Walter Thyselius
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PaysonCheckout for WooCommerce] Wrong placement of Login buttonJag ska lugna ner mig nu, men om n?gon har samma problem s? g?r det att r?tta login-knappens position genom att i woocommerce/templates/global/form-login.php flytta raden med wp_nonce_field() till precis f?re end-form-taggen.
Jag testade ?ven att backa till WP 5.7.2, PaysonCheckOut 3.2.0 & 3.0.4 samt WooCommerce 5.5.2 utan att problemet f?rsvann. Jag b?rjar mer och mer tro att jag st?ll till n?got p? egen hand, men f?rst?r inte vad. Borde ha backat Astra till gammal version ocks?, men gl?mde.
Finns n?gra fler tr?dar att dra i, men det finns v?l ?ven en gr?ns hur mycket tid som ?r rimligt att spendera p? PHP en l?rdagskv?ll.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PaysonCheckout for WooCommerce] Wrong placement of Login buttonDet m?ste vara magi… Har rotat lite mer i koden. Inloggningsformul?ret som skapas av woocommerce/templates/global/form-login.php definierar 4 st P-sektioner. Den 3:e som inneh?ller login-knappen flyttas till ett felaktigt st?lle n?r webbsidan renderas om man anv?nder “PCO”. ?tminstone i alla mina tester. Detta h?nder av n?gon anledning om ett hinput-f?lt med namnet _wp_http_referer har definierats inom P-taggen. Detta g?r ?ven att display:none deaktiveras f?r aktuell P, s? login-knapparna syns n?r de inte ska synas. Jag hittar ingen javascript eller css som styr just detta, men jag m?ste ha missat. M?ste leta mer p? det sp?ret.
Trodde ett tag att funktionen add_wc_form() i class-paysoncheckout-for-woocommerce-templates.php hade med saken att g?ra eftersom PCO fipplar med login-knappen, men jag har inte g?tt till botten med hur. Tror dock detta ?r ett villosp?r.
Jag h?vdar inte att det ?r n?gon bugg i PCO, men det finns n?got som inte l?ngre tycks lira som det ska ihop med Woo/WP, och jag tror det g?r att l?sa med en ?ndring av PCO. Bara jag f?rstod hur problemet uppst?r. Letar vidare… ??
Hi! No video, but I made an image that hopefully shows the problem:
It might work as designed, but currently it is hard for tutors to make sure all questions are answered. And it is also hard for the students to know when to look for answers.
This is tested on a quite clean wp installation, so I don’t believe something is interfering and causing the problem.
If it’s not a bug report, consider it a feature request… ??
Best regards,
WalterI wish I could delete “/var/www/”. Please ignore it.
Oh sorry, one more in the same file:
<h3>My Profile</h3>
It works for new questions, but not for follow-up questions from the student in the same Q&A-thread.
While your at is, consider some kind of notification to the student when an instructor has answered a question. I believe this is missing. Something for the backlog maybe. ??
WalterForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Tutor LMS - eLearning and online course solution] Alpha version?Wonderful! ??
The incorrect Alpha reference is here:
There is also a non-working link “Click here to get the paid version.” on:
Thank you for developing this plugin!
Best regards,
WalterForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can’t access dashboard after update to 4.8I found out that my problem was related to “iThemes Security”. With this plugin enabled all server memory is consumed after just one web request and the client get loads of cookie data. After disabling iThemes Security (from Edge) all works as before (in Chrome), except that some security settings I had done in iThemes Security now breaks stuff. Revert settings in iThemes Security before disabling might be smart. And before all this, maybe just deleting browser cookies can fix the issue.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can’t access dashboard after update to 4.8I had the same problem, and it was resolved for me by deleting all cookies for my WordPress domain. Seems to work, but maybe the problem returns later.
I found that it must be a bug in wordpress that in some cases causes cookies to be sent to the client until the the client cuts the connection. In my case over 2060 and a half cookie was sent wrongly. 282968 bytes of only cookie data…
I believe users that has not logged in to the site won’t have this problems. However in my case all system memory was also used up, creating big problems. I’m not 100 % sure this is related, but the two problems correlated.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Woo Events Manager] How to remove event data from item?Hi there! The problem is within process_product_meta_event_tab() where for some reason the date is updated without any checks when set, but when not set it is only cleared if “product” == $typenow, but the global variable $typenow is not assigned. At least not on my server. There is also a requirement for is_edit_page(‘edit’) when clearing, but not when setting. This might be wrong, but I don′t believe it will cause problems.