Forum Replies Created
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Esplanade] Changelog of Esplanade 1.1.0 ?I asked this same question last update, and am asking it again.
Can you please make the changelog available on WP Extend so your users (like me) can see what was updated and determine if they want to update immediately or not?What was changed?
Thanks! I hope your definition of “very soon” and mine are similar… ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: categories missing in post writing screenplugin problem. Page Category Plus V1.1 was the offender. Dont see it on “extend” anymore…or I would mark it broken for WP3. I don’t think I need this plugin anymore anyway (site reorganization)
Should have caught this myself…thanks.
He posted a patch over at his support forum
It works for me, hopefully it will work for you also and the plugin gets updated for WP 2.9
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Event Calendar / Scheduler] cannot create recurring eventPut in the fix, and it works perfectly! I am sure that after the release of the update many people will be thrilled. Thank you very much for making your great scheduler the best WP calendar plugin and all the work that it involves!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Add Media (upload_max_filesize)FINALLY my flash uploader works! php.ini in the wp-admin directory (and in the wp-content for kicks)
You guys rock
Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: Php.ini problem with uploaderI have the same problem with the flash uploader. It says my max file size in php.ini is 2M. That is NOT true, according to phpinfo my max file upload size is 55M and that is confirmed in my php.ini file.
Flash 9, WP 2.6.2
swfuploader_f9.swf version from svn trunk (version from 2.6.2 was missing in my installation)Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: After 2.6 upgrade can’t load TinyMCE editor in IESo everyone else has this fixed? IE suddenly started working after all these years?
I’m still broken…and have directed all my users to use a non-Microsoft browser. This is tick’n me off.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: After 2.6 upgrade can’t load TinyMCE editor in IEME TOO. I have the exact same issue as the original post. FF works, Konqueror works, Safari works, Chrome works…SURPRISE IE6-7 does not.
I did not have this problem prior to the 2.6 upgrade (I skipped 2.5).
If the user turns off the checkbox for “visual editor” in his profile then there is no problem.
Have tried changing wp-config to ansi and it did nothing.
I will have to look for official bug report and see if we are all just yelling out here in the wind, or if someone is on this.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: changing “from” on new user registration emailsThanks…I read somewhere that if I add the email account “[email protected]” to the host that it will work as designed. Will try that.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: include calendar in page body, not side bar?A calendar on a page like the admin page…without editing capability would be perfect.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Fade Anything – How to fade new postThanks. ??
I think I will have to create my own js to pass the newly created comment ID to the fade script so ONLY that id gets faded…should be do-able, I can read js pretty well but writing it is another story. (kinda like english)Im leaving this open for a few days to see whatelse anyone thinks.
Any js coders out there?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Fade Anything – How to fade new postLOL, vkaryl: just saw you are a mod…do you know of any way to do this without AJAX? I am not that smart yet to employ such a solution.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Fade Anything – How to fade new postactually, I just posted above and the page never refreshed! THAT is what AJAX does…
Now how to do the fade without ajax…hmmm
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Fade Anything – How to fade new postFrom what I gather, AJAX is the server-client operations that perform background functions so the user experience seems seemless…WP may use AJAX in the posts (I believe you if you say so), but I think the fade is the YFT or FAT. Does the ajax transaction call the Yellow Fade Technique (or FAT or whatever?)
I can’t see how I can identify the new comment on the page refresh to somehow pass that info to the FAT javascript.