Hi, I’m having the exact issues the other users are reporting.
I have Updraft and WP Mail SMTP plugins installed.
Updraft is connected to my Google account to backup everything in Google Drive.
A couple weeks ago, I stopped getting the emails notifying me about the backup being completed (the backups finished successfully according to Updraft’s panel). And now, I started getting this error too PHP event:
code E_WARNING: json_decode() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given (line 177, wp-content/plugins/updraftplus/includes/Google/Auth/OAuth2.php) (Jun 18 19:55:36)
In parallel, I’ve also been getting for the last couple of weeks aprox an alert from plugin WP Mail SMTP on top of the WordPress admin panel saying:
There was a problem while retrieving Auth for gmail: Could not json decode the token