Really appreciate your positive response.
I tried once after your first reply about 10 days ago, the problem is still there. When I click “Forgot password” from the backend of WP, the link still goes to Swedish page, and the language switch on right top cannot be pulled down to choose, it’s just a fixed Swedish flag there. So I tried several times, guessing what the english page link would be, and I made it.
But a second problem appeared, when I clicked the link to reset my password from the mail, it just jumped into your website homepage,nothing to fill in nothing to choose, not even a button. I was really confused coz I really don’t believe wincher team will make simple stupid mistake like this. I love your plugin.
At last, I changed the browser to Chrome, everything is fine now. Language on right top can be chosen, and form for passwd reset shows up: )
The previous browser was Sogou explorer, which also uses previous version of chronium.
I just don’t why, anyway thank you very much for your concern.