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  • Thread Starter WebDragon


    Some of the out-of-order css loading may in fact be due to the siteground optimizer plugin which doesn’t seem to respect the wordpress css load-order, and this isn’t the first time I’ve run into this issue with that plugin; you may want to talk to those folks about it.

    Thread Starter WebDragon


    So finally going back to revisit this and am utterly unable to follow your suggestion about duplicating the event date widget and splitting it between start date and end date because I cannot figure out for the life of me how to edit that widget to do so. It doesn’t even seem to HAVE that option let alone the ability to edit the text of the title.

    I was able to, after a ton of css twiddling resolve some of my reported width issues with the venue section and map but your defaults seem very very odd to me, and on top of that it’s loading your defaults AFTER any customizations to the Elementor element css that I add, so I have to !important everything, (which is bad for obvious reasons)

    See screenshots with commentary:

    It’s now at least tweaked into a reasonable semblance of the original (while still far far from it insofar as appearance and configurability and customization. This still needs work on your part, but at least I’m reasonably okay with letting this be live on the site now and can abandon the version with the security problems. But please, continue to address this issue, because this is a far cry from the earlier sleek appearance.

    For the record, I do not, at this time, consider this bug resolved.

    Thread Starter WebDragon


    I might recommend, that in the interim, for elementor at least, that you look into having either a separate block for the map vs the venue contents so you can insert it specifically when and how you like, and exert control over sizing dimensions in the widget itself. (like max height or width, responsive design, etc), or having specific widget controls added to the venue block to control the display of the map.

    I’ll give it another go soonish and see what other tricks I can use – your suggestion about duplicating the content seems valid; I’ll give that a try.

    Thread Starter WebDragon


    Well… it’s *close* but not close enough.

    On the Details section I can’t have a separate Start / End like I do on the original.

    The Venue block doesn’t align well with the others, and I am unable to re-arrange the placement of the venue’s google map let alone its height/width to be more square like the original

    The Page Title header font-size is inexplicably smaller despite being still an H1

    It feels oddly like I have less control not more, considering I can’t seem to figure out how to make it look just like the original page.

    screenshots with descriptions:

    Hope this is helpful. I rolled back to 6.3.7 again for now because it just looks so much cleaner

    Thread Starter WebDragon


    I think I managed to figure out what was going on – after puttering around with it for the better part of an hour, and watching that video you sent, I noticed that in Theme Builder > Single Event, the Dynamic template was not set to have any instances or conditions, and seeing as in the video they DID set that to show as a conditional to Events, I went and set that, but didn’t touch anything else and now I get the page’s appearance I (for the most part) expected, although it differs from what was previously displaying, in some small layout bits

    I’m sure I can tweak those though.

    I’m going to play with it some more, and will get back to you shortly, regarding whether I have any issues after this point, and if not, i will come back to report success and close the ticket.

    • This reply was modified 5 months, 1 week ago by WebDragon.
    Thread Starter WebDragon


    @bordoni please don’t get the impression that I was being disparaging or dismissive in any way, I want to understand what’s happening here as much as you do, and inasmuch as I was not the one who set this up originally, I’m not as familiar with the prior let alone current innards of all the settings options (of which there appear to be a plethora)

    I’m simply attempting to ask for clarifications regarding what I don’t yet understand, while providing you with as much relevant surrounding info as I can to fill in the picture for you better. I’d be more than happy to arrange a zoom/google-meet/discord chat with you and do a screenshare to help narrow down things, if that would be easiest? (My Timezone is Eastern US (GMT-4)) Although we do not currently have the premium version of the plugin, so I would understand if you were unwilling in that case.

    I’ll look into the info you provided and see what I can come up with — it’s tricky because I can’t leave the newer versions of the plugin running for any length of time due to the bug, but at least WP-CLI lets me quickly roll it back once I finish testing.

    Thread Starter WebDragon


    @jmsil seeing as I was already (as I posted at the very beginning of this ticket) asked to make a separate ticket of my own to track my specific issue with, i’m going to go ahead and ask you to do the same and stop karking up mine.

    @bordoni As near as I can figure, NO one has ever touched these templates in any way. Now, we did inherit this system from a former developer but this particular site had not been up for very long when we did. They were someone who came in and assisted in a transition from an old site, where the organization was forced to oust a former head honcho who wouldn’t let go the reins after losing the election to a new board president.

    I don’t believe the other dev had ever modified the default template either, as things seemed to have ‘just worked’ up until this point in time — it just points to /events/list and /event/single-post-name-whatever/

    I wasn’t looking to do anything fancy with the plugin in Elementor either, but I was at least presuming that the defaults would work as expected or at least not break what had existed prior to the update.

    Since there appear to be TWO templates in question here, I would ask that you clarify which one you wanted to see the Elementor admin view of.

    …is if you have Elementor pro you should be able to use the Theme Builder to ensure that all Events are using the “Dynamic” template, meaning the one that automatically applies to all of the existing Events.

    can you clarify what you mean by this?

    Thread Starter WebDragon


    Sure thing. Here you go

    Hopefully these screenshots help clear up the problem we are experiencing

    Oh and confirmed again just now that simply disabling Elementor is enough to make the page function as it should again while the current Events Calendar plugin is still running. Currently at Elementor 3.21.8 and Elementor Pro 3.21.3

    Thread Starter WebDragon


    Fantastic. Glad I could help a little.

    Thread Starter WebDragon


    Would you mind terribly much ‘pinning’ a separate support thread, indicating what you just told me above, so that other premium users will see it at the top of the list on first coming to which will help prevent others from making the same time-wasting mistake I did ?

    I’ve opened a helpdesk ticket on your site as you requested. Apparently I already knew about it, as I had posted a bug there previously; however, at the time, I was additionally not on the CC list for the email forwarder that my boss set up for the account, so I did not receive your reply to the other ticket from 20 days prior (oops) annnnnd, yeah… we fixed that now.

    • This reply was modified 6 months ago by WebDragon.
    • This reply was modified 6 months ago by WebDragon.
    Thread Starter WebDragon


    Nope wait, still DoingItWrong??

    function wp_register_script was called incorrectly. Scripts and styles should not be registered or enqueued until the wp_enqueue_scripts, admin_enqueue_scripts, or login_enqueue_scripts hooks. This notice was triggered by the kadence-blocks-accordion handle. (This message was added in version 3.3.0.)

    function _c1_register_kadence_blocks_accordion () {
        if ( !is_admin() &&  is_plugin_active('kadence-blocks/kadence-blocks.php') && ( version_compare(KADENCE_BLOCKS_VERSION, '3.1.22', '>=') ) ) {
            wp_register_script('kadence-blocks-accordion', KADENCE_BLOCKS_URL . 'includes/assets/js/kt-accordion.min.js', array(), KADENCE_BLOCKS_VERSION, true);
            wp_register_style('kadence-blocks-accordion', KADENCE_BLOCKS_URL . 'dist/style-blocks-accordion.css', array(), KADENCE_BLOCKS_VERSION);
    add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', '_c1_register_kadence_blocks_accordion');

    There. NOW it’s fixed.

    Thread Starter WebDragon


    I think I may have finally managed to dope it out on my own – in the custom shortcode file, at the top I added (culled from kadence-blocks) :

     if ( is_plugin_active('kadence-blocks/kadence-blocks.php') && ( version_compare(KADENCE_BLOCKS_VERSION, '3.1.22', '>=') ) ) {
        wp_register_script('kadence-blocks-accordion', KADENCE_BLOCKS_URL . 'includes/assets/js/kt-accordion.min.js', array(), KADENCE_BLOCKS_VERSION, true);
        wp_register_style('kadence-blocks-accordion', KADENCE_BLOCKS_URL . 'dist/style-blocks-accordion.css', array(), KADENCE_BLOCKS_VERSION);

    Within the shortcode that actually calls the accordion, we additionally do

        if ( ! is_plugin_active('kadence-blocks/kadence-blocks.php') || ( version_compare(KADENCE_BLOCKS_VERSION, '3.1.22', '<') ) ) {
            return <<<HTML
        <div class="alert alert-warning">Unable to display accordion - Kadence Blocks plugin is not loaded or is of insufficient version to support the accordion blocks.</div>

    and just went with the current version as of this writing.

    then in the child theme’s functions php we added kadence-blocks accordion as a dependency of both our child theme’s styles and scripts, so that it will properly enqueue them so they may be used by our custom shortcode that inserts pricing tables from the ACF fields.

    And now I can safely remove the widget from the footer that had a normal kadence-blocks accordion in it, and the custom shortcode will still do what its supposed to (probably right up until kadence blocks changes some of its accordion classes :D, but that’s a tomorrow problem)

    Thread Starter WebDragon


    it is also worth noting that the above shortcode is being called within the kadence-child theme on the site.

    Thread Starter WebDragon


    Both Kadence and Kadence Blocks are active on the site (theme and plugin)

    The shortcode is building the Kadence-accordion-like from partials so it can add dynamic content from ACF and classes of its own on the fly, and style it and have it behave according to the designer’s wishes.

    // pardon the long lines
    function _c1_pricing_accordion_shortcode( $atts = array() ) {
    	if (! class_exists('ACF') ) {
    		return <<<HTML
    	<div class="alert alert-warning">Unable to display content block 'pricing accordion': Advanced Custom Fields has been disabled. Please enable Advanced Custom Fields plugin for this functionality.</div>
    	$_c1_buffer = '';
    	extract( shortcode_atts( array(
    		'taxonomy'	=>	'',
    		'taxonomy_slug'	=>	'',
    		'wrapper_class'	=>	'accordion-services',
    		'post_list'		=> '',
    	), $atts ));
    	if ( ! empty( $taxonomy ) ) {
    		// do a taxonomy based query
    		$q = new WP_Query( array(
    			'post_type'		=> 'trade_pricing',
    			'tax_query'		=> array(
    					'taxonomy'	=>	$taxonomy,
    					'field'		=>	'slug',
    					'terms'		=>	$taxonomy_slug,
    		) );
    	} elseif ( ! empty( $post_list ) ) {
    		// do a posts cross-sectional query by list of post ids
    		// return the list in the same order as provided to the shortcode parameter
    		$my_posts = explode(' ', $post_list);
    		$q = new WP_Query( array(
    			'posts_per_page'	=> -1,
    			'post_type'		=> 'trade_pricing',
    			'post_status'	=> 'publish',
    			'post_name__in'		=> $my_posts,
    			'orderby'		=> 'post_name__in',
    		) );
    	} else {
    	// why was this in with kt-accordion-wrap ? <!-- kt-accordion-has-9-panes -->
    	$_c1_buffer .= <<<HTML
    	<div class="wp-block-kadence-accordion alignnone {$wrapper_class}">
    		<div class="kt-accordion-wrap kt-accordion-wrap   kt-active-pane-0 kt-accordion-block kt-pane-header-alignment-left kt-accodion-icon-style-basic kt-accodion-icon-side-right" style="max-width:none">
    			<div class="kt-accordion-inner-wrap kt-accordion-initialized" data-allow-multiple-open="false" data-start-open="0">
    	$random_id = random_int(100000, 999999);
    	while ($q->have_posts() ) {
    		$_title = get_the_title();
    		$_price_perhour = get_field('price_per_hour');
    		$_price_range = get_field('price_range');
    		$_description = get_field('price_description');
    		$_bullets = get_field('pricing_item_list');
    		$_c1_buffer .= <<<HTML
    				<div class="wp-block-kadence-pane kt-accordion-pane kt-accordion-pane-1">
    					<div class="kt-accordion-header-wrap">
    						<button class="kt-blocks-accordion-header kt-acccordion-button-label-show" id="kt-accordion-header-{$random_id}" 
    							aria-controls="kt-accordion-panel-{$random_id}" data-kt-accordion-header-id="0" aria-expanded="false">
    							<span class="kt-blocks-accordion-title-wrap"><span class="kt-blocks-accordion-title"><strong>{$_title}</strong> — {$_price_perhour} /HR {$_price_range}</span></span>
    							<span class="kt-blocks-accordion-icon-trigger"></span>
    					<div class="kt-accordion-panel kt-accordion-panel-hidden" id="kt-accordion-panel-{$random_id}" aria-labelledby="kt-accordion-header-{$random_id}" data-panel-height="auto" style="">
    						<div class="kt-accordion-panel-inner">
    							<span class="lead">{$_description}</span>
    		$random_id++; // bump our randid so we have separate aria control numbers for each pane
    	$_c1_buffer .= <<<HTML
    	return $_c1_buffer;
    add_shortcode('trade_pricing', '_c1_pricing_accordion_shortcode');

    as you can see, it does not load the necessary scripts/styles from kadence blocks on its own, when called (as it probably should have) due to the fact that the site already had an omnipresent accordion in the footer, so at the time this was put together, it wasn’t obvious that it needed to.

    so the question remains, What *specifically* would I add to the shortcode to make sure that the kadence-blocks-accordion scripts and styles are properly enqueued at the correct time, by the use of the shortcode within the page if they have not already?

    And to be clear, I do already know how to include a js or css file with wp_enqueue_style/wp_enqueue_script, as well as how to tell it it has dependencies – what I don’t know is -with specificity-, how Kadence developers would prefer that I call this specific blocks’ specific scripts and styles in the correct way such that it won’t conflict with other use of kadence-blocks-accordion on any given page of the site

    • This reply was modified 1 year ago by WebDragon.
    Thread Starter WebDragon


    I also, now that I think about it, would need to ensure that the child-theme’s styles are loading -after- the default kadence-blocks-accordion styles so the theme can properly override where it needed to

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