Forum Replies Created
Yes, I see that I should. ??
Oh, ok.
My php knowledge level isn’t good enough for me to embark on that way to solution and no budget for outsourcing… So I’m dealing with workarounds where I can.
Pods is cool for my type of “developers” ??????I understand. Than to avoid php my solution could be to have if check first and then else with each loop in both results. ??
Ah thank you. I hope it will be In the next update.
I did, but on the server no debug file is created In wp-content folder or root.
I tried putting true and 1 on debug display and display errors but still empty white edit page. If i change from
t.post_author=2Then ALL ok works.
Sorry, typo.
IT displays empty white edit page.I tried this, it breaks the web totally disolaying wmlry white edit page.
Sorry, no preview option for msg so I didn’t figure out code tag would be killed by ”’ from my sql check…
Here is again the beginning of sql check which has the value i need later in magic tags?
SELECT DISTINCT <code>t</code>.<code>ID</code> AS <code>pod_item_id</code> FROM <code>wp_users</code> AS <code>t</code> WHERE ( <code>t</code>.<code>ID</code> = 2 )
Tnx, i wasnt aware of this easy Way to check Pods sql query ??
So, what I see from it is that t.post_author={} asks the sql query for the value of the currently logged in user editing the pod extending users, not the actual extended user I’m editing. So instead of {} i would need the ID of the author of this extended user post. I tried t.post_author={} and t.post_author={@post_author} but it breaks sql checking.
SELECT DISTINCT <code>t</code>.<code>ID</code>, <code>t</code>.<code>post_title</code>, <code>t</code>.<code>post_type</code>, <code>t</code>.<code>menu_order</code>, <code>t</code>.<code>post_date</code> FROM <code>wp_posts</code> AS <code>t</code> LEFT JOIN <code>wp_term_relationships</code> AS <code>rel_category</code> ON <code>rel_category</code>.<code>object_id</code> = <code>t</code>.<code>ID</code> LEFT JOIN <code>wp_term_taxonomy</code> AS <code>rel_tt_category</code> ON <code>rel_tt_category</code>.<code>taxonomy</code> = 'category' AND <code>rel_tt_category</code>.<code>term_taxonomy_id</code> = <code>rel_category</code>.<code>term_taxonomy_id</code> LEFT JOIN <code>wp_terms</code> AS <code>category</code> ON <code>category</code>.<code>term_id</code> = <code>rel_tt_category</code>.<code>term_id</code> LEFT JOIN <code>wp_term_relationships</code> AS <code>polylang_languages</code> ON <code>polylang_languages</code>.<code>object_id</code> = <code>t</code>.<code>ID</code> AND <code>polylang_languages</code>.<code>term_taxonomy_id</code> = 3 WHERE ( ( <code>category</code>.<code>slug</code> = "radovi" OR <code>category</code>.<code>slug</code> = "works" AND t.post_author=1 ) AND ( <code>t</code>.<code>post_type</code> = 'post' ) AND ( <code>polylang_languages</code>.<code>object_id</code> IS NOT NULL ) AND ( <code>t</code>.<code>post_status</code> IN ( 'publish' ) ) ) ORDER BY t.post_date, <code>t</code>.<code>menu_order</code>, <code>t</code>.<code>post_title</code>, <code>t</code>.<code>post_date</code>
What I did find in the very beginning in sql checking is the ID i need, but how to put it in magic tags. Number 2 here is the value i would need since this is the user ID of extended user post author I’m editing:
SELECT DISTINCT <code>t</code>.<code>ID</code> AS <code>pod_item_id</code> FROM <code>wp_users</code> AS <code>t</code> WHERE ( <code>t</code>.<code>ID</code> = 2 )
Hm, I understand What YOU write about values vs display Data. I also tried value for wanted category which I found In the database:
but still no effect.
Hmm, how to solve this without creating additional field for Data that already exists.
I need to display something only for specific category of Current post.Tnx, check against value 1 and 0 works, but only outside of each loop. Is there a solution for it to work inside each loop also?
OK tnx, I’m sending bug Report.
Doesn’t have an effect, posts by all authors still being listed.I’m not into developing my own function, not that skilled unfortunately.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pods - Custom Content Types and Fields] Image title and descriptionNo, not working. Title, content, excerpt. None of it. Have you tried and it works for you?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pods - Custom Content Types and Fields] Image title and descriptionI need to get more help for this topic.
How do i display In Pods template using magic tag post thumbnail’s caption, excerpt and description? In database this is in fields post_title and post_content. I tried this and it doesn’t work:
Nor for post_content or post_excerpt.