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Hi @adamdunnage,
Oops, I think I missed this message. Thank you so much for your help and availability. I really appreciate it. It’s reassuring to know there’s nothing to worry about, and fortunately, the error hasn’t occurred again. It might have been something during the plugin configuration. If I encounter any more issues, I’ll be sure to let you know. Thanks again for your support!
Ok, thank you for your help and patience, @adamdunnage!
Hi @wfpeter
I am using Litespeed, so that could be the cause of the problem. I will check that out. Thank you for the insights and suggestions.
Yes, I have one more question: could enabling any of Litespeed’s CSS/JS optimisation options have a negative impact on Site Kit Analytics and the tags in question, causing issues with data collection or functionality? If so, should I add the path “content/plugins/google-site-kit” to the JS and CSS exclusion sections (or any other section) in Litespeed to avoid this?
Thank you, @yingscarlett I appreciate your honest feedback!
- This reply was modified 7 months, 3 weeks ago by vsalgadinho.
Hi @adamdunnage,
Yes, I noticed that the “Exclude all logged in users” option was enabled in Site Kit, which probably prevented my visits from being counted in the traffic data.
However, when I switched to the Google Tag Manager for Analytics Place Code snippet, I noticed that I had not properly included my domain in the Tag Coverage section of Analytics; it was only listed as “suggested”,” not added. I believe this may also be the cause of the problem, as I added it yesterday and checked again today. It appears that the tags are now working correctly and Google Analytics is displaying the message “Data collection has been active in the last 48 hours”. Finally! ??
Now the tags are working, but back to the original problem that brought me to this forum: My performance score has dropped from 100 to 90-94. Could you please check if there is a way to reduce the impact of the third party code and unused JavaScript generated by the tags and Analytics?
The reason for the AMP plugin is to ensure better performance and score for mobile devices. The plugin was recommended to me on the Google Site Kit forum because after installing Site Kit and adding Analytics tags to my website, my site’s mobile performance dropped significantly (even though I had the tags configured incorrectly). I will have to take a closer look at the post you mentioned as I was unaware of it. But if I was wrong, does that mean AMP will not add any value to my website in my case?
- This reply was modified 7 months, 3 weeks ago by vsalgadinho.
- This reply was modified 7 months, 3 weeks ago by vsalgadinho.
I have just realised that when I examine the header of my website with the inspect tool, the following a script saying:
<!-- Google Analytics opt-out snippet added by Site Kit -->
window["ga-disable-G-49584GEJ5G"] = true;
<!-- End Google Analytics opt-out snippet added by Site Kit -->I am not sure if this script is normal, but could it be that the script is preventing Google Analytics from collecting data? If so, is there a specific procedure or settings in the Site Kit plugin or elsewhere that need to be adjusted?
- This reply was modified 7 months, 3 weeks ago by vsalgadinho.
Update: The tag is now recognised by the Tag Manager, but when I click on the Google Analytics data stream, the message “Data collection isn’t active for your website. If you installed tags more than 48 hours ago, make sure they are set up correctly.”. I have tried accessing my own site to trigger the tag and my visits are showing up in my Analytics report, which I access through Google Analytics itself, but not through my Site Kit dashboard. I will wait some time to see if anything changes. If not, I will probably give up and hire an expert in the future.
Yes, that’s exactly what I see when I click on Edit; the toggler is switched on.
Oddly enough, I have now tried to use the tag assistance again, but now I can not see the tag. I have already tried a few plugins and options to place the tags, including Tag Manager (via Site Kit, as I said before), but also Monster Insights. I have uninstalled these plugins, but I am not sure if this has completely deleted the files in the database etc and could be causing the problem.
I have tried restoring a previous version of my site to solve the problem, but that did not work either. So I am assuming that the problem could be related to the configuration of my tag and will go through the instructions step by step to see if I have missed anything.
- This reply was modified 7 months, 3 weeks ago by vsalgadinho.
- This reply was modified 7 months, 3 weeks ago by vsalgadinho.
I have already disabled my waf blocking rules, and yes, I am using Site Kit to place my Analytics code snippet. I am not able to upload the screenshot here (I do not know why, but I can not manage to load it), but in the “Code Snippet” of my Analytics section of Site Kit it says: Snippet is inserted.
- This reply was modified 7 months, 3 weeks ago by vsalgadinho.
Hi @adamdunnage,
I have used the tag assistance and it has identified one tag, although no hits are shown as the site is new and I have no traffic yet. As for the firewall, I am using Cloudflare custom waf rules but I have not detected any blocking from Google or Google services. Could you please tell me what request is being made so I can check it further?
Hi @adamdunnage,
I just wanted to let you know that I had inadvertently enabled the option offered by Google Analytics to place code in Site Kit, but I had my Google Tag linked to GA4 and the service was also linked in Site Kit.
I am using only the “Place Code” option from GA in Site Kit. I also disabled the Tag Manager service and removed all tags, variables and triggers from Google Tag Manager, and created a new data stream for GA4. However, it says “Data collection is not active for your site”. I am not sure if this is normal because the changes were made recently, or if I have done something wrong (again)!
Anyway, I then run new PageSpeed tests (with CSS/JS Lite speed page optimisation options disabled and my theme instead of the default WordPress theme). Performance has improved somewhat (now fluctuating between 89 and 96), although there are still two issues related to Site Kit/Google Tags:
Reduce the impact of third-party code - Third-party code blocked the main thread for 250 ms
Reduce unused JavaScript - Potential savings of 36 KiB
Eliminate render-blocking resources - Potential savings of 60 msI am not sure if there is something I can do about this?
- This reply was modified 7 months, 3 weeks ago by vsalgadinho.
Coming Soon plugin deactivated. I am the one who needs to thank you for your help!
I wonder if I can send you my WP and Google Analytics/Tag Manager credentials via a private form instead (I will change them afterwards), so you can check everything and run the appropriate tests?
Done! Twenty Twenty-Four activated!