Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Bitcoin Payments for WooCommerce] Same address in multiple ordersAddress is NEVER reused if it’s been “touched” by a payment before.
I have now more than 1.2k Orders in my online shop and sometimes the blockchain.info api does not work that well and the payments don’t get verified.
In this situations the payments have to be verified manual and than the same bitcoin addresses will be used on the next orders.
Sometimes it’s a little bit hard to know who has paid as sometimes both orders have to pay the same amount.
Would be awesome if we don’t need blockchain.info at all.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Bitcoin Payments for WooCommerce] Transaction FEEOnly the purchaser can elect to add a transaction fee. You may want to remind your shoppers to do so if they want to speed up their transaction.
That’s not the point.
In this app the bitcoincharts API is used and that means:
x makes a payment with fee -> y (bitcoincharts-btc-address) makes a payment without fee -> Your BTC Address
That means also if x added a fee – bitcoincharts don’t@gesman : That would be great ?? Notify me as soon as v2.0 is ready.
What has been changed in my plugin?
I removed the BlockChain “Generating Receiving Addresses”.
After that I installed bitcoin on my ubuntu server and changed the settings to be able to access the RPC API. After that I started bitcoin as daemon (“>bitcoind -daemon”)My plugin access my local bitcoin server using JSON RPC API and it is also able to forward the bitcoins to an offline wallet. It generates a new unique bitcoin address for every order.
After that I modded your IPN API and added the IPN.
It works quite nice but id does NOT work out of the box. I need to rewrite some of the functions but I don’t have time for this ATM.
@blistovmhz: I don’t believe that gesman will allow me to publish it as a wordpress plugin. But if you (gesman) are interested I can send it to you. (But please give credits)
BTW: If someone has no root/vps server he can also use blockchain.info as they also support the JSON RPC API bitcoin uses (https://blockchain.info/de/api/json_rpc_api)
@gesman: Credits for the checkout field? ??
Just want to tell you that I have modded the plugin and now it works without blockchain.info.
It uses now the standart bitcoin server client (“bitcoind”). It is pritty easy to implement it.
Also the IPN System works without problems.What my modded plugin does:
1) Generate a new bitcoin address
2) Check balance of the wallet.dat and send the bitcoins to bitcoin-24.com (incl 0.0005 fee)
3) As soon as the bitcoins are activated at bitcoin-24.com it sells them to EURO.
(MT.Gox does also work)Check out: https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Original_Bitcoin_client/API_calls_list
2 transactions are NOT more anonym than just one.
@qr Code implementation – And design changes
WooCommerce -> Settings -> Payment Gateways -> BitcoinReplace the code from Payment Instructions (HTML) with this one:
<table> <tr> <td colspan="2">Please send your bitcoin payment as follows:</td> </tr> <tr> <td> Amount (<strong>BTC</strong>): </td> <td> <div style="border:1px solid #FCCA09;padding:2px 6px;margin:2px;background-color:#FCF8E3;border-radius:4px;color:#CC0000;font-weight: bold;font-size: 120%;"> {{{BITCOINS_AMOUNT}}} </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Address: </td> <td> <div style="border:1px solid #FCCA09;padding:2px 6px;margin:2px;background-color:#FCF8E3;border-radius:4px;color:#555;font-weight: bold;font-size: 120%;"> {{{BITCOINS_ADDRESS}}} </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> QR Code: </td> <td> <div > <a href="bitcoin://{{{BITCOINS_ADDRESS}}}?amount={{{BITCOINS_AMOUNT}}}"><img src="https://blockchain.info/de/qr?data=bitcoin://{{{BITCOINS_ADDRESS}}}?amount={{{BITCOINS_AMOUNT}}}&size=180" style="border:1px solid #FCCA09;border-radius:4px;" /></a> </div> </td> </tr> </table> Please note: <ol> <li>You must make a payment within 8 hours, or your order will be cancelled</li> <li>As soon as your payment is received in full you will receive email confirmation with order delivery details.</li> <li>{{{EXTRA_INSTRUCTIONS}}}</li> </ol>
Electrum implementation would be awesome – But you have to run the Electrum client on your server. ->You need a VPS, Root ServerYes, but it needs some hours. I asked already in another thread but it isn’t possible to add a fee for the second transaction. (Until BlockChain creates an API for this)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Bitcoin Payments for WooCommerce] Transaction FEEWhere the fee would be coming from? From the bitcoins subtracted
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Bitcoin Payments for WooCommerce] Transaction FEE[Buyer -> BlockChain -> Your BTC Adress]
Is it possible to add a fee between the “BlockChain” and “Your BTC Adress” as it takes ages in the last days to conform the transaction?
No, if you add “//” in front of “if ($currency_code == ‘BTC’)” it just does not look up the actual price.
It just uses the price which is set. (That means if a product cost 50€ it now also cost 50BTC)
>> That is NO Solution <<
I just added
mail('[email protected]', 'BitCoin Plugin', $sell);
$sell = @$json_obj->return->sell->value;
Then I ordered a product and I got 4 mails. Why does it check the actual price 4times (or more often?) It should only check it once.
I deleted following code:
File: bwwc-utils.php
$result = @BWWC__file_get_contents ($main_url); if ($result) { $json_obj = @json_decode(trim($result)); if (is_object($json_obj)) { if ($json_obj->result == 'success') { $avg = @$json_obj->return->avg->value; $vwap = @$json_obj->return->vwap->value; $sell = @$json_obj->return->sell->value; } } }
Now it just uses https://blockchain.info/ticker and it works fine.
Why did you uncomment “// if ($currency_code == ‘BTC’)”?
Just checked the log files of the Plugin:
UTC|1.26/Standard|bwwc-utils.php(136)|: WARNING: Cannot retrieve bitcoin exchange rates from https://mtgox.com/api/1/BTCEUR/ticker. SSL/server issues? Will try backup URL
Now you have my login details.
No, I haven’t.