Hello Dan,
1. WordPress: <5.7>, WooCommerce: <5.1.0>, Weight Based Shipping: <5.2.6>, PHP: <7.4>.
2. I’m testing it with the order:
Item #1: https://volgelingenvanjezus.nl/materiaal/evangelisatiemateriaal/flyers/heb-je-even-voor-mij-100st, <2 pcs>
Total order weight: <0.78 kg>
Order subtotal: <€4,5>
Shipping destination: <Netherlands, Zuid-Holland, 2951TA>
3. I expect to see:
— Brievenbuspakket 0-2 KG: €4,5
4. I do see instead:
— Nothing, order can not be placed because there is no sending option availeble. (No option is avalaible when people only buy products with 100% discount)