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  • The difference being the “Theme Name:” has a capital ‘N’ in the word ‘Name’. If that is the case of why it wasn’t working, I was unaware of that the words ‘Theme Name’ had be capitalized. Although looking back at the documentation from WP for Child Themes, it does indeed show: “Theme Name:” rather than “Theme name:”

    You should read up on CSS a little to understand things a bit more:

    Then read up on jet pack.

    Go to back-end.
    PLUGINS > …
    Click on SETTINGS for JETPACK plugin.
    Scroll down until you find CUSTOM CSS.
    Click on LEARN MORE.
    Click on EDIT CSS.

    Before you can do this though, you need: “To enable all of the Jetpack features you’ll need to connect your website to using the button to the right. Once you’ve made the connection you’ll activate all the delightful features below.”

    Whoops! My bad WPyogi. I should not have assumed he or she. It was unwise of me and I apologize. Lesson learned ??

    Don’t edit the original CSS file otherwise your changes will be overridden if you ever have to update your theme.

    You can add a child theme or if your theme has an area in the admin theme settings to enter your own custom CSS, you can enter the following to override your existing css sheet. Edit the color settings and style of your navigation bar to your liking.

    #fullmenu {
        background: -moz-linear-gradient(center top , #8A8A8A 0%, #707070 49%, #5E5E5E 51%, #777777 100%) repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;
    #fullmenu {
        background: -moz-linear-gradient(center top , #333333, #111111) repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;
        border: 1px solid #222222;
        border-radius: 6px 6px 0 0;
        color: #FFFFFF;
        font-weight: bold;
        margin-left: 0;
        overflow: visible;
        text-decoration: none;

    For more info on the ‘moz linear gradient’ thing:

    He’s right. If your theme allows an area for ‘custom css’ to be entered, enter the lines above in this area. This will override the main style sheet. Otherwise, yes, your changes will be overridden when you update things.

    Whoops, sorry, my bad.

    #main {
        clear: both;
        padding: 1.625em 0 0;

    Try editing that.

    And then more whitespace is created by this line: .hentry {
        padding: 3.5em 0 0;

    I’ll reiterate, get the FireBug plugin for Firefox. It will help you quickly identify what CSS you need to edit to adjust these things.

    So your folder structure is



    can you provide a link?

    For CSS regarding that horizontal grey line you want to remove, it’s actually a ‘border-top’ defined in CSS for your #site-generator div.

    #site-generator {
        background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #FFFFFF;
        border-top: 1px solid #DDDDDD;
        color: #666666;
        font-size: 12px;
        line-height: 2.2em;
        padding: 2.2em 0.5em;
        text-align: center;

    Forget all the rest of the stuff besides the border-top line. Just change the border-top line to:

    border-top: 0;

    Or you can remove the line all together, so you have:

    #site-generator {
        background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #FFFFFF;
        color: #666666;
        font-size: 12px;
        line-height: 2.2em;
        padding: 2.2em 0.5em;
        text-align: center;

    Use Firefox. Then download FireBug to troubleshoot things. It will help you determine what is going on with the code.

    Look at this line of code in your CSS

    .entry-content, .entry-summary {
        padding: 1.625em 0 0;

    It means you have a padding-top of 1.625em which is adding that extra white space, a padding-right of 0px, a padding-bottom of 0px and then the padding-left is not defined but assigned 0px in this case. Try

    .entry-content, .entry-summary {
        padding: 0;

    The name of the folder /theme/(folder name here) can be named anything you want. .

    So you could have


    but that doesn’t necessarily mean the actual theme name is ‘davinci’. The actual name of the theme is defined in the style.css for the original (parent) theme.

    But as you had it before, within the child theme, the style.css must use the name of the /directory/ where parent theme is located, so that part looks right.

    Some info:

    Only two things required in child theme css sheet, although the other information you have is optional and ok.

    Theme Name. (required) Child theme name.
    Template. (required) directory name of parent theme, case-sensitive.


    Double check the name of your template which is case-sensitive. Are you trying to upload your theme? How about just uploading files via FTP, then going and activating the child theme?


    Theme name: AlbecoCommerce Child
    Template: albecocommerce

    The second line is case-sensitive.

    Thread Starter waterworks2


    I tried renaming the home.php to be front-page.php since my theme did not already have a file by the name of that. This is what happened.

    [ /news ] which is currently set to [ Static Page > [ Front Page > News ]] suddenly became the landing page, showing just the image I have defined in my front-page.php file.

    So I clicked the image and the link took me to the /about page. But whenever I click on /news link in my navigation bar, it goes back to the landing page, rather than showing a page I have some news information on it. It seems no matter what, whatever page I have set as the home page in the Settings > Readings, that page becomes my landing page, rather than showing what actual information is on it.

    I think I understand from this codex link why that happened:

    But I’m still lost as ever on how to fix. I even asked the theme designer how to accomplish this custom home page that doesn’t look anything like any template pages at all and even offered to pay him for custom edit but no response unfortunately.

    UPDATE: Ok, so I tried this.

    front-page.php uploaded to themes folder.
    created a blank ‘home’ page in admin > pages > new pages > …
    set that new blank ‘home’ page [ Static Page > [ Front Page > Home ]]

    It seems to be working now as I hoped.
    Landing page loads with a clickable image.
    If you click the image, it goes to /news.
    All other pages look as expected too.
    But I’m sure I still did this wrong.

    Any comments?
    I’d really like to do this right.

    Thread Starter waterworks2



    What settings do I use in admin area for: Reading > “home page” and “blog page” ?

    Also, do I need to create a page in WordPress admin that says “Front Page” and then set that to be ‘static > home page’ under the Reading settings of the admin area?

    Thread Starter waterworks2


    Actually, I just realized this did not work.
    { insert frustration remarks here }

    My /blog/ now is the landing page and doesn’t show my blog.
    It only shows the landing page with the image.
    Even though I have: POST PAGE (set to) BLOG

    Dang this is frustrating.

    So now I have: (shows landing page w/image) (shows landing page w/image)

    Why did my /blog page flip to become home page?
    Is there any way to fix this?
    At this point I’m ready to give up.

    Thread Starter waterworks2


    Thanks again Srikat, Suresh, and Konstantinos!
    I got it to work after much headache.

    I tried the Full Page Background Slider here:

    Unfortunately that didn’t work.
    The reason is the template I’m using from Theme Forest.
    It auto-generates a “galleries” page.
    So there is no actual “galleries” page in the PAGES area of admin.
    This meant I couldn’t turn off the slider on that page.
    Because the turn-off option for plugin is located at page edit level.

    So then I tried this and it worked.
    First, through the Media page in admin, I uploaded image for background.
    Image height is 1200px and width is 2000px.

    Since my template had no ‘home.php’, I created a blank file.
    Then I uploaded home.php to my themes/mytheme/… directory.
    This initially messed up my pages and template.
    I could not figure out why.
    Turns out, I had to go into: Settings > Reading…
    For “Front Page” I had to set drop down to: -SELECT-
    So now I don’t have a defined home page.
    This made things work.

    So now I had a blank screen at:
    Next, I loaded a regular page on the website: /about/
    Then I viewed the source for the page.
    I copied everything from !DOCTYPE down to </head> tag.
    Then I created <body> and </body> tags and finished with </html>

    I stripped out some coding between the <head></head> tags.
    Removed all in-page CSS styles applied from template.

    Then I added the following code within the <body> tags:

    Then I added the following code in the <head> tags.

    Probably not the best way to do it but…
    It’s working for now and I have a headache from trying.
    It’s also not the slideshow I hoped for.
    But it looks good with the single image filling the screen.

    I could not have done this without your help.
    Thanks again.

    This post helped:

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