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  • Thread Starter victorkun


    Do you think there might be a possibility that it might be an issue on our WordPress server?
    Everything is up to date : patched RedHat 9.5, and its supported PHP 8.2.27, latest WordPress, and latest plugin version…

    Is there a way to test outside of WordPress? That way I have supporting tests that show it’s not the app (WordPress nor WP Mail SMTP)

    Thread Starter victorkun


    Thanks for the reply!
    As I said, I’m no expert.
    I saw references to PHP Mailer and fixes, but I was thinking WP Mail SMTP was using it’s own mail programs and kind of dismissed them.
    Now that I know WP SMTP Mail actually does use PHP Mailer, it gives me more knowledge to work with…

    Much Mahalo’s!

    Thread Starter victorkun


    Thanks so much!

    Thread Starter victorkun


    Hi…I read this on that page you forwarded me to :
    Hello @biggs31fr
    Please help me try this modified path instead:
    Thank you!
    I follow that dropbox link, and it leads me to certain files.
    I don’t know what to do with them.

    Can you provide a little more clarity? Thanks so much!

    Thread Starter victorkun


    I tried adding the

    And first click now works.
    But I get a drop down of ALL fields to select to sort from.

    When I try to limit the number of sort fields with this :
    <p>[pdb_list template=custom list_limit=”10″ orderby=”date” order=”desc” sort=true fields=”lname,fname,alias”]</p>

    …then yes the sort fields are limited to those 3…
    All of a sudden I lose the database fields that were to be shown in our custom template.

    Thread Starter victorkun


    Thanks! Will give this a shot and report back here.

    Thread Starter victorkun


    Thanks for the reply!
    Looking forward for the updates/fixes…. 8)

    Thread Starter victorkun


    I found something else…
    wp-config.php –> define( ‘WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘1024M’ );

    When I set
    php.ini –> memory_limit = 2048M
    wp-config.php –> define( ‘WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘2048M’ );

    …the error disappears, and all works fine. But we can’t keep raising these values ad infinitum…especially if our backup is larger than our available RAM.

    So, my conclusion is :
    3.6.0 – setting for Multipart Uploads allow larger file uploads to S3
    3.6.10 – NO SETTING for Multipart Uploads, so it is broken/not allowed anymore.

    Can it be fixed?
    Is there an option someplace where I can re-enable it?

    Thanks in advance!

    Thread Starter victorkun


    Per Google, 1073741824 bytes = 1024 Mebibytes
    So it looks like there’s some 1024 limit being set somewhere…but where?

    And like I said, 3.6.0 works fine, but 3.6.10 does not.
    I don’t think raising my php.ini memory_limit to even higher values is a safe solution.

    Thanks in advance!

    Thread Starter victorkun


    Sorry…my INBOX did not show that you replied to my post, so just saw this today. We are in the process of upgrading our 80+ sites…but on this one we are at BackWPup version 3.6.0.

    When I want to backup to S3, I go to the “To: S3 Service” tab.
    I see a dropdown selection for “Select a S3 service” which said “Amazon S3: US Standard”….I thought this sounded correct, so I skipped it. I did not realize this is actually the AWS Region selection.

    Then there’s a field for “Or a S3 Server URL”…which we leave blank.

    Then there’s the Multipart Upload checkbox.

    Then there are the Access and Secret Key fields, which I fill out properly.

    Then I can select my S3 bucket. And I can see all my S3 buckets in the drop down, so I select the proper one….

    I save.

    I run the backup and then I got that error.

    Later I realized I had to select
    NOT -> Amazon S3: US Standard
    But rather -> Amazon S3 : US West (Oregon)

    So it seems odd that my backup config can see and select my bucket when keys are correctly set…

    But then on job execution, it says it can’t find my bucket.
    (found out later it’s cuz the “Select a S3 Service” was wrong…)

    Maybe this field should be renamed “Select AWS Region”…or maybe not even be there at all since the keys seem to locate the bucket….???

    Well, I figured out how to make it work anyways, and I haven’t seen the newer versions of this plugin…maybe this is fixed…

    Love the plugin though…just thought I’d share this experience.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by victorkun.

    I found that these minimum permissions worked…are these correct or should I remove some of them?


    It seems that whenever I removed “GetBucketLocation”, I got a :
    ERROR: S3 Service API: Access Denied

    So DEFINITELY that is needed….but the others? Which can I safely remove?

    I was just wondering the same thing.
    Buckets: s3:ListBucket, s3:ListBucketVersions, and s3:ListBucketMultipartUploads
    Buckets: s3:PutObject and s3:DeleteObject

    Those 5 permissions are not working for me. I am getting :

    [10-Jul-2019 15:43:34] ERROR: S3 Service API: Access Denied

    Any update on this?

    Thread Starter victorkun


    Ah, was busting my head on this for the past 3 days…decided to post this question today…but then found my answer today too!!!
    Resolved :
    1) In IAM on AWS, ensure the “ROLE” assigned to your EC2 has the “Policy” that grants access to the designated S3 bucket
    2) In IAM on AWS, ensure the IAM User has that “Policy” in their “Permissions” tab
    3) In BackWPup job, use that IAM USer’s [Access key ID/Secret access key] pair in the “To: S3 Service” tab and select the proper bucket is selected in “Bucket selection” drop down.
    4) In BackWPup job, in the “To: S3 Service” tab, ensure the checkbox for “Multipart Upload” is checked.

    That’s what worked for me…

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by victorkun.


    I ran via the WP-CLI
    (via WordPress Tools dashboard, kept getting error : The plugin/theme was skipped as it was too large to scan before the server killed the process.)

    wp –allow-root phpcompat 7.2 –scan=active

    …and got these results :


    Name: Visualizer: Tables and Charts Manager for WordPress (Lite)

    FILE: /var/www/html/dlnr/wp-content/plugins/visualizer/vendor/neitanod/forceutf8/src/ForceUTF8/Encoding.php
    306 | WARNING | INI directive ‘mbstring.func_overload’ is deprecated since PHP 7.2

    FILE: /var/www/html/dlnr/wp-content/plugins/visualizer/vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/Classes/PHPExcel/Shared/PCLZip/pclzip.lib.php
    4855 | ERROR | Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated since PHP 5.3 and removed since PHP 7.0
    4885 | ERROR | Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated since PHP 5.3 and removed since PHP 7.0

    FILE: /var/www/html/dlnr/wp-content/plugins/visualizer/vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/Classes/PHPExcel/Worksheet/AutoFilter/Column.php
    396 | ERROR | Indirect access to variables, properties and methods will be evaluated strictly in left-to-right order since PHP 7.0. Use curly braces to remove ambiguity.
    398 | ERROR | Indirect access to variables, properties and methods will be evaluated strictly in left-to-right order since PHP 7.0. Use curly braces to remove ambiguity.

    FILE: /var/www/html/dlnr/wp-content/plugins/visualizer/vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/Classes/PHPExcel/CachedObjectStorage/SQLite.php
    56 | ERROR | Extension ‘sqlite’ is removed since PHP 5.4
    57 | ERROR | Extension ‘sqlite’ is removed since PHP 5.4
    102 | ERROR | Extension ‘sqlite’ is removed since PHP 5.4
    136 | ERROR | Extension ‘sqlite’ is removed since PHP 5.4
    160 | ERROR | Extension ‘sqlite’ is removed since PHP 5.4
    208 | ERROR | Extension ‘sqlite’ is removed since PHP 5.4
    235 | ERROR | Extension ‘sqlite’ is removed since PHP 5.4
    274 | ERROR | Extension ‘sqlite’ is removed since PHP 5.4
    277 | ERROR | Extension ‘sqlite’ is removed since PHP 5.4

    FILE: /var/www/html/dlnr/wp-content/plugins/visualizer/vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/Classes/PHPExcel/Autoloader.php
    8 | WARNING | INI directive ‘mbstring.func_overload’ is deprecated since PHP 7.2
    Update Available: 3.1.3; Current Version: 3.1.2;

    You need a hosts-file entry on your server.

    Here’s what I did for a site let’s just call it : = a production site that has DNS records that point it to the production server.
    But I made a copy of it on another server for testing, and edited my hostfile on my PC so that I can get to that test site.

    I installed the plugin on the test site and the spinning icon came up for a few seconds then disappeared.

    So I edited my test server’s hostfile to say :

    I re-ran the plugin, and now it ran to completion and I get results…

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