I was able to get into my cpanel on HostGator and get it fixed. Thank you so much. Sorry it’s taken so long to reply, my work schedule has been insane lately. Thanks again, sorry for all the trouble.
I know this is a silly question and I apologize, but how do I get into my admin screen to fix this? This looks like it will fix it, the solution is right in front of me, but I still can’t log in. When I type in my site name or the admin https://hardyboysportsblog.com/wp-admin I still get the Fatal error . . . screen. How to I get around this? Sorry to be a bother, kinda green on this and have never experienced anything like this before. Thanks.
I tried to upgrade to 3.2. Now I can’t even get into my site to reset the plugins folder or deactivate plugins. How can you reset or deactivate when you can’t get access to your admin screen? Clueless right now. What do I do? Is there possibly a number to call for help?