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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MaxGalleria] Gallery pictures not scrolling / closableOK, it is fixed now. The thing that did it was to go to the lightbox settings for the top the gallery and change it from the second one (Big X and <>’s) to the first one with the smaller symbols, then update the gallery page with that and they all started behaving properly again.
Before discovering that I had purged the cache and set up a few of SiteGround’s optimisations I hadn’t done previously. It should have disrupted everything, but a Ctrl F5 still found the same issue. So I swapped the lightbox symbols, purge again and away.
Rather strangely, I have put the bigger symbols back now and they do not ‘take’, despite cache clearing and ctrl F5 refresh. Go back to the gallery and the settings are retained. But now something is preventing them being adopted. This may be a clue why the problem arose in the first place. Let me know if there are any other tests you would like run. Thank you for the pointers here :).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MaxGalleria] Gallery pictures not scrolling / closablesent, thank you Alan.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MaxGalleria] Facebook Link to MG page produces a weird resultSorted. It turns out this is the meta data auto-generated by the MG plugin (a potential ‘future feature’ to fix this). For posts, opening the Screen Options drop-down near the top and ticking Excerpt makes this available below. But I was using a Page which doesn’t have an Excerpt tick box so the workaround was to install the Very Simple Meta Description plugin, make sure Home page only and Post & Page is ticked, and the Excerpt box turns up and better text can be inserted.
The clue / easy proof of this is the Yoast SEO plugin where the recalcitrant text is clearly on display under Snippet Preview. Whilst Yoast does let you edit them directly, I am not too sure about the subtleties of it all and have added the plugin. This ‘issue’ is not just an oversight for MG plugin, I have found even majors like revolution Slider have not noticed their plugin generates these weird meta strings. Really needs a policy notice from WP, so devs realise it is a ‘job to do’. At least the plebs now have a way to sort it anyway!
Wow, of all the things I have learnt and can do I made a totally noob mistake of missing a really clear built-in feature, the cache tab! Sorry for my stupid question. Changed that from 1 week to 8 hours and everything updated just fine. Duh!
I had a different understanding of what the cache tab did to what it actually does, but that is no excuse for me not noticing it and trying varying the settings before asking the question. MY understanding was that it was only cached content if it stayed the same, if it changed on Youtube the first call would do a check for change then serve either the cached one or the YouTube one.
This now makes me wonder about if serving a cached one updates Youtube view count? I suspect it doesn’t, so will go turn cache off completely, as getting actual numbers on Youtube and Facebook is important for this start-up. Thank you again, for your quick feedback especially.
Hi again, thank you for that feedback. The theme is standard WP 2017 theme, no special CSS added. I can’t see anywhere I could adjust a setting to give plugin settings more priority, so I guess it has to happen on your side. Easy to test at least.
Re the “remove hold” comment, I didn’t expect that to appear here as I thought the person clearing it would hide it. I will find out when I post this if they have removed the ~12 month old mod hold on my comments, or if the unnecessary work and frustration creation scheme continues….
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: How Request Moderation Action RevisionSo that bit about the original action being wrong in the first place? And that everything I have done that is NOT arguing with moderators has been a role model participant with quality advice that people even thank me for? Give us all a break and let it go. Please.
Mainraining the rage without just cause is such a bad look for a supposedly supportive community. Or is something else going on?
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: How Request Moderation Action RevisionPPS: If I am just being totally analytical and detached about the whole thing I would say what really happened is the moderator that originally hit me has a few blocks of text to copy paste into mod posts and picked one that seemed to fit the pattern. After all I had put up one heck of a lot of material, including some code which I didn’t know there was a smarter way to do. I actually and genuinely needed to learn about how to post blocks of diagnostic info – a well worthwhile use of Moderator powers. That was done and useful.
But this other “take-over” block of text went in, just because of the pattern not because the person actually read what happened. I of course knew exactly what was going on there and arced up about being told off for something I didn’t do. So I got pretty solidly insulted myself and was less than flattering in my response that this moderator was just being lazy and still hadn’t bothered to read the topic and understand there was no taking over going on. That got the ban slapped on.
This extra explanation is not meant to be “argumentative”, just a factual summary of the way something that wasn’t broken got broke. Think about how it would be for you if this explanation was exactly your truth? How would you feel about the bad handling of any attempt you made to right the original wrong? Whilst I note we are all volunteers here and I am admin of a couple of forums myself, sh*t happens. Better to take a tolerant view and move on…
- This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by VinceS2.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: How Request Moderation Action RevisionPS: I want to make the absolute point that I have NEVER broken forum guidelines. It was originally suggested I MAY have by seemingly taking over someone else’s topic, but a closer reading will see that was not possible. The OP had actually taken themselves out via a workaround so they were never going to be able to solve the root problem. I had the exact same one and I solved the sucker, made much harder to do by what I saw as lazy indignant moderation.
Read it with an open mind and see if you would draw the same conclusion. So I am protesting my absolute innocence from the get go here. Where’s the surprise that someone so treated would be a little miffed? Thank you.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: How Request Moderation Action RevisionOK James, thanks for that. Fair enough – you are highlighting that while my posts may have been civil, they definitely reflected that I was annoyed by what I saw as bad behaviour / childish responses by the original moderator and others following.
All I was EVER asking was to deal with the content. Instead what I got looked more like fragile ego driven responses.
Any reasonable assessment of anything I have written would show the views expressed at least had merit. Sure I am a strong minded individual and don’t take cr*p from anyone. But I deal with the fundamental issues without direct insult / name calling, and I only deal with the behaviours, which I am calling out as wrong – and the subsequent ones as pretty much maintaining the standard.
I actually am here to help. Yep, ’tis true. This whole fragility of egos thing is an absolutely misplaced effort. Go and actually read the original topic about MaxGalleria issues and look at the actual facts and what you will see is a good person treated poorly. When you can see that, perhaps you will pick your fights with people that need one, not people that are righteously aggrieved.
I wish we were all perfect human beings, but we aren’t. Fix this mistake up and move on. Thank you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MaxGalleria] Editing galleries in Maxgalleria not woprkingAlan, I should add I turned all plugins off except for MaxGalleria when seeing these listed errors.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MaxGalleria] Editing galleries in Maxgalleria not woprkingWhen I do a Ctrl F5 on an editing window the following errors appear in Chrome’s console window:
load-scripts.php?c=0&load[]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,plupload&ver=4.8:9 JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1
post.php?post=1253&action=edit:596 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token :
post.php?post=1253&action=edit:90 GET Plugins
In reply to: [MaxGalleria] Editing galleries in Maxgalleria not woprkingHmm, read the provided link – love this bit “Include as Much Information as Possible”. I am guessing Jan is your “slash & burn” style of moderator – no care and no responsibility. Thanks to Lazarus I can at least get the content back, AND abbreviate it a little:
I also am having this exact problem. Also the Rows and Grid buttons don’t work. The edit etc under the thumbnails no longer appears. I can add new images but not reorder or edit them in MG, but if I edit them in Media Library the changes do show up in the MG display, which is half an answer but a pretty crap work-around.
I tried deactivating all plug-ins except MaxGalleria and the problem remains.
Using Chrome and Edge is the same. Also pressing Ctrl F5, which used to fix it, doesn’t make a difference. I have been putting up with the nuisance of having to hit Ctrl F5 after every edit or screen refresh as only some of the scripts ran properly until a refresh when they all did. I have also purged, and then deleted, the Supercacher page cache to no avail.
Is it that rolling back to an earlier version is going to get me a permanent fix to this originally highly frustrating and now totally broken problem? Which is kinda a weird way to look at it, but I have been seriously wondering what would be involved in recreating the whole lot in some other plugin, whereas my preference would be to see MG operating in a rock solid way, THEN contemplate what upsells I am interested in. I just converted another site to WP and am pretty concerned about this flakey behaviour but will need to make a choice there soon…
Here is the plugin support info:
WordPress Version: 4.8
PHP Version: 7.0.21
MySQL Version: 5.6.36
Web Server: ApacheWordPress URL:
Home URL: cURL Support: Yes
PHP GD Support: Yes
PHP Memory Limit: 768M
PHP Post Max Size: 128M
PHP Upload Max Size: 128MWP_DEBUG: Disabled
Multi-Site Active: NoOperating System: Windows
Browser: Google Chrome 59.0.3071.115
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/59.0.3071.115 Safari/537.36Active Theme:
– Amadeus 2.0.5 Plugins:
– MaxGalleria 5.2.5—– End System Info —–
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MaxGalleria] Editing galleries in Maxgalleria not woprkingI do agree I could condense the add-on stuff ‘though. The reason I thought it was OK is the Support link in the plugin generates that before sending me to this forum. So it is a bit tricky to guess it will be an issue and the auto-deletion without notice didn’t give the game away and that is where the opportunity to tell people about the problem so they can fix it, which ultimately I had to do anyway, by guessing!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MaxGalleria] Editing galleries in Maxgalleria not woprkingSorry Jan the OP is EXACTLY the topic I was writing about. But of course it is a bit of volume so reading it to see that may be a bit tricky if you missed “I am having the same issue” in the first line. Would you kindly put my posts back. Thank you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MaxGalleria] Editing galleries in Maxgalleria not woprkingI tried making a new Gallery as in a previous post that hadn’t been possible, and stayed that way despite Alan’s attempts to log in and hunt the gremlin down. It left of its own accord as new Gallery creation is working now.
However this reminds me of another issue that may be related which is that something makes the whole adding pics thing go really slow. I added all of 4 pictures to my new gallery; these were from media library being 100kB files I uploaded a couple of days ago and, after about 5 minutes, still had the Adding media files thing going on. So hit Publish and got one proper file, one missing a thumbnail, and they both displayed OK using the gallery link – the other two were nowhere to be seen. Possibly whatever is making this adding process insanely slow is also tangled up in stopping scripts from doing their thing? Some endless loop maybe?
This slow media files thing has been a “feature” for as long as I have used the plugin (~5 months). I have learnt to select all the files I want and leave it alone – and in an hour maybe the 20 files or whatever will be uploaded. If I interrupt it the job is still going to take the same time and I have the added bonus of fixing the extra mess I made. I should have asked about this issue earlier as I am on a fast DSL connection and have great “file etiquette”, gawd knows what would happen if I was using big files straight off a digital camera rather than pushing them back to a 1020 pixel longest side dimension and noise smoothing before uploading. Should I start a separate topic for this one? Ta.