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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: theme unable designed edit problemmy site?
theme name: Twenty Twenty-Three By?the WordPress team.
problem: theme page designed edit not working in my site
it has been working but this year. sometime work edit but not now. is it your system problem? please fix it solve this problem as soon as possible.
they are the same nothing different even though using elemental plugin. it is not solve problem yet. you are a wordpress developer. so many monthes already. not ads can shows why you don’t know how to solve it. I ask help for support to solve this problem, not trying this and that not solution. this is not my first time asking some problem. As I know. you are wordpress developer. all site wordpress created by code, control by code too. if you wordpress don’t know how to solve not ads shows problem, then, who else can know? you are know better then me about wordpress. I feel that cost a lot of time in chat with problem but not solution. that is not good. do you know how to solve this problem. I think you know my wordpress dashboard account on the back right. can you check it what problem exist? that will be more easy to solve problem. through security shows not hacker but my site is look normal on face but not in fact. normal ads plugins working inside the dashboard design but not working on the website. that is wordpress developer design has problem under trying different ads plugin and site designed tool as element, wordpress site builder tool and wordpress Gutenberg.
Is WPAd center create by wordpress developer? normal wordpress page design plugin not working for WPAd center? why? is WPAdcenter plugin only work for element page design work for Ads? then what about previously using wpadvancedads? since using WPadvanced ads to WPAd center they both has some problem. inside the plugin setting everything is fine but same condition not show any ads in the website in the website that is Invisible.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: image size and unable to see ads in mysite problemHi,
Hi, thank for replying. I also reviewed the link that you post it in your prevously message replying. but problem not solve yet. currently, I use plugin for Ads that is belong wordpress Plugin. the plugin name is WPAd center. I posted Ads through WPAdcenter at the page. it is normal steps I did as video shows. but problem is it is not shows and not list in the website that I don’t know why. that is why asking help for. it is not problem in the design page post through WPAdcenter. I see the Ads shows in the design page through WPAdcenter, but website can not see it. website there nothing show for that ads. WPAdcenter is belong wordpress plugin so your are this plugin developer therefore, only you know the solution that I think. my question has been asking always for this problem. why does not ads can shows in my site even though I posted my ads at the design page through WPAdcenter ? you give me the direction is how to use WPAdcenter to post Ads. using WPAdcenter post Ads at designed page that I did but why it not shows in my site. It just look like system hold those Ads not show at the website that eyes can see. that is point for what I ask for help.
image size I see video how to operate, but you don’t know how often page design image size that is good at begining but it auto change size later that I can see after I login several time. even thought throught image size to change it but unable to change it size in the website. just look like design page image not effect image size at the websize do you know that is what I ask help for.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Ads –?Ad Manager & AdSense] need help for fix ads not showsHi, Joachim,
I try screenshot to shows you problem but don’t know why image can not attached any pictures or screenshot. the message said because of picture size. I don’t quick know that I have attach screenshot and pictures to any email not problem but here. “File uploading is disabled. Please use an image block and an external image URL.”this sentense are what I see when I attached picture or screenshot.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Ads –?Ad Manager & AdSense] need help for fix ads not showsRe: ads not showing up (Advanced Ads)
发件人Thomas Maier收件人Admin日期2023-03-19 17:10 Summary 信头 纯文本 为了保护您的隐私,远程资源已被屏蔽。允许 Hi there, Thomas here, the developer of Advanced Ads and publisher for over 10 years. I am sorry to read that you were not able to place ads using Advanced Ads. My team and I are looking into any of these cases, free of charge since I believe that there is a learning in each case and the more information I can gather, the better I can help future users. If you are not sure whether you missed something or the ad network has an issue or anything else, please just reply to this email and I will take a look. Troubles with your AdSense account
If AdSense does not verify your site or you are getting blocked because of "invalid traffic" then feel free to try an AdSense alternative:Hi, Joachim,,
this is email that I received. in fact, adsense account connect with my google adsense account already. HOW to fix invalid traffic? my site link you will not see the problem. designed inside wedget ads, but not see it in the website screen.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Ads –?Ad Manager & AdSense] need help for fix ads not showshi, Joachim,
I don’t know why your option here can not attached any image or screenshot picuture. the link my website:
this link you only can see the what we can see the on we page only.
my email received let me copy and paste to you:
Re: ads not showing up (Advanced Ads)
发件人Thomas Maier收件人Admin日期2023-03-19 17:10 Summary 信头 纯文本 为了保护您的隐私,远程资源已被屏蔽。允许 Hi there, Thomas here, the developer of Advanced Ads and publisher for over 10 years. I am sorry to read that you were not able to place ads using Advanced Ads. My team and I are looking into any of these cases, free of charge since I believe that there is a learning in each case and the more information I can gather, the better I can help future users. If you are not sure whether you missed something or the ad network has an issue or anything else, please just reply to this email and I will take a look. Troubles with your AdSense account
If AdSense does not verify your site or you are getting blocked because of "invalid traffic" then feel free to try an AdSense alternative:the advense ads plugin active now but just not show ads on the website page that I don’t know why? in fact, my accoung contact with google adsense account already of course it verify my site. how to fix inv alid traffice?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Ads –?Ad Manager & AdSense] need help for fix ads not showshi,Joachim,
when I checked site health, I saw the message said “I installed one theme already. you have not default theme, wordpress will auto use default theme when your them have problems. ” at this sentence problems are what kind of problem. I saw that theme has missing contact page. also, I post adversitement ads code in header.php section at theme code editor, but it not shows picture at the webpage too when I reviewed the page. Do you why? how to fix such kind of problems?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Ads –?Ad Manager & AdSense] need help for fix ads not showsHi, Joachim,
I received advance ads email about notice fail because it is block because having low flow。
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Ads –?Ad Manager & AdSense] need help for fix ads not showsHi, Joachim,
I already connected advanced ads wirh my adsense account. I also activate the checkbox to enable auto ads in advanced ads as video shows. however, my website page still not shows picture. why?