Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [IgnitionDeck Crowdfunding Platform] How to setup?Which account did you register for? The free account does not require a paid theme. You can use Theme 500, which should be a free download from your dashboard at
You can also use our support forums at
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [IgnitionDeck Crowdfunding Platform] How to manually change info?You can do this by going to IDCF->Orders->Add Order
We’re in the process of making some improvements to the free version and hope to have them released this spring.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [IgnitionDeck Crowdfunding Platform] Get the credit card out to make it workHey Kevin, I was bummed to hear that you had a bad experience, so went looking through our support forums and email inboxes to look for potential support tickets, and didn’t find any. So then I looked up your account and noticed that you hadn’t yet purchased anything, and only had access to our free IgnitionDeck and Theme 500 products.
Did you purchase Fundify under a different account, or long ago when Astoundify owned it? If so, I’m guessing you also purchsed the extensions in question from EDD, is that correct?
If you have a stroll through our blog, you’ll see that we purchased Fundify and ATCF long ago, and have slowly been working to integrate them with our core IDCF product.
We finally finished this process, and have recently deprecated the legacy ATCF and Fundify products all together (
So yes it’s true that our free version of IDCF does not include payment functionality, but it should give you (and others) a pretty good idea of how you can use our premium products to raise money for a campaign.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [IgnitionDeck Crowdfunding Platform] Giving up ….Hey alchemist15,
Had you expressed when you upgraded, or inquired prior to upgrading, that that was why you thought you had to upgrade? PayPal Adaptive is built directly into IgnitionDeck Commerce, which comes with the IgnitionDeck + Membership license.
What is obtained with Enterprise license is the Front-End Submission (members creating projects) and Transaction fees (site owner takes a % from every transaction). If you were looking to create a site that had either of those things, that’s what you’d be upgrading for.
Either way, it still sounds like we can help you out if you let us. I’m not sure who you are on the forums, but if we’ve been unable to help you there, I would like a chance to remedy that. Our support team often goes out of their way to ensure our customers are helped. Sometimes a customer issue might go beyond the realm of regular IgnitionDeck support, which often means we try to point you in the right direction, or a response takes a little longer.
I hear you about getting more guidance in areas that go beyond IgnitionDeck – and we’re working on being able to offer that. We’ve first had to work on support the product itself, before we can branch out to supporting other products, general web development knowledge, and WordPress itself.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [IgnitionDeck Crowdfunding Platform] Giving up ….alchemist15, It sounds like you’re frustrated. Payment gateways can be very frustrating to set up, and a crowdfunding site has a lot of particulars to configure, which can seem daunting to someone new to this type of work. We hear you, and we’re working all the time to make each of these aspects easier for a beginner to work through.
If you can try us again in the support forums and let us know that you’re at your wit’s end, I bet we can find a way to help you (or the person you hire), that’s way easier and less expensive for you than having someone build you something from scratch.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [IgnitionDeck Crowdfunding Platform] cgi-mailer customisationMarking as resolved.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [IgnitionDeck Crowdfunding Platform] Waste of time and moneyOK, so we’re halfway there. Orders are fixed, and receipt is the final issue. This is one that is taking some time (printing receipts is a new feature), but we could give you an option to hide that until it is working if you like?
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [IgnitionDeck Crowdfunding Platform] Waste of time and moneyWe have a fix for the order screen issue. You can follow up on the forums with Andrew and he should be able to share the fix there.
Basically, change line 2277 of idcommerce.php to:
$get_array = array(‘payment_settings’, ‘backer_profile’, ‘edit-profile’, ‘creator_projects’, ‘mdid_checkout’, ‘idc_orders’);
The Fundify receipt is something that we are working on, but admittedly it was delayed because of other more urgent bug fixes our dev team was working on. We’re hoping to have a new release soon. It’s definitely not Andrew’s fault this hasn’t been addressed.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [IgnitionDeck Crowdfunding Platform] Waste of time and moneyHey Alice,
I want to personally apologize if you feel that you’ve been getting too much talk and not enough action. I’d also like to look into the issues you feel prevented you from using the product. Is it just the Fundify receipt and the Orders page, or was there something else?
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [IgnitionDeck Crowdfunding Platform] Filled full of bugs and issuesI guess there’s a reason humanbeing2 was blocked, but I’ll reply nonetheless:
We protect our forums because a) we want to ensure that our resources are spent supporting real customers (not users that have downloaded torrents, cracks, etc) and b) we don’t see any value in perspective customers getting confused by support issues they may not encounter.
We are certainly not trying to hide anything, but I can say that we have a dedicated support team that is growing, and we are adding new team members in order to ensure an even better support experience, to include documentation and operations support.
We’re not perfect, but we do try to be.
Looks like you posted a ticket on our forums at, which is perfect. We’ll handle it there.
We will save you the trouble samvado:
Thanks WPyogi. I certainly don’t mind samvado posting his review, but I do take issue with the way he has systematically attacked and threatened other reviewers. We’re fortunate to have great customers that fight on our behalf, but it shouldn’t have to be that way.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [IgnitionDeck Crowdfunding Platform] Awful is too nice a verdictWe do not provide support to users who have a dispute in process. You can read more about that in our T&C.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [IgnitionDeck Crowdfunding Platform] Awful is too nice a verdictWe certainly do our best to offer a fantastic experience, but on occasion, it does happen that a customer experiences a bug or lag in support response, in which case we do our best to make it up to them.
In the case of this customer, the facts are simply incorrect, so we’d like to correct them for anyone reading:
1. The customer purchased yesterday, so has clearly not waited days for a response
2. The customer has only posted a single support ticket on our forums, which was done so during the middle of the night when our support department was sleeping, hence the lack of reply.
3. The customer sent an email referring to our team as idiots, prior to actually receiving any of the help we would typically offer:
4. The customer filed a Paypal dispute shortly before/after submitting this review, thus disabling our opportunity to follow up this morning.
5. The customer has then gone on to troll other reviews, trying to take their anger out on others rather than simply await a reply from our support team.
We have spent a significant amount of money improving and expanding our documentation base, and most of our docs are current as a result.
Our forum is a bbPress app that serves us and our customers quite well.
We do not pay for or incentivize 5-star reviews.