Try adding an appointment from backend and then see it on ie8.
i have resolved the issue. the bug is that when you loop through the aapointment days and time the last comma you enter ie does not read that and takes it as an error. have a look at it the edited code
for($j=0; $j<=$d; $j++) { ?>
title: ‘<?php echo $xtitle; ?>’,
start: new Date(<?php echo $sy; ?>, <?php echo $sm-1; ?>, <?php echo $sd+$j; ?>, <?php echo $xst; ?>),
end: new Date(<?php echo $sy; ?>, <?php echo $sm-1; ?>, <?php echo $sd+$j; ?>, <?php echo $xet; ?>), allDay: false
},<?php /*if ($row>=$cnt){}else{echo “,”;}*/ ?>