumbnails are returning;
    So no image displayed!
    (turned off on live to remove this problem)

    Thread Starter websanity


    Interesting. What was happening is that I was passing an array of query variables to it as parameter 1, and parameter 2 as the url. The query vars were auto-generated from a series of criteria which could end up with none (i.e. just leave url as is). In this case the array variable was set as ” (so NOT an empty array) which, I guess triggered it to use the three parameter option:
    add_query_arg( $param1, $param2, $old_query_or_uri );
    with param1 being ”
    and $param2 being the url
    and $old_query_or_uri not specified
    This led to the current page with my url tacked onto it in a weird fashion.
    My mistake but would be nicer if it were a little tighter on the error checking front – fraught with potential problems pushing both associative array and pairs of variables through the same function call – but I’m not a baby so I shouldn’t expect it to clean things up for me ??
    Thanks for your response.

    Thread Starter websanity


    That’s a good set of documentation links and the 4 YouTube intro videos are absolutely key, although I’d like to see them backed up by exact equivalent ‘text based’ pages (on YouTube the compression unfortunately makes the @ look like a #, but there’s not a lot you can do about that!)

    It would also be nice to stretch the beginner articles to include ‘Pages’ as well, since Pages add the magic ability to deal with pagination which templates don’t, and which is a very important capability if you are going to use Pods seriously.

    But I think the area that could be improved most – in terms of documentation – is organisation. So, I’m new to Pods, I go to documentation ( and in the Learn section I am greeted with a huge amount of info about the different types, but NOT about the usage of those types. i.e. very easy to see how to create Pods but not then to get them on screen. I really think that side of things could do with little more attention. The bottom link ‘Tutorials’ is the one I have to dig into to find how I actually get Pods on screen and then the first item in the list I see (no mention of excellent YouTube videos) is:
    “Partial Page Caching and Smart Template Parts with Pods”
    which is an advanced subject and not much help to a beginner and in fact off putting to a beginner. I dig through these and I come across
    “Pods – Pages and Templates and More Pages OH MY!”
    which basically looks like what I need, but it isn’t Pods originated content, is based on an old version of Pods and is, well appears, to be incorrect.

    Can you add tags to the articles tutorials and reveal them, so then people could filter by beginner, advanced, creation, display etc. I know there aren’t many articles but it’s just a ‘what the heck’ when you see them all randomly on screen? Maybe just order them so they range from beginner to advanced from top to bottom?

    And can you get the YouTube articles linked from an article within tutorials section as I didn’t seem them in there?

    That’s some suggestions but just from my personal point of view, hope they make sense and might be of some use. I just feel there needs to be a little more in Pods documentation itself (i.e. written and controlled by you) about how to get pods on screen (as covered by the excellent YouTube walkthroughs, and on using Pages). And the documentation just needs to be better structured and more easily discovered.

    My dream is for code on screen (that works and can be copied and pasted!) and instructions that you can walk through to deliver a simple solution to create Pods, then get them on screen, up to and inculding Pages; listed in the Sections | Learn list and then the more advanced stuff is fine covered as is. That way people can quickly get into it, understand the principles and off you go!

    Hope that is positive feedback.

    Cool, we all want WP to be better at the end of the day!

    And why, when you select a different colour scheme within your profile does the admin bar across the top of the screen switch ‘back to black’ when you switch to viewing the live site. Surely it should just match the colour of the exact same bar when you’re in the admin view? That flopping from one colour to another is just plain ugly.

    Hopefully these are just oversights and will be fixed in 3.8.1

    I’m sorry but I have to agree that the new interface looks dreadful – to me, (I think it’s the choice of font that kills it for me, it’s just too fussy and ‘too big’) but I understand that that’s personal preference.

    The one thing that I feel could warrant serious criticism is why, oh why oh why, have the grouping separators in the left admin column disappeared? The left column is now just one HUGE list of options which scare the uninitiated and make it harder to find the entry you’re looking for even if you use it on a daily basis. Now THAT breaks absolutely fundamental rules of UI design! Hopefully they might creep back in at some point ??

    There were all sorts of horrible hacks to try to get around it – like putting
    <iframe blah>
    in a separate file and including that into your tab… but it didn’t work for me.
    I tried Bing maps but it was worse ()pointers just don’t show at all when shared – d’oh!)

    I think if you use the maps API you can force a redraw when the tab is clicked, but with a Tabs plugin it possibly isn’t possible to hook into that (unless maybe they have a hook for that?)
    Anyway, I just linked in an external window, which is a shame.

    Thanks for Google link – good to know I’m not just “shouting at the wall” on my own ??

    The problem is that the Google maps code looks at the size of the enclosing DIV, which is hidden by the tab code and then fails (usually by getting the centering of the map wrong). These problems were talked about as far back as 2009 but Google haven’t been bothered to fix it – obviously too busy seeing how they can extract more money out of people…

    Sorry – should have gone through that standard checking procedure; and I meant 2012 theme, sorry again (don’t know what year I’m in)

    Deactivate all plugins – now OK.

    Reactivating one by one by one…
    and the culprit is…
    Post Types Order
    A plugin for allowing you to reorder posts or custom post types by drag/dropping.

    There is a setting in their settings that says
    Admin Sort To affect the admin interface, to see the post types per your new sort, this need to be checked.
    Which is ticked by default. This KILLS the ordering of images in a page, because by turning it off everything works OK. I shall report this to the plugin developer…


    Broken for me too – I’m using a lightly modified 2012 theme. It might be a plugin, but I’m suspicious that it isn’t. If you edit a gallery, drag drop the order, hit update, then immediately edit the gallery again the order returns to what it had initially again. These isn’t any theme involved in that bit, nor any plugins? I’d say it was a core issue with 3.6 update?

    Good idea on running an old version. Hmm, just threw 2.1.17 on there and it just says 100% immediately and does nothing. But that is waaaay old code ?? Must dig out a slightly newer version, but seems to be a pretty big issue it would be good for BackWPUp to crack in their current code!

    Think I’ve got the same issue here.
    Jobs get to
    [INFO] Backup type is: archive
    [INFO] Backup file is: XYZ
    in the log then just hang there.
    This seems to be cloud based host specific (conventional hosting works fine). The host said something about not relying on sessions being written to disk because everything is cached in memory on their cloud hosting (which is guess is what the ‘memcache’ has to do with?!).
    I tried:
    “Please try this: Go to BackWPup -> Settings and check the option Restart on every main step. Then go down to Restart on archive creation and enter 200. Save your changes and try running your backup job manually. If it fails again, play with that 200 a little setting it lower until the job executes fine.”
    Made no difference – still just sits there.

    Anything else I can submit to help track down the problem? (I’ve got a site that’s in dev and you can access to if it helps).




    Same here with a regular WP site. Ever since the latest major upgrade (only with this one installation/host, OK on others). Go in and authenticate, says OK, go elsewhere, come back again, says not authenticated. All other settings saved OK.

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