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  • Thread Starter victorb70


    Could you point me to a tutorial to create this “Custom Pagination” function you talked about, becasue my website is not a blog, it a website, and it appears from what I can find that the pagination function is geared towards a blog. Under Settings/Reading, there are only two options for the Homepage. These are, 1: Your Latest Post. 2. A Static Page. Since my website is a WEBSITE and not a blog, it need to have a Static Homepage.

    I can’t see how I can use this Pagination function to create a PAGE based Slider across the top of a CHILD level Photo Gallery.

    All I want is a SLIDER at the top of my page which displays a scrollable list of thumbnails which when selected present the new page below the Slider. In the past, this could easily be done using a FRAMES based page. I just don’t know how to do this in WP.

    Thread Starter victorb70


    @bcworkz Thanks. I am not entirely clear on how to do what you said, but this sounds like what I am trying to achieve.

    You said: “You could even create a gallery of sorts from regular posts with their featured images.”

    You Said: “With either scheme, a custom pagination function could be created that displays small thumbnail links to other pages of the gallery”

    My current theme is VANTAGE. Can I do what you suggested with the VANTAGE theme?

    Thread Starter victorb70


    So here is a plugin that is closer to what I want, but the designer decided to put all the text right on top of the picture blocking out the image. WHY!

    If I could find a plugin that is like this as far as the thumbnails being up top and the main picture below goes, but I want to the TEXT to be below the image completely off of it.

    I just spent hours setting up a gallery and imputing titles and descriptions, to only find out afterwards that the plugin puts all this on top of the image, blocking the image out. Why would you do that? It makes no sense at all to intentionally design a photo gallery plugin to block the image out with the description. Have you even tested your own plugin? I am sorry, but this plugin is completely useless like it is. Check out this screen shot and tell me if you think this is what any photographer in their right mind would want? Be honest.

    Thread Starter victorb70


    Thanks. Picture Overlay, is really nice, but not exactly what I am looking for. I think what I would like is maybe something like a slider at the top of the page with thumbnails and the chosen thumbnail displays below it, with the text info below that. Or something like that. I want the text to be associated with the photo in such a way that it is indexable by search engines that will bring the photo up in search result.

    This is a huge problem with the current Photo Gallery by WD plugin. No matter how much information I enter for the photo, Google cannot index that associated data for the photo, because it is not physically on screen with the photo. The information is stored somewhere in a database within the plugin and the plugin only brings up the information when it is called for by a user interaction with the photo.

    I think the same is true for the Picture Overlay plugin. The information is only accessed when a user hovers over the photo, so it is not available to be indexed by a search engine. This is a problem I have found with most photo gallery plugins I have looked at. They are great for displaying images, but they are horrible at search engine optimization. Search engines are TEXT base, not image based. There needs to be text that is directly connected to the image so that google can index the image. If the text is stored in some plugin directory, google does not know that it is associated with the image.

    Thread Starter victorb70


    Wow! Now that was REALLY Helpful. I mean that. Thank you so much! Sorry for the delay in responding I was out of the country on vacation in Costa Rica.

    Everything you said made perfect sense and really helped me to understand things that I did not get. I have read a lot and the information I have read said that older outdated sites were being pushed down in the index in favor of newer, modern, platform responsive sites (Smartphone, Tablet, PC). I have even read that Google would delete old html 1 and 2 sites.

    I thought by creating a new modern responsive site, I would go up fast in the rankings. I am not looking for #1 as I know billion dollar companies are all shooting for those spots, but I would at least like to be able to type the exact name of my site in and see it pop up at least on the first few pages.

    I now know that it will take many months to see some progress and this helps me to have more realistic expectations. I really appreciate you taking the time to help me understand this.

    There a few things I would like to ask you as you seem to be extremely knowledgeable. I used WordPress to build my site, and I admit, I don’t really understand the inner workings of it. It makes nice looking websites, but I am used to being able to look at the guts of a page (code) and see what is going on and I can’t do this with WP.

    One of my techniques of generating traffic to my old site was through images. I am an armature photographer and becasue I travel a lot I get to take nature photos from all over the world. I created a photo gallery on my old site to bring people to my old site that were looking for free photos. This technique worked wonderfully and generated thousands of hits a month. (People love free stuff) My old photo gallery was very simple and created manually using tables and thumbnails which opened each picture in a new window.

    But with my new site built with WP and using the Photo Gallery plugin (by Photo Gallery Team), I am not seeing any traffic at all. Not even one visitor entering my site via my photo gallery. Now I know that the photos are indexed because I can do a Google images search for them and see they are Google’s index, but I cannot find them any other way. I can typing their exact title in quotes and they do not show up in the index at all. Not under their title, tags, description or file name can they be found in the google index.

    Now my first thought here is that the Plugin I am using is not presenting the information to the google spider in a way that it can index it with the associated picture. Can you offer me any advice on this?

    Thanks again for your most appreciated help.

    Thread Starter victorb70


    Thank you for all that helpful information. I appreciate you taking the time to try to explain this to me.

    My goal is to rank better in the google search results. My site, “” does not even show up in the first ten pages on a google search. My site’s title is, “The Jungle Explorer” and even when I use when I do a search in quotes, my site does not show up. My home page Focus Keyword is “The Jungle Explorer” for crying out loud and it does not even show up.

    Here is what I do not understand. I built a website back around 2003 with Frontpage 2003. It has no SEO at all. Zip, Zilch, Nada. Back then you just used some meta keywords and that was it. That site is number 1 on google when you search for it by title name. That site is so old and outdated it is not even funny and it ranks really high with google and most of the media ranks very high as well.

    I have worked my butt off using yoast to tweak my new site and it does not even show us. Yes, it is list with google. If I type in the URL it shows up just fine, but that is about the only way I can find it in the google index. I have a photo gallery on my new site and I have filled out every single piece of metadata about every picture and I know for a fact that they are in the google index, but I laterlly have to do an Image Search to find them. The photos from my old site that have no metadata and don’t even have related file names show up high in the google image index.

    Now, I know I have a lot to learn and I won’t deny it, but I don’t get this. I have spent months building a new modern “Responsive” site with WP and tweaking the crap out of the SEO and my site is nowhere to be found, but my old crappy out dated site is at the top. How can that be?

    Yes, I have done all the Open Graph work for sharing on Facebook and Twitter. Even custom created share images. I have linked Facebook and Twitter to the site as well.

    When I said that I wanted a way to measure if using Yoast is helping. All I meant is that I need a way to measure where my site is at in google results based on keywords. Take the title for instance. Is there a tool where I can enter the title of the site and the main url and have that tool tell me what number my site shows up under that search. I am not talking about something real complicated? Just something simple. Say it turns up today at number 320 in the search results. At least I would know where it is at and then I could track if it is going up in the result over time as I improve the seo.

    Thread Starter victorb70


    Just calling it what it is. I participate in a lot of support forums for many subjects, and I have never seen a support forum as bad as this one. I have yet to get a single bit of useful help on here. That is the truth. If me saying that is what you called
    Entitled”, then so be it. I guess you think that there is great support here. But then you are probably paying for Premium service. I was thinking about paying for premium, but unlike all the other lemmings that just follow the pack and are swayed by Big Claims and Hype, I demand actual proof before I fork money over. So far I have not seen one shred of evidence that Yaost is anything other then a big Hype machine that promises the world but can’t provide a cup of tea worth of real proof it works. That is not to mention the almost non-existent support for new comers like me that are left out in the cold to look for help from other sources.

    Thread Starter victorb70


    So what you are saying is, it is so complicated, it takes a master’s degree to understand it. Generally when people use the “It’s Too Complicated to explain” excuse, they are hiding behind a smoke screen. I don’t need to be an SEO engineer to see if Yoast is improving my websites position. That is just your way of trying to duck the question and place the burden on me to prove your pulgin works. This dodging technique has a name. It is called: “Shifting the Burden of Proof”.

    I asked you to proving evidence that the plugin is helping, and all you did is shift the burden of providing proof on to me. The Shifting the burden of proof technique is only employed by those who do not have an answer. So, it is quite clear from your response that there is no way for you to show proof that Yoast actually improves a site’s position and you are afraid that this will be discovered and people find out that there is not tangible way for you to provide evidence of Yoast effectiveness. Of course you are welcome to prove me wrong here, but if you try to use the cheap tactic of shifting the burden of proof on to me again, it will only prove I am right.

    Thread Starter victorb70


    Thanks for the help. I will install the plugin to stop this. I just feel I should not have to install a plugin to disable something I never incorporated into my website to begin with. It’s like who ever design WP wants to force me to build a blog and engineered a backdoor into my website to allow people to comment even though I don’t want them to.

    Andrew. I am not making it personal. I am letting WP creators know how I feel about how they have designed things. It’s called FEEDBACK. It is feedback that let’s them know what they need to fix.

    Evidently, the majority of people that use WP use it to build blogs and the engineers have tried to design WP to make extremely easy and automated to build a blog. There is nothing wrong with that. But they need to know that many people like me are using it to build a website, not a blog, and we don’t want to have to continually fight against their effort to automatically make our website into a blog.

    I like many aspect of WP, but I do not like to have to constantly fight against WP’s desire to be a blog creation tool and not a website development tool. There are thousands of other website developers that feel the same way as I do, so no, it is not personal. It is technical issue we feel adamant about.

    Thread Starter victorb70


    Okay. I figured it out. Evidently, every picture you upload to use on your WP website becomes a “MEDIA” object on which people can comment. The comment was posted to a picture used in one of my pages. Now there is no direct way that I can find to make a comment on a picture, so it must be that the spam bot knows how to go directly to the media content of a page to post a comment. I don’t know how to get there, but I followed a link in the email notification I got about the comment that was posted and I am now looking at a slideshow of images on my site. I did not create this slideshow. WP created it automatically or something.

    What is it with WordPress developers? What is their obsession with making it so people can comment on everything, even when people don’t want comments?

    Hey, WP developers!!!! I don’t care about peoples opinion! My website is not a freedom of speech area. It is my websites where I get to say what I want. I don’t want comments at all! Zip! Zilch! NADA!

    Thread Starter victorb70


    Here is the email I got about the comment.

    A new comment on the post “Texas fresh water drum” is waiting for your approval

    [Private information moderated]

    Approve it:
    Trash it:
    Spam it:
    Currently 1 comment is waiting for approval. Please visit the moderation panel:
    End Qoute:

    Thread Starter victorb70


    I don’t have any post on my site. I only have pages. I have never used the “Post” function of wordpress. That is why I don’t understand how this happened. There is no physical way to comment on my pages.

    Thread Starter victorb70



    Thread Starter victorb70


    I already figured this out two days ago, but thanks for finally getting back to me.

    For future reference though, when offering advice on this, it might save some time if you included instructions telling the newbie that in order to even get to the section “Titles & headings” they have to “Enable the Advanced Settings under the FEATURES heading”. It is hard to follow instructions when you can’t even see what the instructor is talking about. Fortunately for me I found a person (non-yoast staff) who told me how to do this.

    So far you guys are batting zero as far as helping me. You still have a chance to answer my question about how to measure whether yoast is actually helping my site or not. Still no answer there. Hurry, before I find it on mine own. Remember, the reason you offer a free version, is so that you can show people how good your program and support is, so that they might be encouraged to pay for premium. So far, you have not done very well in encouraging me that it is worth the money. Just saying.

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