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Yes, noticed the same if you leave the “Title” box empty on the widget. Then it displays text “Slideshow”, but actually it should not display even the title element (widget title box).
If special characters are shown incorrectly, then it most probably is a plugin conflict. When you have only NGG 2.0 and NextGEN Pro plugins active, the album texts using Pro List Album will not show correctly, but the same album texts show up correctly using legacy shortcode [album id=x]. Also all captions (or rather in NGG’s terms “Descriptions”) show special characters correctly.
Could you jofefe say which plugin caused the conflict, so we all could temporarily deactivate it?
Seems to work for me, like all the other Lightbox Effects. And also work at one of my testsites with WP 3.7 alpha.
But as Photocrati have stated in another thread/message, currelty lightbox effects work only with galleries, not other images (like images from Media Library) – at that was not fixed for 2.0.2 beta (why I did not even bother to use it…).
samaralife, just a brief comment to your 1. issue:
The old “legacy” shortcodes work ok with me, including [nggallery id=x].
Have a look at: That site runs on NGG 2.0, but NGG 2.0.2 (which did not bring any worthwile improvements/fixes for me) works just like that in one of my local testsites.
Breadcrums bug is also verifiede with Photocrati, but I haven’t heard about your #3 issue before.
One temporary fix is to enable an external plugin for lightbox effects, just tried jQuery Colorbox at the local site above and the images from a gallery show up in a lightbox window and can then be browsed. Of course you are a bit on the mercy of this plugin’s image display settings.
But obivously this should work out of the box, as NGG has several lightbox options!
OK, this gallery thumbnails –> single image display also happens at least on one of my local testsites. On some others it works, but don’t know exactly why.
That is kind of a bug, I think. This happens if you have inserted a single image with a hyperlink to the image URL. With previous versions that would have made the image to open in a lightbox.
Should be fixed since many users have applied this feature at their sites.
You can still add singlepics using the legacy shortcode:
[singlepic id=x w=width h=height mode=web20|watermark float=left|right]
You can leave all the parametres out if you do not need them ie. [singlpic i=x], where x is the photo number within NGG.You can also do pretty much the same by using “Add Media” and selecting NGG as the source, then select gallery and the image within it.
Still another find: special charachters seem to show correctly in most cases with a couple of my test sites, but as in my previous message states, not with album information using the new display types.
Just to confirm the above:
legacy shortcodes display special characters ok, just like before, but new display types show these special characters incorrectly.I’ve put an example at my testsite: are now several CSS files within /modules subfolders, so a quick fix is to place your CSS edits into those folders. Some of the most basic CSS files are within:
…/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/nextgen_basic_gallery/static/ –> subfolder /slideshow holds the basic CSS for slideshows and /thumbnails the CSS for displaying gallery as thumbnails. The latter is for many modifications has suggested (e.g. changing to black&white for hovered thumbnails).I have no clue how the suggested general CSS edits (above) should be made to have a real effect ??
As said, this is not critical since you can change the images NOT TO HAVE EXIF ORIENTATION (CW, CCW). You would face this after you have NGG 2.0 up and running.
After that this bug makes maintaining any bigger photo site really clumsy – and non-rotated vertical images in a horisontal position look really ridicilous if you are at all serious with photos!I’ve faced the same problem already with betas of 2.0. And I’m pretty sure the variable names are different than on 1.9.xx and previous. It would be nice to know what variables are available at certain points…
Would want the same feature which should be standard especially when viewing galleries belonging to an album.
One own modification I have got working are the changes of displaying gallery thumbnails (size, border, padding, image highlihting etc.). In previous versions the changes were all made into gallery.css; now you need to make thumbnail display changes into:
../wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/nextgen_basic_gallery/static/thumbnails/nextgen_basic_thumbnails.cssMy above examples uploaded directly from images shot with two cameras (Canon EOS-7D and Canon PowerShot SX-200). One of the images CW, the other CCW, displayed at the end of “Scenery” gallery.
Having seen many people viewing my website aboe, I have to add that in the last few months the theme has been “fully” responsive, with all widths, heights etc. in percentages (e.g. single NextGEN gallery images on newer posts) or EM’s (e.g. font sizes and some distances between elements).
I also have tailored nextgen gallery’s stylesheet in some places (e.g. imagebrowser) to use full-container wide percentages widths and min/max height limits depending on viewport/device size.