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  • Thread Starter VixWP


    Unfortunately this is getting to be more complicated than I thought (not being a technical person).

    Here are all the lines that have the word jquery in my source code.. those any of these raise a red flag?

    (This was in the header.php of the theme)
    <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”; media=”screen” />

    (This was in the header.php of the theme)
    <script language=”JavaScript” type=”text/javascript” src=””></script&gt;

    (This was in the header.php of the theme)
    <script language=”JavaScript” type=”text/javascript” src=””></script&gt;

    (This was in the header.php of the theme)
    <script language=”JavaScript” type=”text/javascript” src=””></script&gt;

    (This was NOT in the header.php, but figured out that it gets loaded with <?php wp_head(); ?> )
    <script type=’text/javascript’ src=’′></script&gt;

    (I commented out <?php wp_head(); ?> but that still didn’t work.. it actually didn’t even show the broken slideshow pro at all)

    (This is from the Easing Slider plugin I’m using. There’s a setting where I can set it to NOT load jquery, and I’ve done that as well)
    <script type=’text/javascript’ src=’′></script&gt;

    (Here’s also a line in this plugin that mentions jquery NO CONFLICT)
    <script type=”text/javascript”>

    The plugins I’m using are (active):
    – Please let me know if you want a list of all active plugins on my site.

    For this post…
    I’ve replaced my domain name with
    I’ve replaced the theme name with THEME-NAME


    You’re the MAN!!! I already saw the update alert in the WP Admin Dashboard. Upgraded it. Can’t wait for you to edit the documentation to know how the custom field stuff I described works!

    Thank you very much, Fernando. I’ll report back with any successes or bugs

    Thread Starter VixWP


    Can this possibly be due to multiple jquerys ?

    Thread Starter VixWP


    I just checked, all the file names (including extensions) are lower case.

    I don’t really understand what you meant by the firebug thing (I’m soooo not a technical person). I noticed I have firebug on my firefox. Is there a step-by-step list you can share of how to do what you just mentioned?


    Anytime, buddy! it’s a great plugin, and just trying to give my 2 cents ! ??

    Pardon my ignorance, but, not being a technical person, I am a little confused about the explanation of how to have the custom field show up .. I upgraded to the 0.15 version.

    You say: Added custom fields support. Define both custom field (customfield_name) and value (customfield_value) to use it.

    What that’s doing is FILTERING the list, as opposed to displaying the customer field value

    So, here’s what I’m trying to achieve. I want the screen to ultimately look like this:

    >> ABCDEFG – uvwxyz
    >> HIJKLMN – opqrst
    >> OPQRST – ijklmn
    … etc…

    (Where “ABCDEFG”, “HIJKLMN”, “OPQRST” are my post titles, and the “uvwxyz”, “opqrst”, “ijklmn”, etc are my post custom field values for customname: “subtitle”)

    So I was hoping to be able to do something like this:
    [catlist id=3 orderby=title order=ASC numberposts=-1 customfield_to_display=subtitle]

    Which, what I would expect it to do is, since it knows the post ID, it looks for a customfield by the name of “subtitle”, it would:
    – write the Post Title (as it does now) (ABCDEF)
    – put a SPACE DASH SPACE
    – write the VALUE that I’ve specified for the customfield “subtitle” (uvwxyz)

    So at the end, it’ll look like:

    >> ABCDEF – uvwxyz

    VERY SIMILAR to how you have the post AUTHOR to show up. The only difference is, in a post, there’s one author, but there may be multiple customfields. the parameter would have to add a filter. SO, by having the parameter “customfield_to_display=subtitle” , it’s like saying “customfield_display=yes customfield_value=subtitle”

    (to be really fancy, in future versions you can have users be able to type multiple custom fields, seperated by comma, OR enclosed in Paranthesis ()… so a parameter like this would display the values of the customfields specified:

    [… customfield_to_display=(subtitle, color, size) …]
    (Assuming for this exampled, “subtitle”, “color”, “size” are all customfield values). The result of this would be something like

    >> ABCDEF – uvwxyz – Red – XL

    (Now, if you want to be REALLY REALLY Fancy, then you can even include a feature where people can chose the Divider AND/OR Container to use, so your shortcode would be like:

    [… customfield_to_display=(subtitle, color, size) divider=”,” container=”{“,”}” …]

    (the container would have two elements, one for the start, and one for the end

    The result of this would be something like

    >> ABCDEF {uvwxyz, Red, XL}

    If there are no containers specified, then no container will be used, and only the DASH right after the POST-TITLE will be used:

    >> ABCDEF – uvwxyz, Red, XL

    Ok, I think I’m getting carried away at this point! ?? Hope these give you some good ideas for the enhancement of your awesome plugin! ??

    I take my suggestion back. Doesn’t allow for sorting by Tag.

    I wonder what the sort by Name is? it says it’s a way to sort it by stub. I don’t know what a post’s stub is.

    In any case, you still have the issue of identifying which word in the titles is a firstname, which one is a second name… which one to ignore (middle name, or nickname)

    Is this even possible without identifying which word is the first name, which word is the second name? How are you identifying that the first word in the title is the first name, and the second word in the title is the last name? And what if you have a middle name in the title as well?

    I’m a new user to this plugin as well, and not a very technical person, so I can’t suggest a highly technical solution. However, there seems to be a way to sort by tag. You can probably tag your posts with “lastname firstname”, and then have this plugin sort by the tag, ordered by ASC or DESC

    Well, if you guys read the documentation, you will notice that it says that if you want to remove limits on how many files show up, just put a -1

    I did that, and now don’t have to worry about any limits to how many show up.

    First, thank you for the awesome plugin. This is what I was looking for, for a while.

    Second, I’m looking for this same feature as well. It’ll be very useful.

    Also, another one I was looking for is GroupBy option. Here’s what I’m trying to achieve:

    1 – List of Posts
    2 – By Title
    3 – Ordered Alphabetically (ASC)

    I was able to achieve this all by your plugin… now, this is the extra I’m looking for:

    4 – Group the list by (in my case) Alphabet Letter, so the end result will be:

    Articles That Start with “A”
    – list of
    – Articles that
    – Start with
    – The Letter A

    Articles That Start with “B”
    – list of
    – Articles that
    – Start with
    – The Letter B

    Articles That Start with “C”
    – list of
    – Articles that
    – Start with
    – The Letter C

    etc.. etc..

    (To extend this further, maybe even have the code recognize this, and give the option to put the line “A – B – C – D- .. etc..” on the top of the page, which have an anchor link to that section in the page… but this is a nice to have as opposed to a must have)

    Let me know if you plugin can do this in the current version, or if this is something planned in future versions.


    Thread Starter VixWP


    I had tried the first thing you mentioned (changing it from 6 to 4). That didn’t work

    The second thing you mentioned, change to #fff , that didn’t really work either.. it just added border on the right side too, which at least made things look symetric. I guess I’ll have to live with that.


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