Hi Kathryn,
First, thank you to come and help. Then, some news : I finally managed to display the description on top of my category pages. I created a “category.php” file from the “archive.php” one (because yes, I do have a child theme set up), and added this code before the loop :
<p><?php echo category_description(); ?></p>
(Wonder if there’s really any need to put it between <p> blocks ?)
And this appears exactly where I want it to be : above the first article on the page.
However, I don’t know how to apply a special style to it. For the moment, the description is just bare text with no background. I would like to put it in a “box” like my articles or my widgets (see image here : https://www.dropbox.com/s/ubd32o0no355wkk/Blog%20screenshot.jpg ).
What should I write in the stylesheet ?