Forum Replies Created
Ok, o log.
Quando pe?o o valor do frete pela pagina de produto tudo ok, o log registra o request. Quando pe?o pelo carrinho, o log indica “Cart only with virtual products”. Quando preenchidos os dados de envio na pagina de checkout, os valores atualizam normalmente e o log é rescrito.Falha no carrinho ent?o, que entende como “Virtual product”. O que pode ser?
05-31-2016 @ 12:29:47 – Cart only with virtual products.
05-31-2016 @ 12:30:09 – Weight and cubage of the order: Array
[height] => 30
[length] => 19
[width] => 19
[weight] => 1
)05-31-2016 @ 12:30:09 – Requesting the Correios WebServices…
05-31-2016 @ 12:30:10 – Correios WebServices response [PAC]: SimpleXMLElement Object
[Codigo] => 41106
[Valor] => 14,80
[PrazoEntrega] => 5
[ValorSemAdicionais] => 14,80
[ValorMaoPropria] => 0,00
[ValorAvisoRecebimento] => 0,00
[ValorValorDeclarado] => 0,00
[EntregaDomiciliar] => S
[EntregaSabado] => N
[Erro] => 0
[MsgErro] => SimpleXMLElement Object
05-31-2016 @ 12:30:10 – Correios WebServices response [SEDEX]: SimpleXMLElement Object
[Codigo] => 40010
[Valor] => 15,90
[PrazoEntrega] => 1
[ValorSemAdicionais] => 15,90
[ValorMaoPropria] => 0,00
[ValorAvisoRecebimento] => 0,00
[ValorValorDeclarado] => 0,00
[EntregaDomiciliar] => S
[EntregaSabado] => S
[Erro] => 0
[MsgErro] => SimpleXMLElement Object
Opa, erro na explica??o. O cálculo no carrinho aparece vazio até pra usuários registrados, só na página de produto que funciona
thanks for the reply in the middle of holidays.
I checked and the browser console shows no errors.
I guess I explained myself poorly: every few hours I get an EMAIL message informing a certain IP was locked out from the signing in. Always the same IP.
And that happens althought that same IP appears as blocked for the mext 10 days. (I chose 10 days in my preferences, after 3 unsuccessful attempts)
My temporary solution has been to manually block it “permanently”. But I don’t think it’s a real solution… any ideas?Thanks again
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Virtue] Shopping cart not showingMore details, sorry. I checked the code and it’s in fact calling the original images, not the thumbnails… which do exist on the upload folder…
newA.jpg is the original image. It should be calling NewA-180×100.jpg
Same problem on the shopping cart: it’s calling the original image, not the miniature…
Is it a Woocommerce error or a Virtue one?<div class=”product_thumbnails”>
<img width=”180″ height=”180″ src=”https://localhost/fantabuloso/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/newA.jpg” class=”attachment-shop_thumbnail” alt=”Letra A” />Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Virtue] Shopping cart not showingOops! I was a little too quick… it seems the thumbnails (gallery) below the main image in the product pages are scrambled… I started by adding one product manually (again, it’s a blank site so far)
Please, see what I mean:
https://praparede.com/demoVirtue/scrambledThumbs.pngForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Virtue] Shopping cart not showingThanks for the info on finding the sliders through “Theme Options”.
I was trying it through the admin top bar “customize”
Have a nice weekend!Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Virtue] Shopping cart not showingHi Hannah, I’m testing locally.
Also, any change I save, I immediately lose the sLider. I guess there’s no slider on the free version…Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Virtue] Shopping cart not showingIt only works if I switch items on top bar…
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Virtue] Shopping cart not showingPS: checking the code I see that while “customizing” there is a ul class=”kad-cart-total”. But after saving, there’s nothing between the ::before and ::after tags on the “topbarmenu clearfix”
Just in case. I’m on the 2.5.7 version of VirtueForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Brazilian Market on WooCommerce] Pedidos ainda n?o mostram número da RuaBom, na minha instala??o ainda aparece Woocommerce 2.1.12 como a vers?o mais recente, nada de 2.2
Mesmo assim atualizei o seu plugin pra v3.2.0 …mas os pedidos aparecem exatamente igual que antes, sem número de rua.
Como eu posso ajudar?
ObrigadoForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Brazilian Market on WooCommerce] Pedidos ainda n?o mostram número da RuaOlá, desculpa, como posso ent?o ajudar?
Passei as vers?es como vc pediu e o(s) printscreens. Pe?a, por favor, que eu me prontifico a ajudar.Aliás, eu estou com a última vers?o do Woocommerce (2.1.12) e n?o existe 2.2 ainda…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Brazilian Market on WooCommerce] Pedidos ainda n?o mostram número da RuaMas é claro, Claudio! Já pedi desculpas por n?o ter certeza se eu tinha enviado a mensagem pro lugar certo! Foi mal, sorry de novo.
WordPress 3.9.2 —– Woocommerce 2.1.12 —– WooCommerce Extra Checkout Fields for Brazil 3.1.0
Printscreens (disponiveis por 3 dias) das telas de pedidos SEM número no endere?o:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Brazilian Market on WooCommerce] Pedidos ainda n?o mostram número da RuaN?o, n?o, Claudio, desculpe o malentendido.
O endere?o já n?o aparecia antes. N?o é que agora sumiu após a atualiza??o.Eu tinha escrito a você pelo contato do blog uns dias atrás falando que o número de Rua n?o aparece nos pedidos. Só aparece ao entrar em “editar endere?o”
Daí, poucos dias depois, vcs atualizaram o plugin e o changelog é “integra??o com a API de pedidos”. Por isso eu entendi que vcs tinham consertado/implementado o número de Rua no endere?o do pedido.E desta vez consegui n?o te irritar ??
Na boa, esse plugin é um present?o, obrigado a você.Tried both suggestions, still blank results ??
I mean, I get the “Thumb Title” header, but nothing below it[archivist query=”page_id=13″] -> Works fine, shows that page’s info
So, I don’t know what elese to try. And “post_parent” not working is weird, since only PAGES are hierarchical…
Please, more suggestions?
Thanks in advance