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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ABASE] Deleet a row in a tableHi svenar
You have to use rlink and a form with tag code 4 and no action.
Example: (on the same page)
`[abase table=”pb_contact” columns=”Name^name,Firsname^firstname,Function^function” where=”AND status=’1′”echo=”0″ left=”*” rlink=”name” ack=”green”]
[abase form=”a,4″ table=”pb_contact” elements=”id,name,firstame$Remove” left=”*” ack=”red” echo=”0″]
When you click on a name in the table, it updates the delete form and you just have to click on the remove button.Stephane
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ABASE] Request Drop Down Select Form FieldHi wdhppr,
Can you post your php code please ? I’m very interested to see how to interact with abase variable.
For the drop down, if you have a foreign key to a table with the list you want in drop down, you simply have to tell it in the shortcode.
Example :
You have a table contact with a id_title (that is a foreign key to the primary key on title table) and title table has just the key + titleIf you put an update or insert form with table=”contact” elements=”name,surname,id_title|title”, [Abase] will create the dropdown list with every titles in table title for you. Very convenient because you don’t have to hard code anything
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ABASE] Table name does not existWhere do you have this error ?
is accouoj3_ebanking your wordpress database ?I also had errors if I wanted to work on a different databases (it seems there is a bug in abase admin page.
For me, It automatically added my apache user before the database (www-data-)
and of course, it’s not correct and I couldn’t change it.
The only way I found is to place my tables in my wordpress database.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ABASE] Are shortcode results updated when the database is updated?Hi jjcostello01,
Since the queries generated by [abase] are done in the page creation, you have to reload the page or implement a reload function on that page using [php_everywhere]
Here is the php code :
<?php $secondsWait = 5; header("Refresh:$secondsWait"); ?>
keep in mind that if you have forms, they will be reset each refresh! It’s never a good idea to put that code in a page with forms.
but if your page is just a result page, that’s fine.Stephane