Tim Blankenship
Forum Replies Created
Can someone redact the license number I mistakenly posted?
setting caching to zero didn’t help.
[instagram-feed num=4 cols=4]
on the home page https://waterfire.org## SITE/SERVER INFO: ##
Site URL: https://waterfire.org
Home URL: https://waterfire.org
WordPress Version: 4.4.2
PHP Version: 5.3.3
Web Server Info: Apache## ACTIVE PLUGINS: ##
Advanced iFrame: 7.0.2
BulletProof Security: .53.2
Duplicate Post: 2.6
Fancier Author Box: 1.4
Flickr Justified Gallery: 3.4.1
Instagram Feed Pro Personal:
Login Logo: 0.7
MailChimp Campaign Archive: 1.0.3
Popup Maker: 1.3.9
Qzzr Shortcode Plugin: 1.0.1
Relevanssi: 3.5.2
Spotify Embed: 0.2.1
Testimonial Rotator: 2.1.3
The Events Calendar: 4.0.5
The Events Calendar: Eventbrite Tickets: 4.0
The Events Calendar: Filter Bar: 4.0.2
The Events Calendar PRO: 4.0.5
Twitter Widget Pro: 2.8.0
Widget Logic: 0.57
Widgets on Pages: 0.0.12
WP Google Maps: 6.3.05
WP Google Maps – Pro Add-on: 5.65
YouTube Embed: 4.3.1## PLUGIN SETTINGS: ##
sb_instagram_license =>
sb_instagram_license_type => Instagram Feed Pro Personal
sb_instagram_at => 184647834.1654d0c.7039d22e14e4477587f66cca765ede8a
sb_instagram_type => user
sb_instagram_user_id => 184647834
sb_instagram_hashtag =>
sb_instagram_location =>
sb_instagram_coordinates =>
sb_instagram_preserve_settings =>
sb_instagram_ajax_theme =>
sb_instagram_cache_time => 1
sb_instagram_cache_time_unit => hours
sb_instagram_width => 100
sb_instagram_width_unit => %
sb_instagram_height =>
sb_instagram_num => 5
sb_instagram_height_unit => px
sb_instagram_cols => 5
sb_instagram_disable_mobile =>
sb_instagram_image_padding => 5
sb_instagram_image_padding_unit => px
sb_instagram_hover_effect => fade
sb_hover_background =>
sb_hover_text =>
sbi_hover_inc_username => on
sbi_hover_inc_icon => on
sbi_hover_inc_date => on
sbi_hover_inc_instagram => on
sbi_hover_inc_location =>
sbi_hover_inc_caption =>
sbi_hover_inc_likes =>
sb_instagram_sort => none
sb_instagram_disable_lightbox =>
sb_instagram_background =>
sb_instagram_show_btn =>
sb_instagram_btn_background =>
sb_instagram_btn_text_color =>
sb_instagram_btn_text => Load More
sb_instagram_image_res => auto
sb_instagram_media_type => all
sb_instagram_hide_photos =>
sb_instagram_block_users =>
sb_instagram_exclude_words =>
sb_instagram_include_words =>
sb_instagram_show_caption => on
sb_instagram_caption_length => 100
sb_instagram_caption_color =>
sb_instagram_caption_size => 11
sb_instagram_show_meta =>
sb_instagram_meta_color =>
sb_instagram_meta_size => 13
sb_instagram_show_header => on
sb_instagram_header_color => #333333
sb_instagram_header_style => circle
sb_instagram_show_followers =>
sb_instagram_show_bio => on
sb_instagram_header_primary_color => #ffffff
sb_instagram_header_secondary_color => #ee7700
sb_instagram_show_follow_btn =>
sb_instagram_folow_btn_background =>
sb_instagram_follow_btn_text_color =>
sb_instagram_follow_btn_text => Follow
sb_instagram_custom_css =>
sb_instagram_custom_js =>
sb_instagram_requests_max => 5
sb_instagram_cron => unset
sb_instagram_carousel =>
sb_instagram_carousel_arrows =>
sb_instagram_carousel_pag => on
sb_instagram_carousel_autoplay =>
sb_instagram_carousel_interval => 5000Hi John, no worries. I cleared the w3tc cache manually via ssh and that seemed to clear up the problem. Thanks for your help.
Hi John,
I set Check for new posts every to zero. Same results.
Also, I don’t see an option in the plugin setting to set the cache interval. I tried setting the “Force cache to clear on interval” option to Yes, but that solve the issue either.
Hi John, that did seem to work. I still get one feed appearance on page load and then subsequent page loads only display the spinny wheel.
I’ve tried loading the page on several devices and also emptying local cache files.
We have a couple of other pages the use the plugin, they do not appear to be affected:
https://waterfire.org/volunteer/photography-group/Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] We've updated our SEO score algorithm.Same problem. Scan doesn’t seem to finish. Tried disabling cache, no joy. Tried deactivating and reactivating YOAST SEO, no joy. Thought today’s patch would fix, no joy.
No joy.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Quick Page/Post Redirect Plugin] Invalid AdWords gclidThanks Don.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Quick Page/Post Redirect Plugin] Invalid AdWords gclidThanks Don, I sent you an email.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Flickr Justified Gallery] Show photo descriptionsIt would be fantastic to have the description show in the lightbox view.
Yes, +1 for this. It would be nice to see options for choosing were the descriptions and titles were shown. Titles on the thumbnails and descriptions in the lightbox makes the most sense to me, but letting the user decide would be optimal.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Flickr Justified Gallery] Show photo descriptionsDescriptions are being cropped. Shows only the 1st character
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YouTube Embed] Undefined offset in shortcode.phpCool. Looking forward to the update.
The update worked. Thanks.