I have a problem with Memberpress Woocommerce and MailChimp
I’ve been having problems for a while now when someone signs up for one of my memberships on memberpress, because the payment is accepted but it shows up as a transactional customer in MailChimp. This happens several times a week. Some days it works normally and other days it doesn’t.
Yesterday a Mailchimp support person showed that Memberpress sends the customer as subscribed, but WOOCOMMERCE later changes it to transactional.
I am attaching the code provided by the MailChimp support agent, Where you can see how the Woocommerce API changes the status of the client to transactional.
Other reasons why customers remain as transactional is when:
-Subscribed customer buys a product
-Inactive customer updates their subscription
-Subscribed customer changes to another subscription level
Code : https://codeshare.io/Rb1LlL
NOTE: The test were carried out taking into account that the client approved the subscription to receive emails