Hi – I have a WP multi-site installed with Donncha’s Mapping plug-in which seems to be working correctly. I added a parked domain (www.site2.com) and mapped it to a subdomain site i addeded via SuperAdmin. I now need https://www.site2.com to load it’s own separate content. From what I’m hearing above it seems like I need to have site2’s tables (that already have content) imported into the master database. This will mean that each mapped domain will have it’s own set of tables. 8 domains and 8 sets of tables under one master db if I’m correct. So now, how do I configure wordpress to point these domains to their respective tables?
I see from above that is code below should be added to the wp_config. Anything else that needs to be done?
$table_prefix = substr(str_replace("-", '', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']), 0, 4) . '_';