~Mike V.
Forum Replies Created
I upgraded and received an Upgrade FAILURE ERROR advising me to debug wordpress?! However, after I cleared the Error message, it appears it did upgrade to 13.0.5 and the online users – visitor count appears to work now….but I’m concerned about the upgrade error.
In my last note I was referring to the youtube video description that appears on the video splash sceen that gets printed even thought the video itself is not there with pmb-screen-only. A workaround was to put the video in an enhanced column and making the column pmb-screen-only.
de ja vous – we already addressed these.
Oh man…I must be losing it as I did not see/notice settings below the post/page.
Thanks for the heads up!Hello – Michael, Any thoughts?
I’m thinking there could be show more settings like in print now (or make those ‘sticky’) to also apply to the buttons? Or maybe another custom field ‘show featured image’ with a default/show/hide where hide results in ‘show_featured_image=0’ instead of ‘1’ ??Thought I got it, but FAIL….
.pmb-posts .featured-media img {
}- This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by ~Mike V..
Regarding the Shaq video series, I found a work around to include the videos inside an advanced column block which is set for pmb-screen-only. This works, but it would be better if embedded videos would honor the pmb-screen-only setting (or maybe I’m doing something wrong?)
If you’re still there, I have one more ‘problem’.
In this (and other posts) embedded youtube videos, https://mjvaquatics.com/shaqs-pond/
even though I use pmb-screen-only, the video description is printed. It’s the description that appears on the video splash screen. I’ve created the same text with link that’s pmb-print-only…so I’m seeing the link text and the redundant video text when printed.Thoughts?
I see there’s an empty paragraph tag (ie <p></p>) at the start of that reusable block. If you can find it and remove it, it should take care of that whitespace. If you can’t remove it (maybe WordPress is adding it automatically?) you can add a CSS class onto that particular reusable block and we can remove the whitespace with a bit of CSS code.
<< Actually the button is at the end of the block – I removed a bit of padding so it’s not quite as bad.
Each browser does things its own way; Firefox’s PDFs don’t include hyperlinks but others do. While browsers do a pretty good job of printing, there are inconsistencies like this that I admit are annoying (and is part of why I’m working on a “Pro” version which uses a paid service to generate the PDFs.) So ya I’d just use a different browser (one which includes working hyperlinks, like Edge or Chrome) if that’s what you’re wanting.
<< I found that SAVING as PDF in MS Edge resolved the issue.
The browser is automatically adding that to the footer, but you can instruct it not to. I actually made a FAQ for this with a couple videos that I think should give you what you need.
<< Doh – I found where I can supress header/footer!
So now I need to figure out a cover and just maybe a table of contents maybe even with links!
Yaaa once I have the Pro version done, it should help with these (it optionally adds a cover page) and a table of contents. Sorry it’s not quite there yet. I’ve heard of people using Calibre to create a table of contents themselves, but I have no experience with that.
<< I got creative and created a post cover and contents after a page break, made the publish date 1900 so it’s on the end, and PMB oldest first – Works Well!!
Michael – Thank-you for a great piece of software AND for taking the time to help me.
KUDOSUpdate: I take it back…In MS Edge, I was using MS Print to PDF and links were dead. I switched to Save as PDF and links are fine!
So now I need to figure out a cover and just maybe a table of contents maybe even with links!- This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by ~Mike V..
One other question…at the bottom of every page I see…
https://mjvaquatics.com/?format=pdf&post-type=post&order-date=desc&order-menu and it continues. Why is this and can we prevent? (note it is just printed, not a link.
- This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by ~Mike V..
I found a work around by putting the ‘Donate’ button short code inside an advanced column block that had the “pmb-screen-only” in the css. The column block creates a slight bit of unwanted space between when viewing the button and the copyright statement.
I guess another option for the times the blog will be printed would be to delete the button short code in the reusable block for printing, then put it back after. A little bit of a hack, but is an option unless you have some magic.Also, I have a question… I usually use Firefox, but even if I PMB from MS Edge, external links are dead. Shouldn’t they work?
regards, ~Mike V.
Hey Michael,
This is great. Thank-you for the help. We are so close. I don’t have a way to set css in the footer for the HTML ASC II fish (which I could live with as not a bad footer ending in the printed post), but I’d really like to hide the paypal ‘Donate’ short code button (in that same ‘footer’ reusable block). Any Ideas?
Thank-you again, ~Mike V.
Wow – that little block of code makes a BIG difference! – kudos and THANK-YOU for your help!
I am using the Gutenberg block editor and nearly all the repetitive stuff are Gutenberg Reusable Blocks. So for 3 authors I have 3 different reusable header blocks. The footer for all posts is a single reusable block. The post carousel’s are all reusable blocks based on the various categories. (But for PMB, the ‘Post Footer’ with ASC II fish, copyright, disclaimer, donate button has little/no value.)…
Here’s one example where I use an ‘advanced column’ tool in a block from ‘Ultimate Addons for Gutenberg’ to embed YouTube videos…but these are only in some posts, most often just above the carousel, and not reusable blocks as the embedded youtubes are content relative.
https://mjvaquatics.com/cycling-a-new-aquarium/regards, ~Mike V.
Oh I forgot, On some posts I also often have a section of embedded youtube videos just before the posts carousel that could be hidden as well (although I have no idea how – but reminds me of ‘hide when printing’ in Lotus Notes/Domino)