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Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Tracks] Mobile Theme Layout Size ReducedITS COMPLETELY FIXED!
THANK YOU SO MUCH!I took the advice you gave in regards to using #main .entry-title to override the plugin.
What I did was erase the following from the CSS Sheet:
.entry-title { font-family: \'EB Garamond\' !important; font-size: 42px !important; font-style: normal !important; font-weight: 400 !important; }
recreate the .entry-title font control in the Google Font plugin then went into Track’s CSS Customization sheet and specified the size I want it to be on mobile using
#main .entry-title { font-size: 32px !important; }
And it now works fine. ??
I’m deeply grateful for your patience and all your help. Thank you SO much.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Tracks] Mobile Theme Layout Size ReducedI’m not sure I understand what you’re saying I should do. ‘update the settings in the plugin’…Should I recreate the .entry-title font control in the plugin then add to the Tracks CSS Customization sheet under @media section:
#main .entry-title { font-family: 'EB Garamond' !important; }
What I have done is remove the .entry-title font control from the plugin and to maintain the same effect I added it instead to Tracks’s SS sheet as:
.entry-title { font-family: \'EB Garamond\' !important; font-size: 42px !important; font-style: normal !important; font-weight: 400 !important; }
Which works well for desktop view but the prob is the mobile.
I tried doing this in Track’s CSS Sheet to see if it would change the font to EB G on mobile view.
@media all and (max-width: 800px) { body { font-size: 85% ; } .menu-primary, .menu-primary-tracks { padding-top: 12em; } #main .entry-title { font-size: 32px !important; font-family: \'EB Garamond\' !important; } .site-title .logo { max-width: 220px; } #menu-primary-tracks { top: 24px; } }
. but it didn’t. I’m clearly misunderstanding something.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Tracks] Mobile Theme Layout Size ReducedIT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everything from mobile view fits nicely on the screen now. HUGE improvement.
I’m however realizing that the entry title font on desktop is not the same as on mobile view.
Is there any way to adjust that? I tried entering font-family in the media query section for mobile view but it didn’t work. I did the same for desktop view and it worked.@media all and (max-width: 800px) { body { font-size: 85% ; } .menu-primary, .menu-primary-tracks { padding-top: 12em; } .entry-title { font-size: 32px !important; font-family: 'EB Garamond' !important; } .site-title .logo { max-width: 220px; } #menu-primary-tracks { top: 24px; } }
That’s what I currently have.
When .entry-title was managed by the plugin the EB G. font did show up in mobile view. I’m not sure if I can get it to do that again without the plugin’s help.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Tracks] Mobile Theme Layout Size ReducedThanks a lot for pointing that out. I removed .entry-title from the plugin and instead placed it directly in Tracks’s CSS customization sheet.
Also removed the 46 px and everything else you said to remove.Removing the 46 px increased the font size of post titles on post pages from desktop view. I can live with that. But in mobile view it is not showing the EB Garamond font and I didn’t expect the post title to look so small. It looks less than 85 % of its original size.
Also the size of the logo has not budged.
So entry title and logo are now the stubborn ones. No way I can get the mobile view post title to mimic exactly the desktop view at 85%? Everything else seems to be cooperating.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Tracks] Mobile Theme Layout Size ReducedI erased everything and begun from here in the Tracks CSS Customization sheet.
@media all and (max-width: 800px) { body { font-size: 80%; } .menu-primary, .menu-primary-tracks { padding-top: 14em; }
Everything else except the excerpt title, logo and footer decreased. I added .site-footer and the footer decreased. I then added .entry-excerpt but nothing changed.
I’m not sure why one is responding while the other is not.
I should mention that I use the Google fonts plugin and their Font control option but both .excerpt-title and .site-footer were added to their plugin so I’m still not sure how .site-footer is working and .site-excerpt is not when I’m adding it to the customization sheet.
I would think both would not have responded if the plugin was interfering.So to date I have
@media all and (max-width: 800px) { body, .excerpt-title, .main, .menu-primary-items ul, .site-footer { font-size: 80%; } .menu-primary, .menu-primary-tracks { padding-top: 14em; }
The only thing not working with me is Logo and excerpt title
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Tracks] Mobile Theme Layout Size ReducedUPDATE: it worked briefly. It was going fine until I entered the section to bring the menu down on mobile view. Things started going haywire after that. The font all of a sudden changed on desktop for the menu (it reverts to the original font for Tracks) but the post title’s mobile view remains fine. The menu is now below the logo perfectly. It seems I cant adjust the size of the headings and menu position at the same time.
@media all and (max-width: 800px) { .entry-title { font-size: 28px !important; font-family: EB Garamond; font-weight: 400; text-transform: capitalize; } .excerpt-title { font-size: 30px !important; font-family: Kristi; font-weight: 400; text-transform: capitalize; }
That responded on mobile fine until I added this
.menu-primary, .menu-primary-tracks { padding-top: 12em; }
Now the menu alone works fine and everything else started going wrong. Any suggestions?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Tracks] Mobile Theme Layout Size ReducedThanks for replying so quickly!
I tried the @media code and it did work but isn’t there something I could use to reduce the entire site all at one time?
I can see your suggestion will work and I WAS primarily concerned with the way my headings took over the page but if I was interested in reducing the logo and sharing widgets and the body of the posts etc etc that means I would have to figure out each element to enter into the CSS customization sheet and adjust each independently. *eep!*
That’s a daunting task for someone who barely knows what they’re doing! (you can laugh…I wont judge)
If it has to be done then so be it but any quick fix? Thanks.
It worked! Thank you so much Petra! ??
this is funny…as I posted it on here to you for help, I saw where to add it. ??
Since that has been resolved…could you help put a bit of space between the sharing icons and the related posts section as they appear on each post? They’re pretty close together. What do I do to create that space?
Thanks for your help. ??Hey Petra! Below is the content of my content.php file. ??
if( is_single() ) { ?>
<div <?php post_class(); ?>>
<?php// check for Featured Video
$video = get_post_meta( $post->ID, ‘ct_tracks_video_key’, true );// if has a video, embed it instead of featured image
if( $video ) {
echo ‘<div class=”featured-video”>’;
echo wp_oembed_get( esc_url( $video ) );
echo ‘</div>’;
// otherwise, output the featured image
elseif(get_theme_mod(‘premium_layouts_setting’) == ‘full-width-images’ || get_theme_mod(‘premium_layouts_setting’) == ‘two-column-images’){
if (has_post_thumbnail( $post->ID ) ) {
echo “<div class=’featured-image-container’>”;
echo “</div>”;
} else {
<div class=”entry-meta”>
<?php get_template_part(‘content/post-meta’); ?>
<div class=’entry-header’>
<h1 class=’entry-title’><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
<div class=”entry-container”>
<div class=”entry-content”>
<?php the_content(); ?>
<?php wp_link_pages(array(‘before’ => ‘<p class=”singular-pagination”>’ . __(‘Pages:’,’tracks’), ‘after’ => ‘</p>’, ) ); ?>
<?php get_template_part(‘sidebar’,’after-post-content’); ?>
<div class=’entry-meta-bottom’>
if( get_theme_mod(‘additional_options_further_reading_settings’) != ‘hide’ ) {
} ?>
<div class=”entry-categories”>
<?php get_template_part(‘content/category-links’); ?>
<div class=”entry-tags”>
<?php get_template_part(‘content/tag-links’); ?>
if(get_theme_mod(‘additional_options_author_meta_settings’) != ‘hide’){ ?>
<div class=”author-meta”>
<div class=”author”>
<?php ct_tracks_profile_image_output(); ?>
_e( ‘Written by:’, ‘tracks’);
<div class=”bio”>
<p><?php the_author_meta( ‘description’ ); ?></p>
<?php ct_tracks_author_social_icons(); ?>
<?php } ?>
} else { ?>
<div <?php post_class(); ?>>
<?php// check for Featured Video
$video = get_post_meta( $post->ID, ‘ct_tracks_video_key’, true );if( $video ) {
// if post has video enabled on blog
if ( get_post_meta( $post->ID, ‘ct_tracks_video_display_key’, true ) == ‘both’ ) {
$video = esc_url($video);
$video = wp_oembed_get($video);echo ‘<div class=”featured-video”>’;
echo $video;
echo ‘</div>’;
else {
echo ‘‘;
echo ‘‘;
// otherwise output Featured Image
else {
echo ‘‘;
echo ‘‘;
<div class=”excerpt-container”>
if(get_theme_mod(‘premium_layouts_setting’) == ‘full-width-images’ || get_theme_mod(‘premium_layouts_setting’) == ‘two-column-images’){ ?>
<div class=”content-container”>
<?php } ?>
<div class=”excerpt-meta”>
<?php get_template_part(‘content/post-meta’); ?>
<div class=’excerpt-header’>
<h1 class=’excerpt-title’>
“><?php the_title(); ?>
<div class=’excerpt-content’>
<?php ct_tracks_excerpt(); ?>
if(get_theme_mod(‘premium_layouts_setting’) == ‘full-width-images’ || get_theme_mod(‘premium_layouts_setting’) == ‘two-column-images’){ ?>
<?php } ?>
}Firstly thank you so much for this plugin. I really appreciate it ??
I’m having a similar problem to @schigk in that I’d like to move the Related Posts Widget below my share button and I’m not sure how to do that.
I understand that I will have to manually insert the <?php wp_related_posts()?> shortcode to the right place in the theme editor below the code that determines the share buttons, I use the sharing option that WordPress offers. I dont use an additional plugin…
But I’m not sure EXACTLY where to paste the shortcode. You said to paste in content.php but where exactly please? I can’t figure it out. ??
My website is https://www.wahlii.com/
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Tracks] Adding slider to front pageUPDATE: AHHHH I FOUND IT! ??
If anyone else happens to want to know how to do it the link below will help ??Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Tracks] Adding slider to front pageHi Ben!
I added a slider using the steps you gave above and it worked but now I’m seeing the slider on all pages as you said. I just want it to show on my homepage and nowhere else. Is there anything that can be done to stop it from showing up everywhere else?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Scroll Triggered Box] Plugin shows on homepageIt does not use a multi language plugin .
Now I just updated the plugin and it’s now showing sharing buttons on the home page even when the sharing option is unchecked. I tried checking then saving then unchecking and saving again. No difference.
And now on the post pages when the scrollbox pops up it now includes a widget I didn’t include for it to show and I’m not sure why it is now doing this. Before the update it was not doing this. :(. The scrollbox window is now so big that it stretches past the screen and you cannot see everything because the widget is now added. Please help! ??
It’s a Recent Posts widget
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Tracks] Featured Video on post…Featured Image on blogHonestly I’m not quite sure how to do something like that…I guess I’m stuck until I figure that out or the update. :/
But thank you though. You’ve been so incredibly helpful and pleasant with my questions.
I sincerely appreciate it. ??