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  • becouse its the same by everyone… But I’ve made a mistake I think…

    Kind regards,


    Thread Starter web-bart


    yea, I’ve searched the posts on the nl server, but no result. But this forum is more active, and I hoped to get a awnser faster here…

    Kind regards,


    Thread Starter web-bart


    I know how css works. Already for 0.5 years. I’ve used the codex but I’ve realy no idea what to do… And changing the css is abit hard when you dont know what the tagg does with the layout. shift it up, and there are comming more graphics in stead of less. And I dont know how to delete graphics with css. And another problem is that I’m just 16 years old my englisch is a bit a problem. Becouse the most websites (and the codex) are in englisch…

    Kinds regards,


    Thread Starter web-bart


    noone who can help me? I know its a complicated problem, but I’ve seen so many wordpress websites with a horizontal menu with no title and no dot.

    kind regards,


    I don’t know how to fix this, but I even don’t wanna give up…

    the host should be

    okay, so its clearly sure that the error is found in 1 of the wordpress codes. You can try to download a new wordpress from the website, instal it again, and upload what you wanna load in the wp-content/themes/your_theme_map

    Hopefully this works.

    Kind regards,


    pretty strange, it is a php comment, isn’t it? But 1 thing is sure, it executes php, becouse if it didn’t, you wouldn’t get the error.

    I have no idea whats the problem on this. Maybe someoneelk?

    Lets wait for an response from the hosting.

    Kind regards,


    Thread Starter web-bart


    Thanks, it worked to remove the letters. But it have the same effect as:

    wp_list_pages('sort_column=menu_order & title_li=" "');

    what I discribe above.

    Kind regards,


    P.s If you mean that I’ll have to change the css by using this; please tell me what I have to change. Here is the css-style of this code:

    the html structure first:

    <div id=menu>
          <div id="navigation">
               <?php wp_list_pages(....)?>

    and the css:

    div.navigation ul li {
    		float: left;
    				height: 50px;
    				width: auto;
    				-moz-border-radius: 1em 4em 1em 4em;
    				border-radius: 1em 4em 1em 4em;
    div.navigation ul li a:link, a:visited, a:active, a:hover{

    I’m sorry, but I dont quite get what the problem is. First I think its strange that it shows the php tagg, and the comments…

    Now I’ll ask you to try this:

    Its to look if the php is executed. Please put this code in a new document, and execute it (dont execute in wordpress, just in another direction. If this works, try in wordpress)).

    echo "hello world"; 
    /*test comment, if showed, and there is not 'hello world' on the screen, your host doesn't support php, or there are other problems with the hosting, and contact them.
    <h1><p>Byebye world</p></h1>
    <!--If this is showed on the site, even html doesn't work. contact your host anyway... -->

    I hope this helps.

    kind regards,



    I’ve found it. Thanks for the fast awser. Normaly I’m used to wait weeks, or sometimes months to wait for an awnser. My problem was this, and this way I’ve fixed it:

    I was forget to click ‘clear all’. After clicking that it worked.

    Kind regards,


    I’m sorry, this post is opened a while ago. But I’d not open up a new one, becouse here are people who know the awnser are subscribed (I hope), and becouse 1 post with the same title is enough.

    The problem is that I can’t publish the guestbook, and that the settings don’t get changed.
    This is what’ve tryed to fixx it but it didn’t work:

    click on the plug-in ‘DMSGuestbook’ on the left side

    click on ‘database settings’

    click on ‘DMSGuestbook options backup’

    click on ‘safe’

    What did I wrong? And how can I fix this? If possable give a detailed description, becouse I dont understand all the ‘wordpress terms’ :p

    If you need this info: I use the database system ‘plesk’

    Kind regards,


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