Forum Replies Created
Since you’ve also started a forum post in the Help Forums on https://www.wcvendors.com I’ll go ahead and close up this topic. ??
Hi Mattrin,
Compatibility with 100% of third party plugins is, well, challenging to say the least. ?? The little plugins, like that Distance Rate Shipping, is best advised to write in compatibility for WC Vendors, rather than us write in compatibility for them.
Will it work out of the box? I don’t know. Can the author make it work for you? I don’t know. Can we make it work for you? We don’t have the time, we develop our own plugin, instead.
Looking at what that plugin does, you would have to make a huge amount of modifications to both plugins to get it to work. But I have not used it, so I can’t say for sure.
Sorry I couldn’t be a ton of help on this one!
Hi Ruhul,
The only report that WC Vendors includes is a commission report per product and per vendor. Those are located in wp-admin / WooCommerce / Reports / WC Vendors.
In our Pro version, which will not be released for a few months, there will be substantially more reports and more customization available for them.
Hi again goingtobefamous18,
To do this would require a bit of PHP and coding knowledge.
There are two template files — vendor-main-header.php and vendir-mini-header.php. The main header controls the vendors store. The mini header controls individual products.
https://www.wcvendors.com/knowledgebase/changing-vendor-templates/ tells you how to copy the templates to your theme directory. These two files are in the ./front directory of the plugin template directory. Once you copy them to the right directory in your theme, go to wp-admin / WooCommerce / WC Vendors and CHECK the box that says “Enable vendor shop headers”. That checkbox enables these specific templates to be modified and used.
Then modify the php templates as you see fit! Any PHP and HTML can go in these two files in any way you wish, the only limitations being your coding knowledge.
lol…. Glad it worked well for you. As always if you have any other questions, we’re here to help.
I could, but then you would not have done it yourself. We dont like to fish for people. We would rather teach you to properly administer your own website. If you really want me to, it’s a $49 support charge for logging into your website.
Or, you can quickly and easily review that link in my post above and take 60 seconds to do it yourself. It’s quite simple! Give it a try and let me know how it goes.
That sounds like the Permalinks to your site are not configured. In a new installation, you must set Permalinks up for WooCommerce and WordPress to play nice together.
Please review: https://www.wcvendors.com/help/topic/vendor-shop-not-working/ <– Look at the last post by Ben in that thread for how to setup your Permalinks.
PS — I should clarify what that error message means. The user who already has an account, is not logged in. If that user logs into your website, and then visits the vendor dashboard, they will just check the single checkbox to apply to become a vendor.
Since they are not currently logged in, it’s treating them as a new user, and therefore asking for a username. Just have that member log in and they can apply without a problem. ??
It’s like the review you gave us 4 stars in. If you go to https://www.wcvendors.com — everything you dinged us a star for is in the knowledgebase on how to do it. ??
Similarly, for this, all a user has to do to become a vendor, if they are already a registered user, is visit the vendor dashboard. Click “Apply to become a vendor” and it sends their application in to you.
Easy, isn’t it? ?? Before dinging us stars next time, please ask a question. Often times it’s very easy to help and point you in the right direction. We strive for five stars every time! If a 29 minute free support reply can’t do that I don’t know what will. ??
Lucky for you all of the WC Vendors templates can be customized in any way you wish. You can copy the default templates to your theme folder, and voila! Customize as much as your heart desires.
WC Vendors Pro is under active development, we began on that only a few weeks ago. Expect it hopefully around the beginning of March.
No current plans to add this to the free plugin, we are developing WC Vendors Pro too, but no plans to add geotagging to it yet either.
You could accomplish this by simply adding in some extra vendor fields (wcvendors.com click KnowledgeBase) and then the vendor sets their address. Then you could write a template for your pages that pulls this data and shows it on a map!
So you can do it, it’s just not part of the plugin out of the box. ??
Hi Ruhul,
For instantly paying your vendors commissions, you must use the PayPal Adaptive Payment gateway. All other gateways will work, but not with instant commissions, you would pay those commissions manually.
To setup and configure your gateways, wp-admin / WooCommerce / Settings / Checkout and enable the ones you wish to use.
WC Vendors works with any WooCommerce payment gateway. Just install and go!
You should read the Setup Guide @ https://www.wcvendors.com in the KnowledgeBase.
wp-admin / WooCommerce / wC Vendors
You’re looking at the WooCommerce settings. Not the WC Vendors settings. ?? Read up on the documentation, everything is right there. ??
Most likely, it’s one of two things:
1.) You don’t have the vendor apply setting checked on the WooCommerce / WC Vendors settings (It’s on by default, so you would have had to disable it).
2.) Your theme is doing something silly to the /my-account/ page. You should see the “Apply to become a vendor?” on the my-account page when not logged in, and also on the Vendor Dashboard page. Do you see it on either of them?
For MUCH faster replies, try https://www.wcvendors.com and click the Help Forums. ??