I have tried 3 methods
1. In learndash putting the link to the video
2. Gutenburg Vimeo block with the link
3. Elementor video block with the link
It’s really strange. I made no changes everything was working fine. I could watch and view all the videos, then updated around the 1st or 2nd of May with WP 5.4.1 and updated all other plugins and it stopped working.
At first it looked like the Mailchimp Woo plugin was causing it because I updated all but when I updated Mailchimp woo it stopped working. But then I did I complete clean install with 5.4.1 without the Mailchimp woo plugin and still not working.
If I go back to my backup from the day before 5.4.1 it works. But then today I loaded the backup where it stops working and used a plugin to force WP back two versions and still not working. I can’t figure it out.
It happens on more than one site clean install with nothing, no caching and no plugins.