5 years, 11 months ago
OK. THanks for the reply. Could have sworn when I first used the gallery I had them empty, perhaps I did not.
I used a . in the post to remove the picture title so it is almsot empty, minue the .
6 years, 3 months ago
I had this plugin get upgraded over the weekend and ever since I am getting all sorts of vulgar spam with sex references and curse words.
Very disappointed.
Going to have to look at different options that do not use this non-efficent method of verification.
I did a re-install of WP – since the site is relatively new. Updated link… same issues. Going to disable until I get some advice howevere. and then the admin link normal.
8 years, 4 months ago
The removal of the header in this manner actually kills a lot of functionality such as copyright protect (right click) and the music in the background.
Seems I’ll need another solutions.
Well, getting there.
That does it, but then adds the title to the page and removes the music from Soundy Music Backgroud plugin?
Forgive my ignorance, but where am I putting this?