I found the way to fix it. In Chrome go to Tools – Developer Tools. Then switch tool to Network. Then add new record and see either all files load properly. In my case i saw “not found” for spellchecker addon. Then I check either it exist in specified directory. No one. I remember that I had installed Yandex spellchecker plugins. I deactivate it and everything is ok now. ?? So, if someone use Q2W3 Yandex Speller – just deactivate its.
I already has tried to use one of the default theme, but has no success. There are quite a lot of plugins at the site and its in production. Probably there are some another way, like using debug mode or something like that?
I just reinstall 3.9_ru, replace wp-tinymce.js.gz, uninstall/install TinyMCE Adv, but still it doesn’t work. ?? There is no changes in js file in theme, no error while loading edit page.