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This seems to have been an issue people keep mentioning for over a year. Anyone have a solution or work-around?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [RSS Feed Retriever] disable duplicate images in podcast feedThanks to chatgpt, I created a code snippet that removes the image from Seriously Simple Podcasting’s podcast feed output, so that there won’t be a duplicate image in the podcast feed. If anyone’s interested, let me know and I’ll provide it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [RSS Feed Retriever] disable duplicate images in podcast feedI don’t know PHP, but this snippet that Rank Math provided me prevents their plugin from adding the duplicate image to the podcast feed, when I enable their plugin to add the images to my RSS feed:
add_filter('rank_math/frontend/rss/before_content', function ($content) {
global $wp;
$current_url = home_url(add_query_arg($_GET,$wp->request));
if ( str_contains( $current_url, '/feed/podcast') ) {
return '';
return $content;
}, 10, 1);Can you, or someone else who sees this post, help to adapt it to the site on which I’m using RSS Retriever? Thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Lazy Load Elementor Background Images] Update+1 This is a real disappointment. Hope this gets fixed. This was the best solution for lazyloading background images using WP Rocket and Elementor! FYI, if anyone’s following this issue, the best alternative is to use Optimole, because it lazyloads Elementor background images. For this reason, I had to switch to Optimole even though I like Imagify better.
Trying something else…
Worked with tech support, which was helpful and responsive. I was provided a custom zip file of the plugin which solved my problem, and am told it will be incorporated soon. Thanks!
I don’t want to manually map any categories, but your instructions indicate that at least one category must be manually mapped, and I can’t click continue on the category mapping page without selecting one. When I leave one category checked and manually mapped, only the products in that one category are populated in the feed, and when I have all of them checked and only one mapped, it reverts to having only the one checked and manually mapped. I don’t see how “the plugin sets the default categories”, after which “I can uncheck unwanted categories”.
Updated to 1.2.1, deleted the feed, created a new feed, and still the same. Having two checked, one of which has a category specified. Says it successfully creates the feed, but when I go back and look, the map category screen reverts to only having the one with a specified category checked, and the feed won’t populate with the item in the other category.
It was the header for the entire site. I created that temporary url for a short time till I figured out the solution, and then removed the url after figuring it out. The main url, that now has the fix applied is
I figured it out, using the @media rule:
@media only screen and (max-width: 1024px) { .hfe-nav-menu { overflow: hidden; } }
I’d advise fixing this issue, as it affected multiple sites that I manage.
@panicky, You solved it. It’s now working properly, after figuring out how the “Shipping Method Restrictions” section works. Thanks for taking the time to offer the advice!
Beautiful! Thanks! Sorry for the late response. Leaving a positive review!
I tried it with two different themes, and with all other plug-ins disabled. Without woolentor activated, the spacing and bullets are fine, and when activating Woolentor, the spacing is off and the bullets are removed.