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  • Thread Starter webmasterfreya


    Sorry, i see the problem is already decribed under “Fatal Error on BuddyPress user page after upgrade”.

    Thread Starter webmasterfreya


    Thanks for your effort!

    Thread Starter webmasterfreya


    PS same applies to mCSB_buttons.png

    Hi all,

    Uploaded the changed wp-slimstat.min.js, wp-slimstat.js, and wp-slimstat.php file to my site and the opt_out message showing problem is gone.

    Thumbs up for Jason.

    Thread Starter webmasterfreya


    Could not resist to solve the missing “Lastupdated” column.

    Executed the following:
    ALTER TABLE freya_wfIssues ADD lastUpdated INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AFTER time ;

    ALTER TABLE freya_wfIssues ADD INDEX (lastUpdated);
    ALTER TABLE freya_wfIssues ADD INDEX (status);
    ALTER TABLE freya_wfIssues ADD INDEX (ignoreP);
    ALTER TABLE freya_wfIssues ADD INDEX (ignoreC);
    UPDATE freya_wfIssues SET lastUpdated = time WHERE lastUpdated = 0;
    ALTER TABLE [replaced]_wfPendingIssues ADD lastUpdated INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AFTER time;
    ALTER TABLE [replaced]_wfPendingIssues ADD INDEX (lastUpdated);
    ALTER TABLE [replaced]_wfPendingIssues ADD INDEX (status);
    ALTER TABLE [replaced]_wfPendingIssues ADD INDEX (ignoreP);
    ALTER TABLE [replaced]_wfPendingIssues ADD INDEX (ignoreC);

    Also extracted the data from wfBlocksAdv and added the patterns manually via the blocking page (custom pattern).

    Removed wfBlocks and wfBlocksAdv tables.

    All seems well.

    Thread Starter webmasterfreya


    Added entries of wfBlocks to wfBlocks7

    INSERT INTO [removed]_wfBlocks7 (type,IP, blockedTime, reason, lastAttempt, blockedHits, expiration)
    9 as type,IP, blockedTime, reason, lastAttempt, blockedHits, 0 as expiration
    FROM [removed]_wfBlocks

    As for all added entries wfsn = 0 AND permanent = 1 so the type is always 9 and the expiration always 0 (no need for case statement).

    All entries now visible on the blocking page ??

    Remains the problem of ” Unknown column ‘lastUpdated’” but that i leave to the wordfence professionals :-).

    Thread Starter webmasterfreya


    Additional info from logs

    [25-Jan-2018 11:40:52] WARNING: [removed] child 24959 said into stderr: “NOTICE: PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method wfWAFIPBlocksController::setNeedsSynchronizeConfigSettings() in removed/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/wordfence/lib/wordfenceClass.php:648”
    [25-Jan-2018 11:40:52] WARNING: [removed] child 24959 said into stderr: “Stack trace:”
    [25-Jan-2018 11:40:52] WARNING: [removed] child 24959 said into stderr: “#0 removed/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/wordfence/lib/wordfenceClass.php(1026): wordfence::runInstall()”
    [25-Jan-2018 11:40:52] WARNING: [removed] child 24959 said into stderr: “#1 removed/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/wordfence/wordfence.php(61): wordfence::install_actions()”
    [25-Jan-2018 11:40:52] WARNING: [removed] child 24959 said into stderr: “#2 removed/httpdocs/wp-settings.php(305): include_once(‘/var/www/vhosts…’)”
    [25-Jan-2018 11:40:52] WARNING: [removed] child 24959 said into stderr: “#3 removed/httpdocs/wp-config.php(80): require_once(‘/var/www/vhosts…’)”
    [25-Jan-2018 11:40:52] WARNING: [removed] child 24959 said into stderr: “#4 removed/httpdocs/wp-load.php(37): require_once(‘/var/www/vhosts…’)”
    [25-Jan-2018 11:40:52] WARNING: [removed] child 24959 said into stderr: “#5 removed/httpdocs/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php(22): require_once(‘/var/www/vhosts…’)”
    [25-Jan-2018 11:40:52] WARNING: [removed] child 24959 said into stderr: “#6 {main}”
    [25-Jan-2018 11:40:52] WARNING: [removed] child 24959 said into stderr: ” thrown in removed/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/wordfence/lib/wordfenceClass.php on line 648″
    [25-Jan-2018 12:00:49] WARNING: [removed] child 25264 said into stderr: “NOTICE: PHP message: WordPress databasefout Unknown column ‘lastUpdated’ in ‘field list’ bij query select MAX(lastUpdated) from [replaced]_wfIssues gemaakt door do_action(‘wp_ajax_wordfence_activityLogUpdate’), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, wordfence::ajaxReceiver, wordfence::ajax_activityLogUpdate_callback, wfIssues->getLastIssueUpdateTimestamp, wfDB->querySingle”
    [25-Jan-2018 12:01:04] WARNING: [removed] child 25263 said into stderr: “NOTICE: PHP message: WordPress databasefout Unknown column ‘lastUpdated’ in ‘field list’ bij query select MAX(lastUpdated) from [replaced]_wfIssues gemaakt door do_action(‘wp_ajax_wordfence_activityLogUpdate’), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, wordfence::ajaxReceiver, wordfence::ajax_activityLogUpdate_callback, wfIssues->getLastIssueUpdateTimestamp, wfDB->querySingle”
    [25-Jan-2018 12:01:19] WARNING: [removed] child 25264 said into stderr: “NOTICE: PHP message: WordPress databasefout Unknown column ‘lastUpdated’ in ‘field list’ bij query select MAX(lastUpdated) from [replaced]_wfIssues gemaakt door do_action(‘wp_ajax_wordfence_activityLogUpdate’), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, wordfence::ajaxReceiver, wordfence::ajax_activityLogUpdate_callback, wfIssues->getLastIssueUpdateTimestamp, wfDB->querySingle”
    [25-Jan-2018 12:45:22] WARNING: [removed] child 26482 said into stderr: “NOTICE: PHP message: WordPress databasefout Unknown column ‘lastUpdated’ in ‘field list’ bij query select MAX(lastUpdated) from [replaced]_wfIssues gemaakt door do_action(‘wp_ajax_wordfence_activityLogUpdate’), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, wordfence::ajaxReceiver, wordfence::ajax_activityLogUpdate_callback, wfIssues->getLastIssueUpdateTimestamp, wfDB->querySingle”

    Thread Starter webmasterfreya


    line 118
    118 $ecard_body_additional = htmlspecialvars_decode(esc_html(get_option(‘ecard_body_additional’)));

    should be
    $ecard_body_additional = htmlspecialchars_decode(esc_html(get_option(‘ecard_body_additional’)));

    so specialchars instead of specialvars (typo ?? )

    Thread Starter webmasterfreya


    Thxs !


    A solution is to set max-height and overflow-y:hidden in the parent <div> element.


    .slider {
      height: 236px;max-height:236px;overflow-y:hidden;}

    Also on

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