i have also problem with this checkbox :
i have upgraded from to 3.9.1
– in, when the checkbox was checked, fields under was hidden.
– in 3.9.1, when the checkbox is checked, fields under are not hidden,
and i have this jquery error :
“Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: :not( .checkout-heading-row, :has( #agree ), :has( .wpsc_gateway_container ) )”
this error come from : wspc-core/js/wp-e-commerce.js line 519
i found a very bad mean to arrange this, i replace line 519 by :
var billingInfo = jQuery( ".wpsc_checkout_form_11, .wpsc_checkout_form_12, .wpsc_checkout_form_13, .wpsc_checkout_form_14, .wpsc_checkout_form_15, .wpsc_checkout_form_16, .wpsc_checkout_form_17" );
billingInfo.closest( "tr" ).hide();
Someone know a best mean to arrange this ?