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  • who were you denvercoder9 what did you see.

    One possible issue is that the query in ngg_import_date_time is dying. We have a large gallery, and during the upgrade that particular query would return over 8000 rows. A quick patch that seems to work is selecting and processing the images 100 at a time:

    function ngg_import_date_time() {
    	global $wpdb;
    	$imagelist_count = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->nggpictures");
    	for ($offset=0; $offset < $imagelist_count; $offset += 100) {
    		$imagelist = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT t.*, tt.* FROM $wpdb->nggallery AS t INNER JOIN $wpdb->nggpictures AS tt ON t.gid = tt.galleryid ORDER BY ASC LIMIT 100 OFFSET $offset");
    		if ( is_array($imagelist) ) {
    			foreach ($imagelist as $image) {
    				$picture = new nggImage($image, $image);
    				$meta = new nggMeta($picture->imagePath);
    				$date = $meta->get_date_time();
    				$wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->nggpictures SET imagedate = '$date' WHERE pid = '$picture->pid'");

    In the interest of helpfulness, here’s one solution to the problem above. The reason why it doesn’t work the way you expect is because wordpress is issuing a redirect between the time the save_post action is called and the time the admin_notices action is called. So the action you’ve attached to admin_notices does not exist at the time that action is actually called.

    In order to work around this, you can store the message temporarily during save_post and then retrieve it after the redirect. Modifying your pseudocode example from above:

    add_action('save_post', 'functionx'); // called before the redirect
    add_action('admin_head-post.php', 'add_plugin_notice'); // called after the redirect
    function add_plugin_notice() {
      if (get_option('display_my_admin_message')) { // check whether to display the message
        add_action('admin_notices' , create_function( '', "echo '" . get_option('my_admin_message') . "';" ) );
        update_option('display_my_admin_message', 0); // turn off the message
    // essentially the same as your original functionx, except the message is stored and activated for display
    function functionx () {
    	if (functionA()) {
    	  update_option('my_admin_message', 'Function A Returned 1.');
    	} else {
    	  update_option('my_admin_message', 'Function A Returned 0.');
    	update_option('display_my_admin_message', 1); // turn on the message
    function functionA () {
    	return (rand(1, 2) % 2); // dummy function - randomly return true or false

    Note that this example uses the specific action admin_head-post.php after the redirect – this will prevent the add_plugin_notice function from even being added to admin_notices unless you’re looking at edit.php. If you were writing a notice to appear on another page, you would need to modify the action name to refer to that page, or use this generic one instead:

    add_action('admin_head', 'add_plugin_notice');

    (Also, if you’re unfamiliar with get_option and update_option, have a look at the documentation for update_option.)

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: admin notice help

    Here’s one possible (generic) solution using get_option and update_option:

    function x_configuration_warning() {
    	if (get_option('x_display_configuration_warning')) {
    		echo "<div class='updated fade'>Installation Message or Warning Here</div>";
    		update_option('x_display_configuration_warning', 0);
    function x_activate() {
    	if (x_warning_necessary()) {
    		update_option('x_display_configuration_warning', 1);
    	} else {
    		update_option('x_display_configuration_warning', 0);
    function x_warning_necessary() {
    	// determine if a warning is necessary
    register_activation_hook(__FILE__, "x_activate");
    add_action('admin_notices', 'x_configuration_warning');

    [ posted to wrong thread, meant for the related thread ]

    @v3rona – I’m sorry to hear that. I was able to track down the error by debugging the plugin’s admin/wp25/upload.php with error_log() statements, tailing the php error long to find out where it was dying and why. You might have luck with a similar process. Do you have access to your server’s php error log?

    I had the same problem with a WPMU upgrade and was eventually able to hack together a solution. It turned out that nextgen’s admin/wp25/upload.php script was dying. Here’s what I did.

    1. in the nextgen plugin code, move the function

    function wpmu_enable_function($value)

    from admin/wp25/admin.php to the bottom of admin/wp25/functions.php

    2. add the line

    include_once (NGGALLERY_ABSPATH. 'admin/wp25/functions.php');

    at the top of admin/wp25/admin.php.

    This will make that function available to admin/wp25/upload.php

    3. In the wordpress code, edit wp-admin/admin.php and change



    require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-includes/class-snoopy.php');

    This will stop wordpress from throwing a different error that results from not being able to load class-snoopy when wp-admin/admin.php is included by nextgen gallery’s upload.php. In general, changing wordpress core code is a bad idea. It might be better to modify the include_path within the plugin. But this is a hack solution that got batch uploading working for me.

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