Forum Replies Created
quite possibly – but knowing this now allows me to check for the string of “NaN” rather than trying to format it. thanks for helping identify this.
interestingly – it appears that the value inserted into the field in the database is actually “NaN” – so its not PHP which is returning this, but simply the value in the database.
this is still returning NaN:
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"colname": "Surname" }, { "segment": "billing", "key": "billing_first_name", "label": "First Name (Billing)", "format": "string", "colname": "Forename" }, { "segment": "billing", "key": "billing_address_1", "label": "Address 1 (Billing)", "format": "string", "colname": "Address 1" }, { "segment": "billing", "key": "billing_address_2", "label": "Address 2 (Billing)", "format": "string", "colname": "Address 2" }, { "segment": "billing", "key": "billing_city", "label": "City (Billing)", "format": "string", "colname": "City" }, { "segment": "billing", "key": "billing_postcode", "label": "Postcode (Billing)", "format": "string", "colname": "Postcode" }, { "segment": "billing", "key": "plain_orders__billing_phone", "label": "_billing_phone", "format": "string", "colname": "Phone" }, { "segment": "billing", "key": "billing_email", "label": "Email (Billing)", "format": "string", "colname": "Email" }, { "segment": "cart", "key": "payment_method_title", "label": "Payment Method Title", "format": "string", "colname": "Payment Method Title" }, { "segment": "cart", "key": "cart_discount", "label": "Cart Discount Amount", "format": "money", "colname": "Cart Discount Amount" }, { "segment": "cart", "key": "order_subtotal", "label": "Order Subtotal Amount", "format": "money", "colname": "Order Subtotal Amount" }, { "segment": "ship_calc", "key": "shipping_method_title", "label": "Shipping Method Title", "format": "string", "colname": "Shipping Method Title" }, { "segment": "ship_calc", "key": "order_shipping", "label": "Order Shipping Amount", "format": "money", "colname": "Order Shipping Amount" }, { "segment": "totals", "key": "order_refund", "label": "Order Refund Amount", "format": "money", "colname": "Order Refund Amount" }, { "segment": "totals", "key": "order_total", "label": "Order Total Amount", "format": "money", "colname": "Order Total Amount" }, { "segment": "totals", "key": "order_total_tax", "label": "Order Total Tax Amount", "format": "money", "colname": "Order Total Tax Amount" }, { "segment": "misc", "key": "plain_orders_recipients_included", "label": "recipients_included", "format": "string", "colname": "Recipients Included" }, { "segment": "products", "key": "products", "colname": "Products", "label": "Products", "format": "undefined" }, { "segment": "products", "key": "plain_products_Course_Date", "label": "Course_Date", "format": "string", "colname": "Course Date" }, { "segment": "products", "key": "plain_products_course_start_time", "label": "course_start_time", "format": "string", "colname": "Course Start Time" }, { "segment": "products", "key": "plain_products_course_end_time", "label": "course_end_time", "format": "string", "colname": "Course End Time" }, { "segment": "products", "key": "plain_products_product_id", "label": "Product Id", "format": "number", "colname": "Product Id" }, { "segment": "products", "key": "plain_products_sku", "label": "SKU", "format": "string", "colname": "SKU" }, { "segment": "products", "key": "plain_products_line_id", "label": "Item #", "format": "number", "colname": "Item #" }, { "segment": "products", "key": "plain_products_name", "label": "Item Name", "format": "string", "colname": "Item Name" }, { "segment": "products", "key": "plain_products_qty", "label": "Quantity", "format": "number", "colname": "Quantity" }, { "segment": "products", "key": "plain_products_item_price", "label": "Item Cost", "format": "money", "colname": "Item Cost" }, { "segment": "coupons", "key": "coupons", "colname": "Coupons", "label": "Coupons", "format": "undefined" }, { "segment": "coupons", "key": "plain_coupons_code", "label": "Coupon Code", "format": "string", "colname": "Coupon Code" }, { "segment": "coupons", "key": "plain_coupons_discount_amount", "label": "Discount Amount", "format": "money", "colname": "Discount Amount" }, { "segment": "coupons", "key": "plain_coupons_discount_amount_tax", "label": "Discount Amount Tax", "format": "money", "colname": "Discount Amount Tax" } ], "order_product_fields": [ { "label": "SKU", "format": "string", "colname": "SKU", "default": 1, "key": "sku" }, { "label": "Item #", "format": "number", "colname": "Item #", "default": 1, "key": "line_id" }, { "label": "Item Name", "format": "string", "colname": "Item Name", "default": 1, "key": "name" }, { "label": "Quantity", "format": "number", "colname": "Quantity", "default": 1, "key": "qty" }, { "label": "Item Cost", "format": "money", "colname": "Item Cost", "default": 1, "key": "item_price" } ], "order_coupon_fields": [ { "label": "Coupon Code", "format": "string", "colname": "Coupon Code", "default": 1, "key": "code" }, { "label": "Discount Amount", "format": "money", "colname": "Discount Amount", "default": 1, "key": "discount_amount" }, { "label": "Discount Amount Tax", "format": "money", "colname": "Discount Amount Tax", "default": 1, "key": "discount_amount_tax" } ], "id": 1, "post_type": "shop_order", "export_rule_field": "date", "export_filename": "orders-%y-%m-%d-%h-%i-%s.csv", "destination": { "type": [ "email" ], "email_from": "", "email_from_name": "", "email_subject": "TCA Order Export", "email_body": "", "email_recipients": "[email protected],[email protected]", "email_recipients_cc": "", "email_recipients_bcc": "", "ftp_server": "", "ftp_port": "", "ftp_user": "", "ftp_pass": "", "ftp_path": "", "ftp_conn_timeout": "", "ftp_max_retries": "", "sftp_server": "", "sftp_port": "", "sftp_user": "", "sftp_pass": "", "sftp_private_key_path": "", "sftp_path": "", "sftp_conn_timeout": "", "sftp_max_retries": "", "http_post_url": "", "http_post_conn_timeout": "", "http_post_max_retries": "", "path": "\/home\/coac\/web\/thecookingacademy.co.uk\/public_html\/", "zapier_export_order_product_columns": "10", "zapier_export_order_coupon_columns": "10" }, "export_rule": "this_year", "schedule": { "type": "schedule-3", "times": "Sun 09:00,Sun 14:00,Mon 09:00,Mon 14:00,Tue 09:00,Tue 14:00,Wed 09:00,Wed 14:00,Thu 09:00,Thu 14:00,Fri 09:00,Fri 14:00,Sat 09:00,Sat 14:00", "date_times": "", "last_run": 1652955323, "last_report_sent": 1652955323, "next_run": 1652968800 }, "export_rule_custom": "3" } }, "order-action": [] }
- This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Yui. Reason: formatting
in all cases where I have referenced the key, I am using the one WITHOUT the _ including the raw data (this was only for output to see what was being pulled through)
here is the FULL custom php script :
add_filter('woe_get_order_value_recipients_included',function ($recipient, $order,$fieldname) { $recipient_check = get_post_meta( $order->ID, 'List of recipients', true ); if ( !empty($recipient_check)) { $recipient = "1"; } else { $recipient = "0"; }; return $recipient; },10,3); <!--------- THIS IS THE PART GETTING THE COURSE DATE -----------> add_filter('woe_get_order_product_value_Course_Date', function ($prod, $order, $item, $product,$item_meta) { $Course_Date = get_field('date_start', $product->id, false, false); if ( !empty($Course_Date)) { $prod =$Course_Date; } else { $prod = "NA"; }; return $prod; }, 10, 5); <!--------- THIS IS THE PART GETTING THE COURSE DATE -----------> add_filter('woe_get_order_product_value_course_start_time', function ($start, $order, $item, $product,$item_meta) { $Course_start = get_field('hour_start', $product->id, false, false) .":".get_field('minute_start', $product->id, false, false); if ( !empty($Course_start)) { $start =$Course_start; } else { $start = "NA"; }; return $start; }, 10, 5); add_filter('woe_get_order_product_value_course_end_time', function ($end, $order, $item, $product,$item_meta) { $Course_end = get_field('hour_end', $product->id, false, false) .":".get_field('minute_end', $product->id, false, false); if ( !empty($Course_end)) { $end =$Course_end; } else { $end = "NA"; }; return $end; }, 10, 5);
here you can see the preview results of the export:
there are 3 types of products:
course (which returns the course date)
a voucher (which has no start date)
a product (which returns no start date).in the screenshot above, you can see order ID 19198 and 19196 both have voucher products, one is returning “field_54204715de01b” (no data), yet the other is returning NaN. both products are setup the same. again, order 19179 also says NaN
further down, a physical product (order 19173) is also returning NaN where other physical products are returning the empty field.
products do not show this data in order items, so no need to send screenshots of these.
for the products in 19198 and 19196, both course_date fields are blank as dates do not apply to these products, the same is said for the physical products (19173)
can you be more specific please. where do you mean “items”
I have now updated to woocommerce 4.0 and this appears to be working.
also – your ticket system does not work, it does not verify the recaptcha
Hi – we have now upgraded woocommerce to 2.4, and now receive a different error with the export plugin:
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_product() on array in /home/coac/web/thecookingacademy.co.uk/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woo-order-export-lite/classes/core/class-wc-order-export-data-extractor.php:1570 Stack trace: #0 /home/coac/web/thecookingacademy.co.uk/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woo-order-export-lite/classes/core/class-wc-order-export-data-extractor.php(1701): WC_Order_Export_Data_Extractor::fetch_order_products(Object(WC_Order), Object(WC_Order_Export_Labels), Array, Array, Object(WC_Order_Export_Order_Fields)) #1 /home/coac/web/thecookingacademy.co.uk/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woo-order-export-lite/classes/core/class-wc-order-export-engine.php(485): WC_Order_Export_Data_Extractor::fetch_order_data('19484', Array, Array, Array, Array) #2 /home/coac/web/thecookingacademy.co.uk/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woo-order-export-lite/classes/admin/tabs/ajax/trait-wc-order-export-admin-tab-abstract-ajax-export.php(25): WC_Order_Export_Engine::build_file(Array, 'preview', 'browser', 0, in /home/coac/web/thecookingacademy.co.uk/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woo-order-export-lite/classes/core/class-wc-order-export-data-extractor.php on line 1570
please advise.
how would I go about that (even if bad) – simply add that function to the functions.php?
is there any way around it without upgrading WC?