Mato Philip
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Subscribe to Category] Fetching Posts for a Logged User CategoryI’ve installed it but not tested yet, I assumed it worked fine.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gravity Forms Charts Reports] filter data based on approval statusExactly what I needed! Thanks so much @munger41 ????.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GravityWP - Count] How to filter by Approval StatusYes I’ve even already applied the patch. This was really huge for me… and I believe it will help so many more as well. Thanks Erik for the premium support, It speaks quite a lot. Thank you!!
Best Regards,
Philip.- This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Mato Philip.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gravity Forms Charts Reports] filter data based on approval statusThanks so much for your time! I guess we’ll eagerly wait for validation to complete.
PHILIP.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gravity Forms Charts Reports] filter data based on approval statusHi @munger41
Have you had anytime into this? Really appreciate your support. Thank you,
PHILIP.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GravityWP - Count] How to filter by Approval StatusI am willing to pay for this premium addition. Kindly let me know what it will take. Thank you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GravityWP - Count] How to filter by Approval StatusClearly my request wasn’t understood. I use GravityView on some other pages but It is not the one I want to use for filtering. I have a separate page on which I need to count (add-up) a number field total, for all APPROVED entries. In other words, we need to add a number field amount based on a secondary filter of another field, I can do this with all other fields such as with is shortcode
[gravitywp_count formid="3" number_field="20" formstatus="all" thousands_sep="," filter_field="35" filter_value="Primary" thousands_sep=","]
I can Get a total amount for field ID 20, but I don’t need all this amount, I need a total of only approved records:I’ve tried this:
[gravitywp_count formid="3" number_field="20" filter_field="52" filter_value="Approved" thousands_sep=","]
and it has failed, also tried this,[gravitywp_count formid="3" number_field="20" filter_field="approval_status" filter_value="Approved" thousands_sep=","]
,and it has also failed. How do I go about adding this filter, if it does not exist for now, How can I hardcode it? Thank you again!!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GravityWP - Count] How to filter by Approval StatusI have tried many ways but it doesn’t work out. Please look at this screenshot:
I need to calculate the total amount of Amount Column for only approved entries, those with a green tick, and ignore the crossed-out entries. Whatever shortcode I use brings a total for all entries from all users, including disapproved entries.
Approval and Disapproval are fields built in gravity view, I did not add them in the form and they do not have field ids. Thanks so much for your help.
PHILIP.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gravity Forms Charts Reports] filter data based on approval statusWhen I enter the shortcode to display charts, it displays results for all entries whether approved or not. I’ve tried many ways but in vain.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gravity Forms Charts Reports] filter data based on approval statusBELOW, See the status column “Originally Approval Status” changed in GravityViews to reflect status. I’d wish to create a report/chart using ONLY approved entries, i.e those with ticks, and leave out those with crosses. I however can’t seem to find the relevant corresponding shortcode to filter out records based on “Approval status. Thank you so much.
This is another screen that shows the same column – but with no ability to change status. Only indicates whether approved on note based on what I did at the previous screen:
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Participants Database] THIS IS A PRICELESS PLUGIN!!First of all, Ensure that for every field you have created under “Manage Database Fields button” you check the checkbox under signup on the extreme right as shown here:Then update your fields. (sign up shortcode
Next, check your settings under “settings button”, click signup form settings, and choose the thank you page, I recommend using “same page” Option. Save your settings.
Reload the page that contains your signup form shortcode, let me know how it goes. And…. if this doesn’t help, kindly post here the link to the form so I can look at it for a better response. I hope this works out.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Participants Database] Plugin Update & List questionClarification: Sorry, I’m not trying to create edit links, but single record preview links such as the default one set in the settings of the plugin by choosing Single Record Link Field under list display settings tab. How do I create a second single record link field within the same list table, that will open a record on another page that has pdb_single template=custome2? Thank you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Participants Database] Plugin Update & List questionOne Kind inquiry, and thanks for the great plugin.
I have two custom templates A & B for the pdb_single record, one displays information from a certain group of fields, while the other displays from another group, but both groups belong to one record.
I’d like to have two different links in the pdb_list table – one leading to group A single record display, while the other link to B. The default (easy to create) edit_link leads to the first record A (url/default-single-record-template/?pdb=[id]), and I have failed to create the second link to be displayed in the list table so as to lead me to the second page url/custom-template-b/?pdb=[id]. Thanks for the help.
Philip.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: How can I remove empty space between content and footerHi, thanks; but it did not work. I added to the css;
#colophon { margin-top: -20px; }
There was no effect; I went ahead to addit directlyto the footer.php file:
<footer id="colophon" class="site-footer" role="contentinfo" style="margin-top: -20px;">
And nothing happened. (on clearing cache both for the site and the browsers, the white space re-surfaces.); this is most common in Opera, though chrome and Mozilla don’t show it much,but they also do sometimes. Any other ideas? I appreciate all help rendered on this matter; thank you.