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  • Laurie, Did you change your permalink structure recently?
    It appears that the links to previous blogs / archives are valid links but when they are clicked, the default blog address is the only one being displayed. If you have admin access in your WP, go to options then click permalinks and see if default is selected. If it isn’t see which one is selected. It appears also that the actual link has a / that shouldn’t be there in after your blog’s address… as in should be Your webmaster (when he gets back) may need to check your base URL settings to be sure they weren’t changed or corrupted.

    You have all done some great work but it appears the orignal plugin link is missing, but perhaps I don’t need the plugin anyway. I have search WP support and many other area for an answer to this but haven’t been able to solve this issue. I am using WP 2.04.

    I am trying to add an AIM and Yahoo Messenger link in a page (not a post and not in link management.) I am able to insert my own custom made image (Rich Text Editor) and then I attempt to make this image clickable by clicking insert / edit link. In the link field, I am adding aim:goim?screenname=MyScreenName . However, each time I save the page the link is re-written to include my blogs default URI as in – I need to be able to pust the screenname of several authors into a page. (One per page – for instance, the about page would have it’s own AIM link to one screenname and the a second page, like an about2 page would have another author’s AIM link.

    I am using the kubrick theme modified with my own custome graphics so I know the backend is fine so is there a place that I need to modify code in order to allow aim to NOT be prefaced my the default blog URI? I did also try to modify the html by hand as I do with non WP pages but no lucj there either. WP still defaults to adding the blog URI before the aim:goim?screenname=MyScreenName . This of course causes a 404 error because the link is trying to open a page on my domain that doesn’t exist.

    Thanks for any advice.


    This issue doesn’t appear to be a WP or theme related issue. It sounds like you are using an exporter (EasyPHP) from your desktop to submit your posts remotely to your WP site.

    You have indicated that if you post directly within the wp-admin area as a ‘page’ or ‘post’, that eveerything works fine so…

    It could be that since the tables take up much more markup than a plain text post, the script (EasyPHP) may be failing – it may not be able to send that much data and may be timing out -or- perhaps you need to give it a longer amount of time to try to send it to your DB on the server.

    Whereas posting the same large table directly in WP doesn’t require that data be sent from your remote location (Your Desktop)… so therefor the tables all show complete.

    It’s probably a good idea to search google or the forums on the vendor site that you got EasyPHP from – and see what they can advise.


    There a lot of answers to this question already posted. Search for ‘cannot login to admin’ and you should find your answer.

    You may also want to try re-uploading your orignal wp-config.php file. That solved the issue for me a few months ago.


    Nic, Glad it worked out – I viewed your site a few minutes ago and saw it was all a go. ??

    I want to mention here that I am sure some people installing WP through CPanel as an add on may not have an FTP client or may primarily use CPanel’s FILE MANAGER utility. If someone else reading this, has this type of set up, you can also delete the index.html or whatever the default index file is by navigating to your /public_html/ folder in FILE MANAGER and clicking on the index file and then deleting or renaming it from there instead of using an FTP client. THIS OF COURSE IS ONLY FOR THOSE INSTALLING WP IN THEIR ROOT (/PUBLIC_HTML) FOLDER.


    Here is your wordpress my friend

    Your hosting company’s default index page for your account is index.html as in and so that’s what you are seeing when you browse to:

    Simple fix – FTP back in – navigate to public_html and remove the file called index.html OR save it as something else like, index2.html in case you really think you’d need it later (probably won’t if you are going to run WP within public_html -or- if even if you were to move WP to a different directory, you’d still want to make your own index page to replace the default hosting company placeholder page)

    Go back and view:
    after you have done one of the above fixes and you’ll see your WP index.

    Hope this helps

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