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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Which WP Filter Does this …?It is using the second.
I set up a new test blog and edited the “Welcome” post as follows:
<?php include (ABSPATH. ‘/wolfman.php’); ?>
<!–more–>Lawrence Talbot, a haunted nobleman, is lured back to his family estate after his brother vanishes. Reunited with his estranged father, Talbot sets out to find his brother… and discovers a horrifying destiny for himself. Talbot’s childhood ended the night his mother died. After he left the sleepy Victorian hamlet of Blackmoor, he spent decades recovering and trying to forget. But when his brother’s fiancée, Gwen Conliffe, tracks him down to help find her missing love, Talbot returns home to join the search. He learns that something with brute strength and insatiable bloodlust has been killing the villagers, and that a suspicious Scotland Yard inspector named Aberline has come to investigate.
It did the same thing with the space (but didn’t process the PHP script even on the full post.
I then installed the “exec-php” plugin and disabled the “autop” filter.
That’s all I did – here is the test blog:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Which WP Filter Does this …?I think maybe we aren’t actually using “Excerpts”.
We use the “<!–more–>” tag to cut off the posts at the same place and then display 10 posts per page – so it seems like they are excerpts … but now that I think about it I don’t think they are.
So if they aren’t “Excerpts”, why does WP alter the PHP line ONLY before the “–MORE–” tag?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Which WP Filter Does this …?Thanks macmanx,
This site is a real estate site and has 10 excerpts (listings) per page. It has been working fine with PHP code in the content, so you are correct – that does work. The problem only emerged when we tried to add a small PHP script before the “<!–more–>”.
I have spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out if “the_excerpt” is doing this, but I can’t find any code that would add that space. It is a mystery.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Which WP Filter Does this …?I switched to the Default WP Theme and the problem remains.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Which WP Filter Does this …?Hi cais,
Thanks for the lead. I am using Thesis and they might very well use a custom excerpt. I will hunt in that direction and see what I can find.
I hear you, and I know you do your best but it the world of dynamic content, to not allow the owner/publisher to code with PHP is rediculous. I can see having a switch to not allow anyone but the administrator to use PHP … but not allowing it at all?
It makes the whole WP platform unuseable on any serious level and hopefully it will be changed in the future.
… and plugins aren’t the answer. How can anyone plan their web presence years down the road when the “average” WP Plugin 1) doesn’t work right to begin with, and 2) is supported for about 60-days.
WordPress needs to confront this issue … and not plugin writers.
Of course, WP it is free – I realize that … but after about 200 hours of design and implementation it would be nice to find someone who could actually make it work.
Not your fault, macmanx, or anyones fault. You get what you pay for I guess.
I’m just a volunteer offering support on my free time, as is … everyone else on these forums.
My client chose the WordPress platform because of the supposed “high level” of community support … but these forums seem like mostly unanswered questions?
Where would you suggest that the frustrated turn to for more informed answers?
Why does WP often insert a “blank space” after the opening PHP bracket … thereby rendering the PHP code unreadable?
<?php …code… ?>
turns into this:
< ?php …code… ?>
So no answer then?
Sorry, one more thing:
You said:
Esmi’s response was directed to the original poster who was having trouble with the plugin in his scenario.
But esmi didn’t answer his question … he gave him his standard MISDIRECTION ANSWER. Maybe esmi’s suggestion is better (in this case – MAYBE – but wouldn’t it be nice if you “experts” treated people like adults and gave them 1) the answer to their question, 2) your reasoning, and then 3) your suggestions on what might work better.
The poster’s question was:
I really need help about this one on how to execute this using the Post Editor
Maybe you, macmanx, can answer the question?
One more thing,
Here is an old question that I bet you and many others can answer … but somehow no one ever has:
Why does WP often insert a “blank space” after the opening PHP bracket … thereby rendering the PHP code unreadable?
<?php ...code... ?>
turns into this:
< ?php ...code... ?>
… and yes it often does this with exec-PHP running AND with the admin as the only user.
Simple question?
We are ALL very familiar with the various PHP Execute plugins … which don’t always work.
Your favorite seems to be “exec-PHP”, which hasn’t been updated in a year-1/2 and which does not claim to be compatible with WP 2.9.
(Why do we need a plugin to run PHP code anyway)
WP’s internal commands still often overide these plugins PHP handling (as you very well know by the HUNDREDS of posts in the last year complaining about it).
Instead of giving HALF-ANSWERS and sending people in CIRCLES … why not tackle the problem?
Um, esmi, in some cases you “HAVE TO” insert the PHP code in the post!
In my case I import my data from a feed (csv) and sometimes need to reference one of the fields from the feed in my PHP code (ie: ‘$id = ‘#24#’;) with ’24’ being the required field from the feed.
It would be nice if you actually tried to help find a solution to the question … instead of simply telling people to “do it your way”.
So, the question still remains: How do you get WP to allow you to insert PHP code in a post?
Maybe you don’t know as much about WordPress as you pretend to – but if you do, then inquiring minds want to know the answer.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Smarter Navigation – Previous/Next Links in Same CategoryMilamber solved this for me on the Thesis forums:
function cat_link() { foreach((get_the_category()) as $category) { next_post_link('%link', 'Next post in '.$category->cat_name, TRUE, ''); } }
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Smarter Navigation – Previous/Next Links in Same CategoryI combined into a single function and made it a bit more useable (the best I could do with my limited coding skills).
function catname() { foreach((get_the_category()) as $category) { echo ' (in ' . $category->cat_name . ')'; }} function next_smart() { next_post_link('%link', 'Next Post', TRUE, ''); } function cname() { $_cat = next_smart() . catname(); }
This gives me: “Next Post (in Events)”
… I still would rather have it all as a link though.