Forum Replies Created
Hello Liton,
None of the jquery-ui css is causing problems.
My problem was with a custom css style I had added to decrease the font size when the html structure was h3 a.
Once the html structure changed to just h3 that style was no longer applied.photosbyemilie had a different problem. Her theme had a css declaration…
.article-content h3 { font-family: prophecy_scriptregular,Courier,monospace; }
which was not applied to the accordion Questions before the update, but once the accordion question html structure changed to h3 it did apply. She would need to add a css declaration to one of her style sheets to override it, like this…
.ui-accordion .ui-accordion-header h3 { font-family: Arial; }
Glad you have a self healing version of WordPress, I could do with one of them some days.
As for your separate problem with FAQ Question styling, I have created a new separate thread with separate answer.
Bundling multiple issues into one thread just makes it harder for the people who come after us looking for these answers.Resolved.
See above post.Resolved.
See first post.Thanks Gioni,
wp-cerber version fixes this issue.
I appreciate your work on this issue and on the plugin in general.Your welcome, thanks for the plugin.
I’ve updated to Version: 3.0.2 and it is working well.Hello spolaorso and Liton,
I had a similar issue with the content of my accordion being longer than the accordion content div.
To fix it I edited wp-awesome-faq/accordion.js and initialized the accordion with the code…jQuery(document).ready(function($) { jQuery(".accordion").accordion({heightStyle: "content", collapsible: true, active: false}); });
Now my content fits.
See https://jqueryui.com/accordion/#no-auto-heightThat’s good thanks Tim.
I really like the way WordFence works and the continual improvement of its functionality and code.I just noticed that wordfence is now sending email through wp_mail.
My smtp plugin is intercepting them as I had hoped and sending authenticated smtp email.
Thanks GuysForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] html email writes invalid htmlAfter some more digging I found that Takayuki has already prepared a function for this. wpcf7_autop() on line 3 of contact-form-7/includes/formatting.php
If I replace line 51 of contact-form-7/includes/mail.php$body = wpautop( $body );
$body = wpcf7_autop( $body );
then add html and body tags to the protected $allblocks regex on line 12 of contact-form-7/includes/formatting.php
$allblocks = '(?:html|body|table|thead|tfoot|....;
Then it works very well.
- html and body tags are preserved between the Message Body field of CF7 and the generated html email
- Text on separate lines gets converted to br tag
- Text on double spaced lines gets converted to p tags
- All other html tags I tried get preserved in the generated email
I hope this gets implemented soon.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] html email writes invalid htmlAn alternative solution would be to instruct CF7 users to not add html or body tags then have the plugin write them. Such as this at line 50 of contact-form-7/includes/mail.php
$body = $this->replace_tags( $template['body'], true ); $body = wpautop( $body ); $body = "<html><body>" . $body . "</body></html>";
This also sends an email with the valid html of
<html> <body> <p>A paragraph.</p> </body> </html>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] html email writes invalid htmlThis test was conducted with twentytwelve theme with no other plugins active.
I would love for the plugin developer to confirm they can reproduce this issue.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Validation errors occurred when trying to submit formHello Matt Tutt,
Your issue is due to your form having two textfields with the same id[textarea textarea-153] [textarea* textarea-153]
You also have a second issue with the date format.
User must enter date in the format 2015-01-30.
Your placeholder should be in that format to guide the user to enter it like that.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Hiding a URL behind a formA download without a file after filling a form is not a download at all it is just an email form.
I would create a new contact form with the relevant input fields, then in the Mail tab Message Body field put the html for the link in the content of the email.
Then instead of the [email-download] shortcode just use your CF7 shortcode [contact-form-7 id=”111″ title=”test”]Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] 'To' email issueTo address the missing email issue you could install the Contact Form DB plugin.
While this will not recover the missing emails, it will enable you to recover emails not delivered in the future.