Forum Replies Created
Thank you for your review. We appreciate it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Web Push Notifications - Webpushr] Woocommerce supportHi there,
It is possible that shop_order appears as a Post Type because our plugin essentially picks up all post types, without discrimination, that are available in the WP instance. It was primarily designed so our customers could pick and select any custom post type that they wanted to enable push notifications for. It is probably not the best solution and we will consider changing the drop down to not show ALL available post types. Your suggestions are welcome here.
Our engineering efforts are primarily focused on making the existing set of features robust and scalable and support for WooCommerce is not in the pipeline at this time.
Hope this helps. Feel free to ask any follow-up question(s).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Web Push Notifications - Webpushr] Woocommerce supportHi there, our plugin currently does not support woocommerce events.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Web Push Notifications - Webpushr] Not working with custom postsHappy to help. Have a good day.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Web Push Notifications - Webpushr] Not working with custom postsAlso, please make sure the name of the custom post is added to “Post Type” field in our plugin’s configuration page.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Web Push Notifications - Webpushr] UTM TrackingYou are welcome. Have you been able to use the feature? Is it working fine for you?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Web Push Notifications - Webpushr] Not working with custom postsCan you please check if the name of the custom post is added to “Post Type” field in our plugin’s configuration page. If not, then that should fix it. If you have already added the name, then read on.
The plugin should work with the custom posts. How did you create this custom post? Was it hand coded by you or did you use some type of a plugin?
We tested with a custom post type called “poems” (code below) and it works fine. Please respond back here if you are able to resolve.
function cptui_register_my_cpts_poem() { /** * Post Type: poems. */ $labels = [ "name" => __( "poems", "twentynineteen" ), "singular_name" => __( "poem", "twentynineteen" ), ]; $args = [ "label" => __( "poems", "twentynineteen" ), "labels" => $labels, "description" => "", "public" => true, "publicly_queryable" => true, "show_ui" => true, "show_in_rest" => true, "rest_base" => "", "rest_controller_class" => "WP_REST_Posts_Controller", "has_archive" => false, "show_in_menu" => true, "show_in_nav_menus" => true, "delete_with_user" => false, "exclude_from_search" => false, "capability_type" => "post", "map_meta_cap" => true, "hierarchical" => false, "rewrite" => [ "slug" => "poem", "with_front" => true ], "query_var" => true, "supports" => [ "title", "editor", "thumbnail" ], ]; register_post_type( "poem", $args ); } add_action( 'init', 'cptui_register_my_cpts_poem' );
- This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by webpushr.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Web Push Notifications - Webpushr] Compatibility with other PWAThank you for trying Webpushr out. It is probably due to conflict with the service worker file.
Only one service worker (our service worker file is webpushr-sw.js.php located at ~/wp-content/plugins/webpushr-web-push-notifications/sdk_files/webpushr-sw.js.php) can be registered with the top most (site root) service worker scope. Please import any other service worker files into our service worker to remove this conflict.
Here’s how you can do that:
Currently the content of webpushr-sw.js.php (located at ~/wp-content/plugins/webpushr-web-push-notifications/sdk_files/webpushr-sw.js.php) contain the following single line:
Please modify the content of webpushr-sw.js.php to import your other service worker files like this:
importScripts(‘https://example.com/additional-service-worker.js’);- This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by webpushr.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Web Push Notifications - Webpushr] Excellent product and support.Thank you for the kind words. We truly appreciate your support.
We are closing this thread. Feel free to add updates.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Web Push Notifications - Webpushr] UTM TrackingQuick update: Ability to add UTM parameter to click URL has now been added to version 2.0.0
Webpushr SupportForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Web Push Notifications - Webpushr] WEB PUSH Notification for safari userWe offer all features for free version including support for Safari Browser. Please follow these steps to enable safari push:
1- Log into Webpushr web console
2- Select your site
3- Select “Setup” from the menu on the left
4- Click on “Safari Notifications” and follow the steps carefully.For any additional questions, please email at [email protected] and mention this thread for posterity sake.
Webpushr SupportForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Web Push Notifications - Webpushr] UTM TrackingSorry for the delayed response. The ability to add UTM parameters to click URL does not exist in our WordPress plugin at this time.
We will be adding this soon. In the meanwhile, please take a look at the following reports to see detailed stats (confirmed deliveries, notifications clicked, notifications closed, etc.) for each push:
1- Inside Webpushr Plugin: Under Webpushr -> Notification Stats
2- Webpushr Dashboard: Under Notification -> WP Notifications Link
3- Webpushr Dashboard: Under Dashboards -> Geek Me Out LinkForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Web Push Notifications - Webpushr] Can this plugin be combined with a PWAHi Heinvv,
Yes, the push notifications are delivered as long as the browser is open. It is not necessary for your website to be open.
Please email at [email protected] for faster response.
Webpushr SupportForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Web Push Notifications - Webpushr] This plugin is not working in my siteMarking this as resolved.