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  • I’m following this too.

    Thread Starter vestaviascott


    wp_rewrite does not appear to have any effect. Users still have to manually click “Save Options” on the permalinks screen.

    I suppose I will run firebug on that page during the update to see what’s getting set that update_options is apparently missing.

    This would appear to be a bug in update_options when the option being updated is permalink_structure.

    Anyone disagree?

    Thread Starter vestaviascott


    Anyone? I’m dying for a solution to this ??

    Thread Starter vestaviascott


    Michael, you continue to amaze me. Huge Props!

    ~ s

    Thread Starter vestaviascott


    Sweet, thanks stvwlf

    Only problem I have is that I’m trying to do this update from my theme’s functions file via a hyperlink to a file I’ve created that contains the function. However, the function is undefined in my file since I don’t know which files to include that define the function. Perhaps there is another way to do it.

    I just want to provide a link in my custom theme’s function file that says “click here to create the category” and this would call a function that would execute the wp_create_category function.

    Thread Starter vestaviascott


    If the above option is not possible, then I’d look for suggestions on how to do a workaround by doing the following…

    since the image will named be something like…




    And I’m expecting an image like




    Is their a way I could use regex or string manipulation to just find a match on the pattern blue-yoga-mat-1 ?

    Example, I’m preloading four images, and I’m expecting them to be blue-yoga-mat-1.jpg, blue-yoga-mat-2.jpg, blue-yoga-mat-3.jpg, blue-yoga-mat-4.jpg

    But the way WP works, these files might actually be named blue-yoga-mat-11.jpg, blue-yoga-mat-21.jpg, etc

    My img tag looks like this…

    <img src=”blue-yoga-mat-1.jpg” />

    But if that’s not available, I’d just like it to load any image that matches the pattern blue-yoga-mat-1, so it could dynamically search and discover that the closest match is blue-yoga-mat-11.jpg and make the img tag…

    <img src=”blue-yoga-mat-12.jpg” />

    Clear as mud?

    Thread Starter vestaviascott


    This did it….

    <ul><h3>Recent Posts</h3>
    	global $post;
    		foreach($myposts2 as $post) :
    			<li><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></li>
    		<?php endforeach; ?>
    Thread Starter vestaviascott


    ALMOST THERE!!! I got it all sorted out, but now I need to exclude all sticky posts…

    <ul><h3>Recent Posts</h3>
    		global $post;
    		$myposts2 = get_posts('cat='.-$cat);
    		foreach($myposts2 as $post) :
    			<li><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></li>
    		<?php endforeach; ?>
    Thread Starter vestaviascott


    I’ve got $cat and $post declared in the header as well, will these conflict with one another? Particularly since $post is global in scope?

    Thread Starter vestaviascott


    Michael, thanks again for your help. I’ve streamlined the code a bit but for some reason, I’m getting a single post listed that is in the exclude category…
    (the exclude category is named “top-menu” and the slug is also named top-menu, which is being referenced with get_cat_ID?)

    <ul><h3>Recent Posts(not in the top-menu category</h3>
    		global $post;
    		$myposts2 = get_posts('category!='.$cat);
    		foreach($myposts2 as $post) :
    			<li><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></li>
    		<?php endforeach; ?>
    Thread Starter vestaviascott


    Awesomely fast response Michael! Now I know why you are the moderator. Thanks.

    Just one more thing, I want the exclusion category to be dynamically scripted to match the lowercase of the blog title with “-” replacing the spaces. So if the Blog title is “My Blue Widget”, I want the exclusion category to be “my-blue-widget”…

    Also, I’m using a list item structure, but no biggie…here’s my code…Would you do anything differently?

    <div class="xmenu side"><span>Recent Posts</span>
    	$mycat = strtolower(get_bloginfo());
    	$mycat2 = str_replace (" ", "-", $mycat);
    	$args=array('category__not_in' => array($cat),'showposts'=>-1,'caller_get_posts'=>1);
    	$my_query = new WP_Query($args);
    	if( $my_query->have_posts() ) {
    	while ($my_query->have_posts()) : $my_query->the_post(); ?>
    		<li><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></li>
    Thread Starter vestaviascott


    In the end it was so simple, I’m almost embarrassed to post the solution…

    <?php update_option( $option_name, $newvalue ); ?>

    Thread Starter vestaviascott


    Perfect, thanks Michael, now what I need to do is to create a script that will reside in my theme’s functions.php file that executes on a button click and updates the db as follows…

    update wp_options set uploads_use_yearmonth_folders = 0;
    update wp_options set permalink_structure = ‘/%postname%/’;

    Can you help me with the script?

    In classic asp, I would use something like this…

    sql = update wp_options set uploads_use_yearmonth_folders = 0
    sql2 = update wp_options set permalink_structure = ‘/%postname%/’
    set rs = conn.execute(sql)
    set rs2 = conn.execute(sql2)

    where “conn” is the open db connection

    What is the PHP equivalent?

    Thread Starter vestaviascott


    Its lonely in here all alone ??


    Thread Starter vestaviascott


    And here is my HTML code (just the section for the select)…

    case 'select':
    <td width="20%" rowspan="2" valign="middle"><strong><?php echo $value['name']; ?></strong></td>
    <td width="80%"><select style="width:240px;" name="<?php echo $value['id']; ?>" id="<?php echo $value['id']; ?>"><?php foreach ($value['options'] as $option) { ?><option<?php if ( get_settings( $value['id'] ) == $option) { echo ' selected="selected"'; } elseif ($option == $value['std']) { echo ' selected="selected"'; } ?>><?php echo $option; ?></option><?php } ?>
    <option id="-blue">Blue</option>
    <option id="-red">Red</option>
    <option id="-gold">Gold</option>
    <option id="fall">Fall</option>
    <option id="-girly">Girly</option>
    <option id="-grey">Grey</option>
    <td><small><?php echo $value['desc']; ?></small></td>
    </tr><tr><td colspan="2" style="margin-bottom:5px;border-bottom:1px dotted #000000;">&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td></tr>

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