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  • Thread Starter villyskov


    Sorry, not a plugin problem, it was a conflict with another plugin

    Thread Starter villyskov


    PHP message: WordPress-databasefejl Table ‘frohandel_dk.wp_wpsc_product_list’ doesn’t exist for forespørgslen SELECT *
    FROM wp_wpsc_product_list
    WHERE id=’1014′
    LIMIT 1 fra do_action(‘wp_ajax_nopriv_wpsc_customer_updated_data’), call_user_func_array, wpsc_customer_updated_data_ajax, _wpsc_get_checkout_info, wpsc_cart->update_location, wpsc_cart->wpsc_refresh_cart_items, wpsc_cart_item->refresh_it$
    PHP message: WordPress-databasefejl Table ‘frohandel_dk.wp_wpsc_product_list’ doesn’t exist for forespørgslen SELECT *

    2018/01/30 09:50:41 [error] 18102#0: *70986 FastCGI sent in stderr: “resh_coupon, wpsc_coupon_price, wpsc_cart->apply_coupons, wpsc_cart->clear_cache, wpsc_cart->get_shipping_option, ses_wpsc_premium_shipping->getQuote, ses_wpsc_premium_shipping->ps_get_item_shipping
    PHP message: WordPress-databasefejl Table ‘frohandel_dk.wp_wpsc_product_list’ doesn’t exist for forespørgslen SELECT *
    FROM wp_wpsc_product_list
    WHERE id=’447′
    LIMIT 1 fra do_action(‘wp_ajax_nopriv_wpsc_customer_updated_data’), call_user_func_array, wpsc_customer_updated_data_ajax, _wpsc_get_checkout_info, wpsc_cart->update_location, wpsc_cart->wpsc_refresh_cart_items, wpsc_cart_item->refresh_it$
    PHP message: WordPress-databasefejl Table ‘frohandel_dk.wp_wpsc_product_list’ doesn’t exist for forespørgslen SELECT *
    FROM wp_wpsc_product_list
    WHERE id=’1785′
    LIMIT 1 fra do_action(‘wp_ajax_nopriv_wpsc_customer_updated_data’), call_user_func_array, wpsc_customer_updated_data_ajax, _wpsc_get_checkout_info, wpsc_cart->update_location, wpsc_cart->wpsc_refresh_cart_items, wpsc_cart_item->refresh_it$
    PHP message: WordPress-databasefejl Table ‘frohandel_dk.wp_wpsc_product_list’ doesn’t exist for forespørgslen SELECT *

    2018/01/30 09:50:41 [error] 18102#0: *70986 FastCGI sent in stderr: “_array, wpsc_cart_item_refresh_coupon, wpsc_coupon_price, wpsc_cart->apply_coupons, wpsc_cart->clear_cache, wpsc_cart->get_shipping_option, ses_wpsc_premium_shipping->getQuote, ses_wpsc_premium_shipping->ps_get_item_shi$
    PHP message: WordPress-databasefejl Table ‘frohandel_dk.wp_wpsc_product_list’ doesn’t exist for forespørgslen SELECT *
    FROM wp_wpsc_product_list
    WHERE id=’1364′
    LIMIT 1 fra do_action(‘wp_ajax_nopriv_wpsc_customer_updated_data’), call_user_func_array, wpsc_customer_updated_data_ajax, _wpsc_get_checkout_info, wpsc_cart->update_location, wpsc_cart->wpsc_refresh_cart_items, wpsc_cart_item->refresh_it$
    PHP message: WordPress-databasefejl Table ‘frohandel_dk.wp_wpsc_product_list’ doesn’t exist for forespørgslen SELECT *
    FROM wp_wpsc_product_list
    WHERE id=’1867′
    LIMIT 1 fra do_action(‘wp_ajax_nopriv_wpsc_customer_updated_data’), call_user_func_array, wpsc_customer_updated_data_ajax, _wpsc_get_checkout_info, wpsc_cart->update_location, wpsc_cart->wpsc_refresh_cart_items, wpsc_cart_item->refresh_it$
    PHP message: WordPress-databasefejl Table ‘frohandel_dk.wp_wpsc_product_list’ doesn’t exist for foresp&#248



    You need to write a bit of php code to handle your payment gateway and put it into a file, place the file at this location:



    Google analytics will never track correct, 10-20% of your visitors has a noScript ore something like that installed, so you don’t know what they are doing on your site.

    There is a plugin called WP E-Commerce Variation Report, it is very powerfull.

    Also combined with a plugin Cost of Goods you can report the Gross Profit per day / order etc.



    You order the variation.

    You can also order the products within the category, if you click on the number of products within the category.

    Thread Starter villyskov


    A secure site https:// would have this in a config site:

    add_header X-Frame-Options DENY;

    to avoid clickjacking attacks

    This means that iframes is not possible, and to setup or edit variations you need iframes.

    It can be fixed if you overwrite with this:
    add_header X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN;

    Thread Starter villyskov


    This is about to things:
    & is converted to &amp. I dont know why. Then the url is not working.

    in this line:
    /admin-ajax.php?action=wpsc_product_variations_table&product_id=’ . $id . ‘&_wpnonce=’ . wp_create_nonce( ‘wpsc_product_variations_table

    And the iframe will not load when the site is secured with ssl.
    I don’t know why?



    What is the question?

    I can tell you that this topic was in debate since breadcrumbs was introduced for over 20 years ago. No one ever came up with the perfect solution.

    I think that building a great menu is better, and use Nofollow on all the categories that you don’t use.



    We tried Debian 9, Ngnix and PHP7.0 but gave up. There was to many issues.

    Now we run Debian 8, Ngnix 1.6.2 and PHP. 5.6.30.
    This is perfect.



    You can use the shortcodes for wpec in your page, and delete the categori as you have already done.



    I suggest you try to create the Programm and Pass as product and you need a plugin
    “if this then that”


    Let me know if this works?



    You can tjek the “stock is limited”, and then set it to 0,
    – you will see add to cart will be hidden on that product.

    But if you have variations on the product, it is a bit more tricky.



    Try with the free plugin:
    WP eCommerce Simple Shipping




    I dot use the build in shipping calculator, i use
    WP e-Commerce Premium Shipping – Single-site licence

    This works just fine. This plugin give you so many options.

    Thread Starter villyskov



    was infected. It was easy to discover and fix with FileZilla.

    I downloaded the exact same wordpress version that was running, i my case 4.09. Upload -> Overwrite if file-size is different.

    could have found the same files with this terminal command:

    find . -mtime -150 -type f -iname "*.php"

    Now trojan is gone. I now want to tighten security with root as file owner and 644

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