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  • Thread Starter victorkane


    @jdembowski could this be reviewed please? I corrected my newbie mistake of including links weeks ago, for which I humbly apologize. As a relatively new user of WordPress, I would love to see this problem solved.



    Thread Starter victorkane


    Worked like a charm!!! The thing was, only admin users see the Libraries option. Plus only admin users see the possibility of Get-ing and installing additional content types. I was working with a user with Editor role, and didn’t realize that the permissions should have been updated.

    I cleared the cache, as you said, and saw all possibilities, downloaded what I needed easily.

    Thanks again for such super fast attention.

    One question: I have a React 16.8 application and I wanted to know how to embed h5p videos content. I notice the embed code uses <iframe>, so I wanted to know if there existed a react-based player which would give me access to video events or play better.

    Thanks for everything!

    Thread Starter victorkane


    Thanks @icc0rz so much for answering so promptly. I did what you suggested, uploading the .h5p file, and was unable to press the Create button because the validation failed with the following errors (in red):

    Validating h5p package failed.
    Missing required library H5P.GoToScene 0.1Get help
    Missing required library H5P.ThreeImage 0.2Get help
    Missing required library H5P.ThreeSixty 0.2Get help
    Missing required library H5P.ThreeJS 1.0Get help

    Where can I obtain these libraries, and, in which directory in the WordPress (5.2) installation should I place them?

    Thanks! Would love to get this working!

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